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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Well hello hello there my fellow pony loving friend welcome to the sweet and gentle forums that is canter. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new bestie here on these great and kind forums! I have two standard questions for every new brony or in this case bronyette.(SINCE I CAN'T FIGURE OUT IF SHE SAID SO OR NOT PROMBLEM DIEGO?!?!?!!? :heart: ) 1. Do you RP? 2.Do you plan to participate in the RP section with us? If yes then I can't wait to see your app and to RP with you character! If no that's FINE! We have plenty of other things for your pony loving heart to squee over such as the arts section, discussion of ponies and pony related things, discussions of non-pony related things, spas, hiking, watermelon smashing! Please don't be afraid to ask our great staff any lingering questions you may have and please visit the Getting Started Section so you can learn of the forum rules, goodies, and other things. You must also post four times in the introduction section before you are allowed anywhere else, helps us keep the trolls and spam bots in check. I think that's all so I again welcome you to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay here in canterlot.
  2. ((I have to interrupt here but that was hilarious. That's all I see is Granny Smity trying to run away with her old self XD))
  3. Good! Like I said before I love this character it's so cute<3
  4. I do not understand where your concern is coming from Kalpira I looked up your character and it does not match up with what you are talking about. This character pony just has eye slits that 'look' oriental but that's just the way she looks. It has nothing to do with Chinese culture it's just a characteristic and is cannon unless I am missing something.
  5. Doing that will also help me as well. It's kind hurting my eyes. I have bad eyes... -cries-
  6. Oh, no it's. . . it's alright. With me, I mean. But it may not be with. . . with somepony else. . . I'm fine with this. . . . . .
  7. Octavia sat down in one of the chairs it gave a little creek at the sudden weight she thought about what she might get, everything smells delicious and she would love to get something that would clam her nerves. She usually thinks about everything a mile a minute "Well if it's alright with you can you get me some tea that has a calming essence? I'm in need of a drink like that if you have it of course."she said after a long and hard thought after she made her order a gentle looking filly stumbled her way into the building "Why hello there little filly" she greeted her with a smile somewhat happy not to be the only pony in the shop. Right after the first filly a second one came in with a glint of determination and awe in her eyes Octavia greeted the newcomer with a simple nod and hello. She rested her gaze back on the shop owner "This must be quite the hotspot huh? Having three customers come in within a few moments of each other. I guess I made the correct decision about stopping here for a little breather my name is Octavia by the way what is yours?"
  8. That part made me giggle. Good job with this character I love it! Her weakness is books and her strength is books it's a very good balance and this is a great character. Only thing I'd like you to do is not space it so much. I'd also like it if you could move her cutie-mark story down to the character summary. Other then that I love it<3
  9. Oh that's a great name! I think it suits her
  10. WE ARE GOING TO KEEP PLAYING! I mean. . . if that's okay. . . . with you guys
  11. I will name her Crystal Glow(Thanks to your help ^^)
  12. Oh oh I want the green one! Her name will be Jewels or something. -still thinking about it-
  13. Welcome to the peaceful and caring forum that is Canterlot. Hi, my name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new buddy here on these forums. I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony we get here at Canterlot. 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the wonderful world that is canterlot?(Do NOT worry if you don't want to RP with us that is absolutely okay we are not requiring you to join so don't be afraid to tell us you don't plan to participate. If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around the RP section! If the answer is no then that's fine! We have plenty of other wonderful things for you to do here at Canterlot such as meeting other bronies, discussing things about the show, the second season, sharing your art, canoeing, hiking, and long walks on the beach. Also you must post 5 times in the intro section before being allowed anywhere else keeps the trolls and spam bots in control and gives you a chance to introduce yourself to other new bronies. Please don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have! Anyway enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd.
  14. Welcome to the peaceful and hyper forum that is canterlot. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend here on these forums. I'm sure you read the rules but just in case please be sure to check out the Getting Started section for goodies and other things that will help you get adjusted. Here at canterlot we hold a lot of different activities for you to participate in such as discussing your favorite character, share youtube links of ponies, creating a app of one or you characters, along with spas, ponydipping, and massages. Please don't be afraid to ask our helpful staff any questions you may have and also you must make 5 posts in the intro section before you're allowed anywhere else this helps prevent trolls and spam bots but gives you a great opportunity to meet and greet other new bronies. I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd.
  15. Wow this sounds like a zesty pony! I bet Skye's Handlebar Hank would take a kind liking to her Approved!
  16. Yea what Apple said or shown Go to user control panel then click gallery and there you go
  17. As Skink explained the care of a crested gecko and a leopard gecko she looked at how the crested gecko was acting it was as timid as she was and couldn't help but feel sympathy for it, then Cookie looked back at the leopard gecko walking around on her back she giggled because of the feet and little claws were tickling her. It was a tough decision but she might go with the crested gecko over the leopard "Do you have any snakes that are as easy to maintenance a crested gec-" the rest of her sentence cut off by a bouncing bundle of happiness. Startled Cookie looked over to see a pink pony with cotton candy type hair she looked about as hyper and playful as she seemed as she examined the Pink mare she noticed a green creature it sorta looked like a. . . . . . ALLIGATOR! Cookie began to panic until she was told about how it had no teeth and seeing that it was a baby it couldn't do no harm she calmed herself down as she listened to Pinkie's story about all these other ponies who Cookie had no idea whom they were. When Cookie tried to ask her question again they were interrupted again this time by a very old mare she walked slowly but her eyes shown she was ready to buck anything that tried to cross her. As Skink spoke with her Cookie took it upon herself to give the toothless gator a look her pace quickened as the giant water monitor whom the vendor called Sprite flopped onto the ground and hobbled over to his pony companion. She placed the crested gecko in her mane as she asked the bouncing pink pony now known as Pinkie Pie about her little gator "Excuse me Pinkie Pie was it? Why does this little fellow not have any teeth? Oh and my name is CookieSweets." bowing slightly as she introduced herself and making sure the two geckos on her don't fall.
  18. Welcome Thunderbolt to the great and wonderful forum that is canterlot! There isn't much for me to say since we talked in the chat so..... Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  19. Octavia was visiting Ponyville in hopes to get to know more ponies outside of Canterlot as dashing and sophisticated it was things were feeling a little too dull and wanted to try a new wind of things. Trotting through Ponyville she saw all different types of stores lots and lots of ponies it was somewhat crowded nothing like Canterlot at all it overwhelmed Octavia for a moment she wanted to try new things but this was all too much too soon! She headed for the closes store one that would seem to give her enough solitude to recompose herself before exploring this new place even more. Spotting a store with large wooden doors Octavia hurried into the store as soon as she went through the doors the gray mare was bombarded with different smell mostly the smell of different herbs and a slight tinge of something else but couldn't put her hoof on it. Octavia turned to see a mare sitting happily behind a counter her smile wide and bright her eyes glowed with excitement she guessed this must be the shopkeeper and possibly just opened. Giving a sheepish grin she greeted the storekeeper "Why hello there madam, I would guess you are the owner of this lovely little shop correct?"
  20. From Princess Mane: I think you both have very good suggestions. I've given it a lot of thought already, but perhaps I need to give it a little more. Crossover apps do require 'approval', but I use that very loosely. Staff will check apps to make sure they don't have any offensive content in them, and that all basic fields are filled in. If the creator asks for help/ review, then feedback can be issued, but as long as all basic fields are filled out correctly, any crossover app in question will be accepted. Any rp helpstaff has the power to approve crossover apps, so the wait on crossover apps should be *very* minimal, if non-existent. If it is a users first OC of any type though, they will have to wait until I can add them to the crossover rp group.
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