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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. We try to be as quick as possible but sometimes I get a little laggy anywho I approve!
  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee This pony or Kelpie rather is ADORABLE and admirable! I love hims to bits<3 also he might like my pony Crystal Glow(Although she doesn't like fisherponies she does enjoy a good chef with great values) You're right I believe this is the first kelpie submitted so congratulations! I don't think there could possibly be anything added to this application it's wonderful. :heart: P.S I'm also loving the dreads this is the second dread headed pony I've seen and I'm loving it! -also has dreads so she appreciates other well groomed dreads-
  3. Alright we're getting there but I think it could be a little more informational. Why did she decide to try levitating water? Does she have any personal goals? Does she still keep in contact with her parents? How has she adapted to life in Appleloosa if at all. How did she get her job with the Appleloosans? Just expand and explore this character a bit more and I recommend that you take a look at other accepted applications to help inspire you.
  4. I think that's typical cartoony thing I've seen it somewhere else I can't remember where. Another thing I'd like to add even though its not strange I love how when Pinkie Pie stormed off that it was a series of squeals. Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  5. I think this will do for now. So I approve.
  6. This is a great start to what could be a wonderful character but we need to flesh this pony out a bit! First I would like to point out we don't use numbers for age here since we don't know how a pony ages and how long they live so if you could change the age to Mare that would be wonderful. Secondly I wish to know how Summer earned her cutie-mark, who were her parents what did they do? Did her parents inspire her when she started this direction of her magic or did they have higher/different goals for their daughter. Is she an only child or does she have brothers and/or sisters? Why did her parents name her Summer Squall was it because of her pelt? What is her personality like? Just a few questions to help you expand your pony a little bit more.
  7. Is that a barnes and nobles reference I see :ugeek: Anyway I love this character to death! The way he gained his cutie-mark is hilarious XD I hope he has fun in Canterlot it gets a little crazy up there I approve!
  8. My friends ZephyrBurst and Puck led me here.
  9. I knew you'd know how to make these wings work Can't wait to see you around on the RP section!
  10. Well it looks like everything is checked out. And the wings are fine you made it work like it was more of a disease/ genetic mutation whatever you wish to call it and worked it so that it didn't give him to many advantages but also gave him a few set backs. I approve! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  11. Oooh a 'Destruction Worker' how cute XD The only issues I see here is just that I don't see much of his current personality. Now that he has an outlet for his constant need for destruction does he have a better restraint when coming across a building or some sort as in not wanting to tear it down that is. Does he have many or any friends that put up with his constant need to destroy?
  12. Ooooh quite the unique character you got here. I wasn't to sure about his cutie-mark till it was explained so that's fine although I would wish for a more detailed event as to how it all started well not to detailed just a little flashback sort of thing. What are his other hobbies if any? Oh and we do not use numbers for ages due to the fact that we don't know how a pony ages or how long they live so if you could please change the age to stallion that would be lovely. Other than that this looks great! Keep up the good work. :heart:
  13. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  14. Excellent! This looks great and thank you so much for sticking with us :heart: I approve! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  15. I believe they wear shoes for special occasions as AppleJack has said "We don't usually wear clothes" Can't say anyting about the fluttershy thing since I've never had interest in the ponies before G4 maybe it is or maybe something one should ask Lauren sometime. And as for Rarity I guess she was having a hard time seeing since she wasn't wearing her glasses or even with glasses it's sometimes hard to see where you are stitching when it's such a small needle and thread. Sewing is a witch to do There can be a lot of variations to the background ponies a long with lots of ponies having the same or in some cases no cutie-marks at all one can understand since coming up with a unique pony for every background pony is a chore on it's own. Lyra has also been seen switching from a unicorn to a earth pony once or twice before sometimes the animators may just copy and paste to save time(So I've been told). Dr. Whooves is just Dr. Whooves a popular background pony who resembled or reminded other bronies of Dr. Who. The animators possibly didn't think of it as a big deal when they created him and just used him constantly when needed. Caramel has been seen a lot of times differently too as well even as a mare O_o. Just blame them silly animators for driving us crazy
  16. I figured it was obvious. Cutie Mark gained through magic ability, and the fact that she had to move out of Canterlot explained how embarrassed she was of the experience with her teacher, so she probably wouldn't want to see her again. As for personality, I like to let it develop throughout the RP so that everypony's reactions will be more genuine. Yes but it has to be something special that let her gain her cutie-mark. It's highly illogical to have her gain her cutie-mark due to magic ability for if that was the case mostly all unicorns would gain a cutie-mark through their magical practice. I mean what special event caused her to get her cutie-mark something like Twilight Sparkle she used magic but didn't gain her cutie-mark after figuring out how to turn a page with magic she gained it at a special time and event that showed she had a lot of magical ability. Also if she moved about every time she had an embarrassing moment over a simple crush she would run out of places to live fairly quickly chances are Flashlight would have to get over the embarrassment and move on instead of moving to a whole different region over one pony. We would also like to see at least a basis of her personality is she fun? Quirky? Serious?
  17. Be sure to add those paragraphs to your app! Also that is okay but how about we don't use the word greek but say it's a far off land to the east(?) [i can't remember which way Greece is my geography sucks xD]
  18. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  19. It's okay we all make spelling mistakes sometimes we just gotta learn from them and move on is all Anyway everything seems to be checked out here So I approve! I can't wait to see this pony is action!http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  20. Looking better! Although I do have a few questions where does she reside now? What is her personality like? Does she still keep in touch with her parents? What is her goal? I must also say that I'm not sure the island of Carrot on the Marediterranean Sea will fly. Sorry but if you could choose one of the approved areas that would be great. One last thing is that I'm not sure we can use Greeks since we don't want to have any real world labels but I'll have to check with my higher up about that and I'll get back to you asap. Other than that I think this is fantastic!(I've always liked Greek Mythology )
  21. I like this character it was quite unexpected! I will be honest with you I wasn't too sure about his cutie-mark that is until you explained it so that's fine The only issue I have here is the age we don't use numbers for age just Foal, Filly/Colt, Mare/Stallion, Elder. So if you could just change his age to stallion that would be great You have a few spelling errors but that's not major. I just need you to fix the age as soon as you can n_n
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