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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. "The walls are closing in!" "What walls?" Welp. There you have it. Official proof that Pinkie can view the 4th wall.
  2. [colour=#800000]"Oof... good hoof on ya there. Lyra, you just suddenly up and started leaving! I thought you were sensibly avoiding good-byes! Dreadful things, good-byes. Hate them."[/colour] Lyra huffed and looked askance at the earth pony. [colour=#00cc99]"Well I thought you wanted me to go find those ponies while you worked with your doohickeys! I figured it would take you a while. You're always playing with your doohickeys."[/colour] She sat back with her forehooves on her hips, trying the pose that Bon Bon would take whenever she disapproved of something her friend did. [colour=#00cc99]"And you've got to say goodbyes! Goodbyes are important! Sure, goodbyes hurt, but you need them. A goodbye is an ending, but you can always have another beginning after. Without goodbyes, you're just leaving a whole load of loose ends around. And that will just hurt more in the long run."[/colour] [colour=#800000]"That family's got hours of a head start on you, and running away as fast as they can! Even if you knew where they were ... and I'd suggest starting to look at the first hospital you find ... it'd take you days to catch up with them!"[/colour] [colour=#00cc99]"I, uh, didn't really think of that, I guess."[/colour] she said, sheepishly. [colour=#00cc99]"Um, sorry about hitting you. I guess I let my temper get the best of me. But, um, I really wanted to see that library you were talking about before! It sounded really interesting! And after all that mess with the clockwork ponies, sitting down to read a book or two sounds very relaxing."[/colour] she finished, a bright smile on her face.
  3. Seeing the leaves falling from the trees as the ponies passed was a rather satisfying feeling, thought Lyra. This was what they were here to do, and they were doing their jobs well. Lyra quickly checked the path ahead of her for obstructions. Seeing that her way was clear, she took a look behind her as she ran. The ground was paved with Autumn colours, reds and orange and gold and brown. This was the best part of the season. Well, usually. The weather was kind of putting a damper on things, pun intended. Using her magic, she attempted to form a shield over herself to act as an umbrella. Shield magic, however, was mostly taught to the unicorns serving as Equestrian royal guards and was evidently more difficult than it looked. A glowing disc appeared above her head, but was completely insubstantial; a glowing light with no substance. With a little minor change to add her sound magic to it, she was able to create a vibrating disk that shunted a few of the rain drops away from her. Not very effective, and it would probably drain her energy quite quickly. Sadly, she dismissed the spell. Running beside her, she noticed a somewhat older unicorn, purple with red hair. His eyes were turned skyward to the dark storm clouds visable above the treeline. [colour=#00cc99]"Looks like we'll be getting a little wet, huh?"[/colour] she spoke in a jovial tone, trying to strike up a conversation. [colour=#00cc99]"Don't worry, I'm sure there are pegasi on the way to sort it out!"[/colour]
  4. Well, Marceline IS half-demon. Remember, we've met her father already and he was pretty darn demonic. Not quite. Did you notice that when Jake fell into the magic ooze, he began to look like the Lich? I think it's implied that the bomb actually created the Lich. When Finn wished for the Lich to never have existed, he basically prevented the event that caused the Lich's creation: the magic bomb. Of course, nothing in the wish said that the Lich couldn't come later. Also, have any of you read the comics? I've been reading them recently. They are so good (Issue 5 in particular stands out). And there's a mini series coming out in January based on Fionna and Cake. It's gonna be awesome. Oh, and randomly, a list of all the episode names for this season. Spoilers: Aaaaaand since I'm on an Adventure Time kick today, here's the theme song for "Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage!?"
  5. I think it's supposed to be pop-idol Rarity Anyway, here's a pretty anthro Fluttershy I found. I like the soft colours, and the outfit is very cute.
  6. Today was the big day. Today Lyra the unicorn musician, would defend her title. Last year, through a combination of luck and sheer determination, the aquamarine unicorn had managed to come first in The Running of the Leaves, besting many athletic ponies (and other creatures) in the process. Not even crashing into a tree, saving another competitor from being trampled, or accidently declaring her love to an earth pony stallion had stopped her. She had made friends, proven her worth and, most importantly, lost weight. Admittedly, she had put that weight back on by pigging out on cake and ice cream after the race, but she'd made the effort, and that was what was important. Lyra strode confidently up to where the competitors were waiting for the official announcement of the start of the race to begin. She had made sure to polish her shiny gold medal to a gleaming shine, and was proudly showing it off. [colour=#00cc99]"Never fear! Your champion is here! No autographs please, I can do them after I win the race!"[/colour] said said proudly. She glanced at the big number 1 on the sticker on her flank. Number 1. Heck yeah. Lyra briefly looked for the friends she'd made when she was last here, but she didn't have much time before she needed to get to the starting line. When the old stallion began speaking, Lyra took off her medal; it would be far too heavy for the race. She was, however, carrying a small water bottle attached to a belt around her waist. Last year the Apple family had sold apple juice midway through the race, but Lyra didn't want to waste time queueing for drinks that she'd then have to pay for. The small amount of extra weight would be worth it. Taking her place at the starting line, she said a hearty [colour=#00cc99]"Good luck!"[/colour] to her fellow racers. Then the whistle blew, and they were off! Setting herself up at a moderate pace, not too slow as to be left behind but not fast enough to wear herself out, Lyra began looking around for any fellow competitors from last year. She spotted the griffon who had run the race, but didn't particularily want to talk to her. She could have sworn that she'd seen Mojo around, but she'd lost track before the race had started. Oh, and there was Applejack. [colour=#00cc99]"..."[/colour] Lyra blushed furiously and moved away from the earth pony mare. After all that embarrassment at the kissing booth...
