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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Ouch! I had that happen to me but on a much smaller scale I was just plugging something up I guess I had my finger to close to the socket and I felt a jolt go up my arm. I can't imagine having that jolt race through my entire body I'm just happy you're okay stuff like that can really mess up our hearts D: -cuddles AppleDash-
  2. P.S Tell Princess Celestia that her sun evaporating the rain makes it even hotter than before.
  3. 86% I would of gotten higher but I messed up on the Pinkie Keen part accidentally put wobbly knees instead of twitchy tail. This is why we don't take quizzes dead tired bronies. Fixed it went back did the entire quiz with the exact same answer just fixing the Pinkie part 88%
  4. Well I remember when I was younger about 2 years ago I went for a walk and my step sister had a sudden urge to go with me so we go walk up a hill and went our separate ways I had my music on the whole time my step sister comes running and calling my name in a panic when she catches up to me she explains to me about two big dogs following me then following her. So seeing as we had to go back that way to reach home we walk slowly past the house with said dogs and I go "Oh it's fine they are probably on a leash or something" oh how wrong I was. . . . . they started to run at me and my stepsister and got closer and closer till they were almost on top of us that's when we ran like bats out of hell the two dogs were growling and biting at us I see one of the two dogs getting ready to lunge and grab my stepsister's calf I screamed I don't know if I screamed loud or whatever but when I screamed the dog turn tailed and ran back to their house me and my stepsis walked shakily back home explained what happened to my mom and stepdad they didn't really believe us so yea.... There was this other time I was riding my bike with my brother down the street and I took my feet of the pedals, I liked to do that for some reason and my feet got caught in the spokes of my front wheel the next thing I know I'm on my back with the bike crashing down on top of me maybe I was going too fast, or I fell awkwardly but that hurt...... but that's my story time for the day.
  5. Dear Princess Celestia, I noticed you've been getting a lot of complaint letters about the sun lately. So . . . FIX THE DANG SUN YOUR LOYAL STUDENTS ARE DYING DOWN HERE! I look forward to the night time because it cools down. Other than that keep up the good work :heart: Your faithful student, BlindJester Dear Princess Luna, Tonight I learned that love really does concur everything(in my cases even the grimdark ones). I've also learned bottling up my feelings and opinions is not the way to live life anymore for I'm tired of snapping at the ones I love when my bottle over flows.(Although some deserved my wrath >>) Also wanted to tell you I miss your beautiful nights (Well from when I was in Georgia I was in the rural areas and the stars were just magnificent.) I still enjoy staring at the moon though. Your loyal subject, BlindJester
  6. I used to play the trumpet as well! It was fun I hope to learn the piano/keyboard, trumpet, and cello.
  7. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  8. My brother borked my keyboard!
  9. Firecracker Burst sounds absolutely adorable! -cuddles the young mare- I do have a few things to point out can you please move her cutie-mark story and everything else down to the Character summary and in the likes and dislikes you also have optional still there. I also wish to know what she wants to accomplish on her travels around Equestia is it just to show how to safely work with fireworks or is it to show of the beauty of it while explaining the dangers? How does her parents feel about her working with fireworks especially after the incident when she was a filly? Has she learned anything new since that accident or had any more accidents that stick out? Other than that I wuv it<3
  10. -waves happily- Welcome to Canterlot! My name is BlindJester! I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd!
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new bestie here on these kind forums! I LOVE piano! I used to play it all the time until my brother borked my keyboard. Anyway I have two questions for ya 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in Canterlot's wonderful RP section If yes then great! Can't wait to see you there If no then that's great we have plenty of things to explode your huge pony loving heart discussions of which episode is the best, who's your favorite character, what you expect in season 2, canoeing, carriage racing, polo. You'll need to post five times in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else this helps us contain the troll and spam bots and also gives you a great opportunity to get to know all other new bronies. Please do not be afraid to ask our caring staff any lingering questions you may have about anything. Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  12. I hate being late to parties........ Anyway welcome to Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend around these forums. Everything in my usual greeting got covered so I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd P.S don't be afraid to ask our great staffers any lingering questions you may have.
  13. Well hello hello my new bronyette you look adorable! Welcome to the kind and giving forums that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your marefriend! Seeing as everything has been covered might as well skip to the end of my tiny rants If you have any lingering questions about the forums, rules or anything else please don't be afraid to ask our great staff said questions we'll be happy to give you a helping hoof. I hope you enjoy your and welcome to the herd
  14. Seems I'm late to the party but oh well better late then never Welcome to Canterlot! I'm BlindJester and I will be your new friend here on these great forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd.
  15. -puts her Staff uniform back on- Days of idle(slight idleness) is over not down to business! HELLO! Welcome to our great and caring forum that is canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend here! I have two standard questions for every new brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the wonderful RPing that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP section! If it's no that's alright we have plenty of wonderful things that will make your brony heart explode from magic and friendship! Such as the entertainment section where you can talk about your favorite shows what games your currently playing and so on we also have a creativity section just in case you decide to share your latest art work or music! Along with skiing, fishing, spas and water polo! Please if you haven't yet done it look at the Getting started Section for rules and goodie bags for new users! You must also post 5 times in the intro section before you are allowed else where it helps us keep the spam bots and trolls in line and it also give you a great opportunity to greet other new bronies such as yourself! Please don't be afraid to ask our wonderful staff any lingering questions you may have! Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay here with us in Canterlot and welcome to the herd!
  16. Princess Celestia needs to turn the damn sun down! It's too hot this heat wave is killer. What else should Princess Celestia do? -is making this a game now- Oh and we can't forget Princess Luna.
  17. BlindJester


    I didn't know about Rainbow Day I was derpy with spelling sea serpent and I didn't know about Score, Hoops, and Dumb-bells names and I thought lily was daisy. -can't remember who else she possibly missed- What's your score River?
  18. Omfl it's Cherry's birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERRY! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
  19. Today and yesterday were the hottest days of my life! Been about 90s-low 100's today it's current 88 and it's suppose to feel like 90 something and it's only 10 in the morning later on today the heat index is suppose to be from 105-120 degrees. Save me ;^;
  20. As Merry took a few bites of her pizza sitting in awkward silence with her generous host she wondered how long she could stay here until she had to do her next delivery. Not wanting to take chances she finished the rest of her pizza and headed to the door where she saw Foxglove talking to a dark green stallion she waited until the next pause to butt in "Excuse me I hate to be rude but I must eat and run I have a delivery in a few minutes and I would hate to be late." she said quickly bowing her head "I hope we may meet again sometime and have a better and less awkward meeting" trotting off and said a quick goodbye to the new guest she stretched her wings and took off. ((Sorry I have to leave this thread >< I haven't been replying a lot here and I don't want to slow down this RP hope to see you again ^^))
  21. I understand how things can get Meow. At least you're not leaving the board and that's all the matters :heart: Hope to see you snooping or looking/lurking about on the forums<3
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