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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. What do you mean by that? Also the snake is fine we have a pony who is a snake expert so no worries
  2. Name: Wisp Sex: Female Age: Young Mare Species: Pegasus Pelt Color: Dark Grayish Purple Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane and tail kept long and straight. Part of her mane is kept over her left eye most of the time. Eye Color: Golden Yellow Cutie Mark: Partially melting white candle on a copper candle holder Physique: Average height and weight but slightly fragile. Origin: Cloudsdale Roleplay Type: Mane RP Occupation: Candle Maker and crafter Motivation: To make beautiful candles for everypony to enjoy even if they are never lit. Likes: Candles, darkness, scented candles, solitude, her work, friends(maybe), small creatures, dragons Dislikes: Strangers, fire, loud and startling noises, bugs, Character Summary: Ever since Wisp was a young foal she always had a fascination with candles, the way that some are designed, how they looked as they burned down over time, the smell they gave off before and after they were burned, it was all so beautiful. Wisp had always been a very timid and easily scared pony since she was born the slightest noise could send her running into or under the nearest and most sheltered place. Growing up Wisp was never too popular or too outcast-ish she was usually the foal easily forgotten due to her appearance most that first meet her mistake her as a ghost. Her love of candles and and darkness didn't help the silly rumour, but after a while she learned not care too much about it because they never bothered her nor did the name calling. Wisp's love for candles started back when she was a foal her mother loved to lite a few scented candles(High enough so that Wisp could stare but not touch it) throughout the day claiming that it relaxed her after a long day at work. Wisp remembered this to be her favorite part of the day coming home from school, her mother sat in the living room reading a book, the fragrance of today's candle filling the house. Little Wisp would just trot over next to her mother sit as close as possible to her and stare at the candle until she slowly nodded off. On one of those days she had a thought why not make her mom a candle, craft it into something special and it smell wonderful as well! For the next few weeks Wisp had worked on how to create a candle then it took her a few days to find the ingredients and a place to make it. By the time Wisp had finished making the candle it was her mother's birthday on that day after she opened Wisp's present her eyes lit up and tears welled up in her eyes the candle was made into a shape of a heart and said "I love you, Mom" it smelled of lavenders one of her favorite plants. After a tearful hug and kiss on the forehead Wisp received her cutie-mark it was a lit white candle placed on a copper handle holder. Wisps enjoys her candles and how they smell when lit, but she doesn't like fire due to one incident. One of her friends bumped a candle a little to close to her curtains it caught fire but Wisp's mother was home and was able to put it out before it got to bad. Since then Wisp has been very careful about where she put her candles especially when lit. Wisp is a very energetic pony mainly when it comes to talking about candles. When most meet her they think of her to be a ghost of some sort or that she's weird and a freak. All this took its toll on Wisp she isn't to confident about anything and rarely trusts others outside of her family. Picture:
  3. This application of yours is most interesting but I think a character of this type is best suited for the crossover sections.
  4. I like this character she's cute but I have a few questions and pointers. First in motivation it would be best to move her cutie-mark story down to the character summary and in the motivation tell what exactly motivates her to do her job. I must as why such a young filly was tossed into prison? How did she come into contact with the mystery novels? Were they borrowed? Hand me downs? Gifts from her parents? Is there a particular reason she's a prankster or was she just born that way? What did her parents do? Did they help her find a detective to assist? Why does she like to get into trouble? If she doesn't like being put into jail why does she like being such a trouble maker? Also why doesn't she like being bailed out of jail? Just a couple questions to help you expand your character a bit.
  5. Honeythread snorted in an attempt to calm down 'I'm sure I'm just over thinking things' she thought to herself trying to regain her composure. As soon as she was calm she heard a shout and saw the Sheriff and Max tumble to the ground with both of their back hooves tied together by a shoe string. Honey tried to contain her laughter, but after looking at the filly who caused the commotion face she ended up bursting into laughter. Once calmed again she was glad to see that no pony was hurt well besides Max's fancy outfit. "I agree with Madam Bistro here maybe we could have dinner later on and discuss this properly once Mista Max has had his rest."
  6. Octavia grinned back at Free as the other ponies introduced themselves and at Hayseed's request she started to play her contrabass once more. "So everypony" she said as she played a beautiful melodic piece "What other matters must you all attend to after I finish my playing or did you ponies planned to listen to me play all day?" Octavia blushed slightly at Hayseed's compliment it was rare when someone complimented her 'outfit' or her appearance. The grey mare started to miss playing with her band mainly the mare she grew close to whose name was Blue, Octavia had hoped she would come here as well especially since she's playing the music from when they first met, she sighed slightly at the memory.
  7. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    This is for my character's Ask tumblr check it out yo. http://askblindjeste...ark.tumblr.com/ (Yes I know Jessie sort of has derp eyes. . . those eye shines are a pregnant female dog)

    © BlindJester

  8. There is a picture in her profile D: Anyway loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it<3
  9. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    This is Blushroom one of Flutterscotch's better know as Scotchie's OC character. It is part of an art trade I'm doing with her maximum time about an hour(I know we agreed 2 but I don't have coloured pencils or anything and I'm not sure what else I could of added[besides a background but that would of lessened the quality which would be a huge no no] so yea sorry) Anywho this was taken at a slight angle just in case it looks weird. Hope you like Scotchie!