  7. Simply pretty pictures (the last one is my favourite)
  8. You are about to enter... . Re: Dark Magic: I'm not sure about temptation. It LOOKS bad, but both Celestia and Twilight used it with apparantly no ill effects, though in Celestia's case it might be because she's so strong, and maybe it will affect Twilight later. Re: Crystal ponies. Their shtick is they they are good with crystals. Or something. I got nothing.
  9. Sooooooo good! Goodness me! Spike the hero! Alicornapult! Knight Fluttershy! Shiny shiny ponies! Awesome magic! It was everything I'd hoped for! Rarity wins best character next to Twilight and Spike. Her lines were simply fantastic these episodes ("I made it work!").
  10. Rarity is slowly pushing her way back up to best pony, but Pinkie Pie's awesomeness just keeps holding her back. Best moment: Fluttershy disguise.
  11. Twilight has some awesome teleport dancing, matched only by Spike's ballet (where'd they learn to do that?)
  12. *bouncing off the walls* Man, and I've already seen, like, 10 minutes of this ep XD
  13. Despite telling SteelEagle that I simply had no time for more RP, I just noticed this thread. Looks like it's time for Lyra to defend her title as Running of the Leaves champion.
  14. I'm going to watch the new episodes. Then I will post about them on some internet forums. Ain't no party like a Havoc party.
  15. Here, have some super pretty asian ponies. Beautifully drawn, I think you'll agree.
  16. Lyra stood by quietly as Bon Bon conversed with her latest customer. Bon Bon's story had been funny, but Lyra didn't laugh much as she was still a little bothered by Bon Bon's "Stand there and look pretty" line. She was more than just a pretty face (a very pretty face) darn it! [colour=#FF0000]"And getcherself up! Stop being such a wet soap. No one's upset or nothin' 'cept ya and it ain't a thin' ta worry yerself up 'bout,"[/colour] Feeling that this might be a good cue to jump into the conversation, and perhaps help reassure the nervous stallion, Lyra chimed in. [colour=#00cc99]"She's right. We don't mind and it's nopony's fault. Cheer up! It's far too nice a day to be so down!"[/colour]
  17. Awesome Nightmare Night costumes by KittehKatBar. Super stylish. Twilight's hasn't been finished yet. Cute Derpy costume too:
  18. Lyra trotted merily on her way, humming a little tune and generally not paying attention to where she was going. Thus she only got a few dozen paces away from the group when she tripped over something sticking out of the sand. [colour=#00cc99]"Ooof! What the- oh! My camera! I'd almost forgotten!"[/colour] Lyra levitated the boxy contraption from the sand and looked it over.[colour=#00cc99] "Hmm. A bit banged up, but I think it should still work. Let's see..."[/colour] She turned around and aimed the device back to where the Doctor's cart was. Or... where it should have been. Only now did Lyra's ears pick up the strange sound of the cart's propulsion system. They were moving. [colour=#00cc99]"What? Hey! Wait just a minute!"[/colour] Lyra rushed back as quickly as she could, huffing and puffing all the while. She just... had to check with them. That was all. They were just moving the cart to a better location. They wouldn't leave without her. Of course not. That would be rude. She caught up with the cart after a short dash. Luckily the Doctor had only just started moving. She jumped up the side of the cart and scrambled onto it in a most undignified manner. [colour=#00cc99]"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"[/colour] she yelled at The Doctor.[colour=#00cc99] "Were you trying to ditch me? I thought you were going to wait for me!" [/colour]She then slapped him across the face for good measure.
  19. Haven't read the entire thread so I don't know if these have been posted, I just saw them and wanted to share: Meet Princess Rainbow Dew Spider The crown crab spider. Looks like it would fit right in with Pokemon.
  20. Love this show! Just finished watching it yesterday (spent about a month watching at least 2 episodes a day to catch up). Re the final episode:
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