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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. LOL how come we've never caught that before XD
  2. Be sure to update this app once you get the real feel for this character okay? Although if you make major changes we will have to move this app back for reevaluation
  3. Yes this is it that's exactly how I felt. Every word x3 Bird on a hoof was great for the same reasons that Doc Hoof MD said also we got the ever lasting meme from it along with on Owls well that ends well with the dastardly spike. I personally enjoyed that episode because it was nice not to totally focus on the Mane 6.
  4. That's a common misconception a lot of people have. Since it's plastic it will melt, and it doesn't really need the haircare additives either. The conditioner is mainly used for lubrication and to keep the hair from drying out as fast. I actually make sure to clarify afterward, because I've noticed conditioner buildup can actually make the hair look less shiny. Between you and me I never liked conditioner I find it silly x3 I know it helps but I don't normally use it.
  5. It's coming along quite sluggishly. Writer's block is kicking in, and I'm being much too harsh of a critic. I need to just do some stream of consciousness writing to kind of get some ideas out of me. Hopefully that critic in me will be a little less of a jerk. I think so far he's looking good although having him a stallion with no cutie-mark is allowed seeing as Cheerlie explained that everpony gets his/her cutie-mark by the time they are a filly or colt. Also we don't use numbers for ages since we don't know how they age as of yet so if you could switch 20 to young stallion that would be great. I'm not sure about the plantation thing you can keep it for now but I'll need to check up with Mane to see if it can stay. Why is he so afraid to fly despite him being a pegasus pony one would think he would barely be able to keep his hooves on the ground I can't wait to see what you do with that ^^.
  6. Yea that's how I did it with them....... straight out the box well not straight out the box it was a day and I kept their hair dry put the straightening iron on the second lowest setting. I sorta just assumed their hair would be the same as human hair. And that's my result I'd show flutter and rainbow but their hair didn't come as straight as I liked.
  7. Yea I broke that with Twi, Fluttershy, and Dashie. . . . . at least their hair is nice and straight
  8. Welcome to the great and caring forum that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend around here! I usually have two questions to ask but you already answered them so I will move on! Please be sure to check out the Getting Started Section for rules that keeps our forum nice and organized and goodies just for new bronies! We do have a rule that you must make 5 posts in the introduction thread before you are allowed anywhere else it helps us keep a eye on spam bots and trolls it also helps you get to know and welcome the other new bronies! Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  9. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  10. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  11. So her cutie-mark represents her search for her true destiny?
  12. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  13. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  14. Can you do me a favor and now have the entire Character Summary bolded? It hurts my eyes :c Also if you can do that with the rest the app that would be nice but you don't have too
  15. Everything looks fine but I would really appreciate it if you moved your pony else where because Ponyville is quite crowded at the moment and we are trying to encourage other ponies to move else where.
  16. Oooooo a pirate type pony I'm sureFeatherMay will be quite happy with another ocean lover about Equestria, but there is somethings I'd like to ask. When and how did he recieve his cutie-mark? How does he earn a living if he doesn't charge anypony for rides? What reasons made him leave Fillydelphia and Appleoosa that made him want to leave?
  17. How is this application coming along?
  18. I like where this character is going but I have a concern I would like addressed first I believe she is too young to be traveling on her own just yet unless she has a chaperone with her unless you mean that she goes out on adventures then returns back home which then would be totally fine.
  19. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  20. I like this it's a cute story and yay more Perytons but I was wondering if you can tell us more about her personality. I mean with being hunted by bigger hunters and being kicked out of her herd at a young age I'm sure it's quite frustrating for her or that she totally understands and so on.
  21. If you could only have the names in bold would be great I have bad eyes and the entire thing in bold hurts em. I.E Name: Star "Hoss" Skybright
  22. We will review this when we can please do not rush us things do come up and delay us from reviewing it in the time frame you would prefer. Just be a bit patient with us please.
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