    © BlindJester

  10. When the stallion gave her a request she put her bow to the strings once more preparing to play when she was asked to do a more 'upbeat' song. Octavia was slightly confused on what to do, she wanted to please both of her audience members so she decided to do both by playing 'The Sorrow of a clipped Pegasus' in a happier manner but it didn't seem to come out as well as she wished so she went back to the regular notes. Looking at the young mare she smiled again "I'm sorry but this song doesn't sound right if not played within it's normal notes but after this song I'll play something more upbeat I promise" Octavia finished the first song with a quick bow and started to play a upbeat song like Charlie Colt Brown's theme song tapping her hoof along as she played until a another set of thundering hooves and a loud and out of place "YEE HAW" made her lose concentration but not make her lose her place or how she played. As the next pony approached she thought it was about time to introducing herself "My name is Octavia and what is yours?" she said batting her eyelashes at the golden maned stallion
  11. "How dare you Mistah Max saying our fine little town would day without your fancy shop around our parts!" Honeythread stamped a hoof in anger how dare this fancy Manehattenian say such outrageous things about her home town. Glaring at the Rockerfilly stallion as he recited a well know saying a the west it made her even more angry "This IS the place of opportunity only if it isn't hair-brained ideas to take business from otha hard workin' ponies!" Honey turned her gaze towards the Sheriff, her nostrils flaring from the sudden rage she felt for the smooth talking Stallion. "Sheriff I don't think Mistah Max here deserves ANY part of our wonderful land if he dares insult it again just because he's not getting what he wants spoiled little big city stallion....."
  12. Soft thuds from hooves snapped Octavia out of her musical nirvana, as she liked to call it, she smiled inwardly happy to draw in some ponies with her beautiful melodies. Peeking an eye open she saw a golden maned stallion with a white pelt, he was quite handsome, but he seemed upset about something so she closed her eyes again and began to play a slow yet uplifting beat hoping to raise the stallion's spirit. "Hi hi! Your music is really pretty, did you know that?" The sudden greeting startled the grey mare so much that her contrabass made a terribly screechy note. Octavia was furious more so at herself than the young mare who greeted her with a lovely compliment 'One would think after being interrupted by the pink pony at the gala I'd be impervious to such surprises.' she thought wistfully opening her eyes Octavia got a better look at the other mare her bright smile made her grin back happily forgetting her screw up. "Why thank you I've practiced quite a lot to get as well as I have today. I've even played at the grand galloping gala recently" she said this with pride in her voice. Setting her bow back onto the strings as if she was about to play "Now is there a particular song you would like to hear? I don't usually do requests but I think today is a good day to try" she asked loud enough so the stallion could hear as well
  13. So lemme get this straight. This is an actual beakless griffon OR it's a regular griffon but in your ref you were just to lazy(?) to draw the actual beak. If it's just that you didn't want to draw a beak but she's a regular griffon than that's okay but if it's a actual beakless griffon I'm not to sure about this being allowed in the Mane RP
  14. Today seemed to be the perfect day to play a particular instrument in Canterlot's Park. A grey pelted mare with flowing black hair thought that as she packed up her contrabass preparing for a mini concert in the park "It's been quite a while since I played there. The band and I were so busy after the gala we never got to play casually anymore" Octavia sighed as she thought back to magnificent party thrown by Princess Celestia despite how hectically it ended. Octavia picked up her Contrabass case between her teeth and began to head towards the park. She looked about enjoying the scenery, Celestia's sun blazed beautifully above her head giving off the most relaxing temperature, the clouds were barely visible. Octavia nodded and smiled to the ponies of Canterlot as she passed by them until she finally reached her destination. She sat the case down setting up as she has thousands of times before, putting her bow to the string she began to play a soft tune hoping to lure somepony to come and listen as she played.
  15. -dances about with TG and P Trixie- I love it n-n
  16. FFFFFFFF-! -hugs back- Life is complete now!
  17. HoneyThread looked at Madam Bistro as she returned "Uh actually I would still really like to have that Mocha frap please" she said as she looked back over to Max's plan. Visible distaste showing in having such a store in her beloved Appleloosa, it unnerved her "I really think it's nat necessary to have a souvenir shop way out here it will make our visitors lazy if every knick knack and do dad was in one store. Why they wouldn't be able to see all of Appleloosa's natral beauty they'll be so draw to that store like bees ta honey." she stated in a somewhat stern tone. Looking over at the Sheriff Honey gave him a hard stare "Now you think real hard 'bout this before you go selling off that piece of land to Mista Max here not that I have anything against him, but I want future tourists to come to our happy little town because of our famous Apple pie or to see our apple orchard not jus ta come here for the souvenirs. Don't you agree?" The question was directed at everypony there in hopes that somepony would agree with her.
  18. Oh great and powerful one. May I ask for a hug?
  19. Your problem is the fact you're using IE B( -jokes- Chances are it's just during the busy times of the day like Armony suggested.
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