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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Equines do eat meat they just don't do it often because it does not give them the nutritional value they need to survive.
  2. oh sorry I was trying to do a fluttershy yay and that was the only smiley that worked for yelling something out (fluttershy-wise) it would have been better if I did a big *INHALE* next to it, but I didn't think of that. sorry for the confusion! It's okay I still love you :heart:
  3. Planning on being a little more idle around here just some stuff coming up irl Been to down to do my job correctly so I may be inactive here for about 2-3 days. If I can stand not doing nothing for that long(-is a busybody-)
  4. Don't be nervous! This application is great so I approve! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png I still love this character to bits<3
  5. Well hello there! Welcome to the nice and giving forums that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend on this forum! Welp you answered my two main questions so I'll continue on. You need 5 comments on the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else (Helps us keep the trolls and spam bots in control ) and I must point you towards the Getting Started to know our rules and possibly get some free goodies! Please don't be afraid to ask any questions to our kind staff if you have any lingering questions! Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. Jeff Dunham I love you.
  7. THEY'RE MAKING A RIGHT TURN!!!! THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER RIGHT TURN! Points if you know where that's from
  8. You'll be the first one after my other requests are done. :heart: ^ Facial reaction.
  9. We welcome every new brony with open hooves(As Caunedheil put it to me once x3) and hold you with a caring and gentle embrace. And that's all we ask for I think you and Caunedheil will be great additions to our community
  10. I would li- dang. -waits for a free slot-
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Seeing as your girlfriend is Caunedheil she can fill you in on what goes on but I'll give a few tips. Please be sure to stop by theGetting Started Section for information on how our forums work and the etiquette we hope from our brony buddies<3 You need to make 5 posts in the intro section before you are allowed anywhere else. (Helps us keep the troll and spam bot numbers down) I'm jealous of Caunedheil because my boyfriend isn't a brony And please enjoy yourself during your stay with us in canterlot Don't be afraid to ask our kind staff any lingering questions you may have we will be happy to help Welcome to the herd.
  12. Thank you! http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  13. I used to play sports as well mainly basketball is my favorite I watch the WNBA and my favorite team is the Washington Mystics and the Atlanta Dream. I don't watch football as much but my favorite team is Redskins despite the fact that they don't have their heads fully in the game >>;
  14. This is the third blacksmith app! It's getting exciting!! Only thing is that in the Roleplay Type there is a blank space. Mind filling that out for me hun?
  15. Name: Crystal Glow Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Hippocamp Pelt Color: Seafoam Green Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane is blueish green colour that is usually kept in a neat bun with two chopsticks sticking out of the bun with two pink fish on the ends of the chopsticks Eye Color: Violet Cutie Mark: Jelly fish surrounded by 5 bubbles Physique: She is slender with strong legs from pulling herself around on shore Origin: Hoofington bay but can usually found near any beaches on the East side Roleplay Type: Mane RP Occupation: Researcher Motivation: Learn and take care of every fish in the sea Likes: Jellyfish, all fish, conversations, caretaking, griffons, and ponies Dislikes: Sailors, nets, traps, anything that endangers her fishy friends Character Summary: Crystal Glow was born and raised in the bays of Hoofington her mother and father traveled between the bays and the shore for they did business with the sailors. Crystal never really liked the fact that her parents did business with them by selling them fish they caught, Crystal believed that the fish should be left alone and living happily. Around the time Crystal was almost a filly she decided to go explore a bit as her parents were doing another deal. Along her travels she notices a little jelly fish, interested she swam over to it and watched it as it moved studying how it moved and interacted with everything around it. She studied it for a while she learned how it eats and how such a small creature could pack a huge wallop (She learned this the hard way). Her parents called her home after a few hours studying this surprising creature she told the Jellyfish she'd see it later. The jelly fish did something weird it swam up to her bumped it's head against her snout it was quite weird but she felt as if it was saying don't go, after a few minutes of communicating she finally decided to bring the Jellyfish home. As they swam home together Crystal realized how much fun she had studying this small creature and how she wanted to do it with every other sea creature in all of Equestria after this small epiphany she felt a small sting on the upper part of her tail she looked back to see it was Jel pointing out she had received her cutie-mark. One of her many life goals are to get everypony to understand and respect the wonderful creatures of the sea during their life in the sea or after death and are being sold another goal is to become a renowned researcher of the deep so she could be paid for doing what she loved. Crystal Glow now makes a living by doing little research trips for some land ponies or to do a quick delivery across the bay.Crystal Glow enjoys her job but wishes all her source of income came from doing research alone she doesn't mind doing deliveries but it isn't what she enjoys as much as learning more about creatures of the deep. When she has to make a trip on land Crystal usually takes a ride on a cart to reach her destination but if she can't catch a carriage or cart much to her dismay she drags herself until she reaches her destination. Art by me
  16. In the second paragraph you have 'he' instead of 'she' Other than that I don't think I see a problem here
  17. I'm so glad you like her. I've been thinking about her all day, I even had a dream about her I'll go ahead and fix her up some more and if you don't mind could you triple check it? I want her to be perfect. Your wish is my command.
  18. I love this, love it to bits especially the explanation about her cutie-mark. A few things though now that she's a mare does she live in her own house or still live with the family? Is there anything else that defines her? Can you tell us a little bit more about her personality? This is a great app but I think it needs to be expanded a little bit more Also when you are satisfied with this app please remove the WIP tag so it can be fully assessed<3
  19. If you are still working on this character please add a WIP tag.
  20. I'm sorry let me speak louder. . . . if that's what you want I mean I don't have to just trying to help you hear me....
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