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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Laptop is broken spilled a wee bit of water on it now it won't stop beeping when I turn it on. So I'll be here when I can on my phone but not much sorry. Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  2. I love this so much! She's just so cute! I'm sure our other pony named Vintage would love her she is the antique pony of Fillydelphia, but I would love to know more about her personality wise. What is her goal and how is she like when interacting with others? Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  3. Hello and welcome to our caring and sweet forum that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend here on these forums! You must make 5 posts here in the intro forum before you are allowed elsewhere helps us keep control the trolls and spambots Please do not be afraid to ask our kind staff any questions you may have. Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  4. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new best friend here! I usually have two questions that I like to ask but you already answered them so moving on! You will need to make 5 posts in the introduction forum before you are allowed anywhere else(Helps us control the spam bots and trolls) Please do not be afraid to ask our great and caring staff any questions you may have! Welcome to the heard and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. There are more girls here(way more) than boys. Anyway welcome to the forum Don't be afraid to ask staff any questions you may have Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Please add a WIP tag if you're still working on her.
  7. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  8. Okey Dokey Loki http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  9. Oh me like another mute pony Pony_Sage's Character Rivet might get along with her well. Also would it be okay if you moved your pony elsewhere? Ponyville is heavily crowded and we want to encourage others to live else where
  10. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  11. It's looking good but it seems a bit bare bones and needs some more flesh. Is there any particular reason for her cleanliness? How did she get her name? What made her love animals so much that made her over look their sometimes dirty exterior? Why is she so fascinated with birds of all kinds? How did she learn about pet grooming? Can we have a deeper look into how she received her cutie-mark?
  12. Please change the age to Young Stallion/Stallion other than that I love it MelodySpark might need to meet this pony someday xD http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  13. This little fella is adorable and has life laid out in front of him! Although I'm not to sure about the ages other than that I think this is perfect! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  14. I believe that is fine but I will double check with Mane about that. What exactly does her cutie-mark mean?
  15. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  16. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  17. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  18. How is this character coming along?
  19. Unbelievable this is just wow wonderful a pony who helps others talent shine ever brighter love it.
  20. Felicity was allowed away from home for a while her parents gave her enough money to survive a week or so out on her own she was quite excited this was her first time away from home in search of her real parents. Ponyville was her first stop it was friendly and quite informational that's what her ponyfolk told her anyway Felicity decided to try to find out as much as she can as soon as she can, looking around for somepony she spotted a purple mare "E-excuse do you have a mome-" her words cut short as the mare took one look at her and ran off almost terrified. Felicity was rather confused she shrugged it off and tried again this time trying a pink pony with green mane "Excuse me can you help me?" she asked but the mare quickly shook her head no and trotted off. Utterly defeated she decided to explore a bit through Ponyville it was as active as her parents told her it would be ponies happily chatting with others, stallions pulling along tons of stuff, others selling things on the street shouting about how good a sale they are having. It was much different then back home it was quite a silent life with the wildlife and not being close to other ponies then it hit her. 'Ponies. . . ponies. . . ponies. . .' the word kept repeating in her mind as she looked down at her talons 'Maybe it's because I'm a weird griffon that they don't like me.....' she thought with a heavy sighed heavily and sat in a secluded area this wasn't what she imagined at all she was hoping for friendly ponies that would talk to her but instead they were afraid of her and what her culture has and can do. "The Amazing ThunderWing has Arrived!" Felicity looked up to see a filly with a white pelt, black and yellow mane and tail standing in the middle of a crowd wings still outstretched from her sudden appearance everypony seemed to have just looked at her gave her a nod and continued about their business. 'This looks promising' she thought to herself and walked up to the rambunctious filly "That was quite the entrance wasn't it little filly" she commented "I'm guessing you're new around here too huh?" her feathers were standing up on her head from the surprise her tail waving back and forth with amusement.
  21. "Oh it's okay I can wait I guess I'll get a little better acquainted with these little fellows!" CookieSweets chimed placing crested gecko on the back of her ear, the added weight made her ear bend forward a bit. She looked behind her to see how the leopard gecko was doing the cute little creature was relaxing along Cookie's spine sort of sun bathing she looked up at the sun shielding her eyes with a hoof her voice was low and soft when she spoke "Yea Celestia really made today a wonderful day for a sunbath huh little one?" the little lizard only looked at her with wide eyes she smiled and trotted back over to Pinkie once again "So what do you do around here Pinkie? Do you live here? Well one would guess so since the lovely old mare over there knows you" she smiled sweetly and looked at Granny Smith "It's okay Granny these little creatures she's carrying are as sweet as honey I was just as skeptic as you was 10 minutes ago till I met these little fellas and that big fella" she motioned then lizards that are resting on her and Sprite to show who she was speaking about.
  22. Lol my fine and understanding brony the text doesn't need to be THAT huge. To help me see it just do Name: Louise LaMare in normal text size just bold out the labels or credentials or whatever you'd like to call it.. Sorry for the confusion
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