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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. I believe everything checks out here! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  2. Noooooo not this again! BURN IT WITH FIRE
  3. Manestream(The pony who is in charge of putting ponies in the correct groups) will be absent for a day or two due to some personal events that have popped up. She will be back as soon as things have calmed down on her end sorry for the wait.
  4. During the time when our forum was restored to it's last save we lost quite a few upgrades that Artax was kind enough to put up. When Artax has time I'm sure he will put everything back as it was.
  5. What could you be working on? This app looks great already x3 But how's it going?
  6. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  7. Just a few more tweaks and I think then it will be ready. I would still wish to know how she learned about pet grooming was it her parents? Did she figure it out on her own? Does she work for somepony or does she have her own little shop? What did her parents do and did they have any sort of relation with where she is today? The reason she loves birds of all kinds is because of the bird she saved when she received her cutie-mark correct?
  8. This is a very interesting character. Although I wonder what would happen if something went awry seeing as this pony's main existence revolves around Dark Core, but it looks like she has a somewhat normal life even with her dark persona cooing in her mind to do evil all the time so I approve.
  9. Can we have a better look into her personality? Does she always avoid the previous crush after a awkward encounter? Also you still haven't explained to us how she received her cutie mark mind elaborating on that?
  10. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEkYxvM3V5g 17:31-17:32 and/or 17:21-17:25 Whichever is easier.
  12. I sort of agree with you. As great as it is having bronies recognized it's always the male population it's getting old real quick. They might as well say that it's mainly all male watchers the way they are announcing it.
  13. Will have to move this back to the application section due to an error on my part. Please be patient
  14. Love her to death I hope to see her around soon!
  15. Put it in a bag of rice. Yes seriously. Well after letting it beep out it works again but some buttons don't work. And I thought you could only do that with phones?
  16. Aw! They can all be buddies and gush over old trinkets. And friendly competitors. With Vintage maybe all the ponies could have their own little antique society!
  17. Welcome to our caring and nurturing forum called Canterlot. My name is BlindJester and I will be your friend here! If you have any lingering questions about our forum please do not hesitate to ask our staff You must make 3 posts before you are allowed anywhere else on the board(Helps us keep the spambots and trolls in check) Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay
  18. This is a cute character but there can be more added to this app. Such as what made her love fireworks? How did she receive her cutie-mark? What do her parents think about their child handling something so dangerous or did they inspire her to work with fireworks? Also you are only allowed 1 finished app and one WIP app so please choose which app you would like to put under WIP
  19. Interesting character you have here I like how she has a touch of Greek with her Although I'm not sure if everything you've listed here will be alright I'll have to check with Manestream about it. Other than that I would like to know how she received her cutie-mark, what else does she plan to do to spread the wonderful taste of greek food?
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