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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. The top one . . . looks familiar . . . and I know why~ viewtopic.php?f=10&t=206&p=22110#p22110 Ignore my comment I was so astonished by the art that I wasn't thinking XD
  2. Doesn't give me much insight on if he's Mane Rp or Crossover my guess is crossover though correct?
  3. Crystal Glow saw the cube drop into the water with a tiny splash she quickly went back into the water and grabbed hold of it with her mouth. When she returned to land she half walked and half dragged herself over near Survey "Hereh ya goeth" she mumbled around the cube dropping it at his hooves "Sorry about that it's the only way I could of give it too you since my hooves were occupied."Crystal added blushing slightly from embarrassment looking down at her hooves and kicked a small pebble. Looking over at Mobius she laughed as she waved her fin "Now you know what I am surprised?" Crystal plopped down next to Survey in thought wondering what to talk about so she came up with the basic questions "So where is everypony from? I'm from the bays of Hoofington."
  5. Don't make fun of us that was some serious shaking! I mean LOOK at that chair! That will take THOUSANDS of dollars to rebuild. Honestly I think the most crazy thing about the earthquake is that it was felt from ATLANTA to ONTARIO that's like woah. I kinda sort of want to feel another slightly strong and longer one though . . . (Luna I'm going to regret saying that . . .) Lol at Mane shrugging off random earthquakes like a boss XD
  6. Oh my Luna! I felt it for like 5 minutes! I think I don't know but yea anyway I live in Maryland and my bed was shaking and it got continuously worse then the blinds started shaking and I swear I heard a rumbling sound but I can't recall if it's true or my brain just being silly. It was cool but then it turned scary for a few moments. EDIT: Heard the Washington monument and the cathedral here in Maryland were affected they shut down the Washington monument and the cathedral has a HUGE crack in one of the walls along with debris that fell.
  7. Looks great! I approve n_n http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  8. "Can you also get my a mocha frap please Miss Bistro!" Honey called as the mare walked away. Her attention was drawn to the sheriff's eager partner as she asked HoneyThread a question "Well Miss . . . Louise was it? I've lived here in good ol Appleloosa all mah life and it's treated me and my parents well. I've got my own store here as well so if you ever want somepony to talk to I'm your mare, and don't worry I'm sure you'll fit in just fine with the rest of us Appleloosans. You already know our kind sheriff Silverstar so that's a great start." Getting a little curious Honey moved a little closer to the conversation between the Sheriff and Mister Rockefilly as they discussed his possible future business. Cocking her head to the side as she heard that will be a souvenir shop she wondered why they would need one anyway "I don't think Appleloosa needs a souvenir shop Mista Max seeing as if any tourist who wants any merchandise from our city they can just stop by places and buy useful mementos like mah crocheted items"
  9. REMINDER! Also loving that banner very stylish very Season 2
  10. I'm super happy you decided to stay with us! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend here on these forums! Um . . . . . not sure what else to add I'm a bit tired from staying up late(Gotta fix my schedule.) But welcome to Canterlot I know you're gonna love it here even more. :heart: I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd<3
  11. Well hello there hun! Welcome to Canterlot I think you're gonna love it here. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new best marefriend on these forums. I have two questions for you 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP community? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads. If not then that's completely okay we have plenty of other things to satisfy your pony loving heart! Please be sure to give a look at our Getting Started Section so you can learn the ins and outs of our loving board. You need to make 3 posts here in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else this helps you get to know other new members as well as keep the spammers and trolls at bay. Also do not be afraid to ask our caring staff members if you have any lingering questions. Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay I'm glad you love our ranking system x3
  12. No Criteria really just which ones you like the most
  13. So we the staff members would love it if you our lovely members would be our judges for the Create Your Dream Foal Contest! So just check out all the staff's entries and pick your favorite! Kudalyn - Pink Sparkler: Pink Sparkler ManeStream- HeartShine: Heartshine Skye- Owloescent: Owloescent MyLittlePonyTales: Firesky
  14. It's been a week since we last checked! How's it going?
  15. I APPROVE! I must add that just because it is approved does not mean you have access to the RP section(Yet) once moved to the correct folder and you are added to the RP group (By our local Princess ManeStream) will you then have access to it.
  16. Looks good! I have one more question that I forgot to ask early (Sorry I'm such a scatter brain sometimes ) Does he have any other hobbies?
  17. Didn't do much to her just changed her look. And by changed her look I mean changed her mane style and tail style. Everything else is the same.
  18. This app looks good but less give it a little more meat n_n What is Muse's goal? What is her personality like? What are her hobbies if any? Just a few questions to help you flesh her out a bit.
  19. He looks really good but we don't see much of what his personality is like. Mind giving us a little insight? Also for his age you can just say young colt and in parentheses you can say his age roughly in human years.
  20. It's official Snails is now completely up for grabs.
  21. With all due respect, the CURRENT FiM Cast list shows Snails as 'Available': viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2020 Apparently, the previous appilcant either surrendered him voluntarily or did not follow the Cast rules and lost him that way. The accepted app is months old, and I think this is why Boss is asking the question. It might have been an oversight if the applicant surrendered him over the app would of been locked and stored long ago. I'll talk to Tales(The person who is in control of the cast list) and get this straightened out. I would prefer to at least talk to the previous applicant about it until then that app is valid. EDIT: I looked over that list and by the looks of it, it may need to be updated since Fluttershy is probably no longer available since the previous applicant(WillowWisp) has returned and recently played as her.
  22. You have to be added to the RP group. Manestream our local princess will be sure to do so asap<3
  23. I'm sorry to say but there is already a snails app that has been accepted. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1203
  24. When Mobius burst out of the water trotting away Crystal was a tad confused as to why he did it then remembered that he was a land and sky pony and probably didn't like being in the water for too long. As he explained well at least tried to explain what it was like to fly she imagined it for a brief moment having wings on her back instead of having a fin flying through the air as the win blows against her face then she put that idea up against swimming through a strong current the water rushing past it seemed to be the same idea either way. She snapped out of her daydream when she remembered she called out to somepony who was hiding behind a tree. Crystal smiled warmly as the nervous unicorn pony came from behind the tree she absentmindedly flipped her tail up and down in the water making smalls waves waiting for the unicorn to feel comfortable. "You don't have to be nervous around us we won't do anything to you." she said in a soothing voice trying to get the pony to relax a bit. Crystal waited for Mobius to finish speaking before she introduced herself "By the way my name is Crystal Glow, but you can just call me Crystal. His name is Mobius Blaze, but you can call him either or at least that's what he told me." pointing her hoof towards the other stallion. "What's your name, stranger?"
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