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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS! WE LOVE YOU! I love you more than they but still! :heart:
  2. And steal more 8D If you have the right cup that is.
  3. I love this app it's adorable little story, but I believe that there are a few things missing. What is her life goal(s)? How does she pay for living in a house by herself? Does she have someone to watch over her seeing that she's a filly. Is she is paid for track and research monsters and record the information of a zoological society or in books for interested parties? You also tell us how she was when she was younger but what is her personality like now that she's older?
  4. Are you loco in the cocoa? Thanks for giving awareness to the poor wittle adoptables out there though.
  5. Welcome to the peaceful yet crazy forum that is canterlot. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new friend here on these forums. I'm sure you read the rules but just in case please be sure to check out the Getting Started section for goodies and other things that will help you get adjusted. Here at canterlot we hold a lot of different activities for you to participate in such as discussing your favorite character, share youtube links of ponies, creating a app of one or you characters, along with fishing, skydiving, and rock climbing. Please don't be afraid to ask our helpful staff any questions you may have and also you must make 5 posts in the intro section before you're allowed anywhere else this helps prevent trolls and spam bots but gives you a great opportunity to meet and greet other new bronies. I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd.
  6. I know what you mean you just want to make her as any other older citizens of the world able to share all she's learned through her long life with anypony who listens. I know Granny Smith isn't helpless or clueless just a little eccentric and easily spooked. After seeing her in swarm of the century I think everypony knows not to mess with little granny smith
  7. As Skink went rummaging through her cart looking for a nice pet to start her off with her attention was drawn to the huge living lizard ontop of the semi-large cart, Cookie thought it was just a topper decoration but now that she knew it was real it unsettled her, thinking of what a big lizard it was and what it could possibly do to a tiny pony like herself. Taking a few steps back to give it space. "Ah. . . . um what is th-the species for that big fellow on top of your cart there?" she asked trying to make conversation Cookie was still scared until the other Pegasus pulled out a beautiful yellow and black spots she never thought something so eerie could look that adorable and then she looked at the lizard on the Mare's face giggling slightly as the pegasus went cross-eyed just to see who's there. Cookie had to admit those were adorable little scaly creatures and she wanted one. "Is it possible that the um leopard gecko and crested gecko can live together? They are both so adorable I don't know who to choose!" she exclaimed while she took the leopard gecko onto her hoof and placing it on her shoulder it moved a little but settled it's self right between her shoulder blades for a moment she felt complete to have something with her and some pony or lizard in this case to talk too "I think I'll see how I do with this one first and then possibly if those two can co-exist together I'll get that other cute little fellow as well so I won't feel as lonely as I do on my business trip" taking the carefully taking the crested gecko and handing it back to the mare. CookieSweets was still wary of the better creature on the cart but not as scared. "Oh how rude of me my name is CookieSweets and I run a cookie shop in Manehatten"
  8. I'd ask for one for all of my charries but that's like 9 banners XD Your stuff is always amazing though
  9. A list of adoptables are right here if this is what you're asking.
  10. How is this character coming? Also I'll be sure to check Manestream to see if this disease is okay for Mane RPs. Edit: Spoken to Manestream and this pony will not work in regular Mane RP we suggest you move it over to the Crossover app section
  11. My only concern with this app is that it constantly switches from she to he. Is Seeva a boy or girl?
  12. I actually wasn't quite sure what the connection may be as of yet maybe something happened that her parents were in charge of things went sour and were hated and hunted thus leaving their baby with the ponies to help keep her safe and away from what they did and not having any connection to the clan so she can not find out about why things turned out the way they did. Just a possible theory. If you want to help me with this story send me a pm and we can discuss it together ^^
  13. Welcome to the peaceful and lovig forum that is Canterlot! Hi, my name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new bronette here on these forums. I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony we get here at Canterlot, but seeing as you already answered them might as well not ask (HAPPY DIEGO?! >:C -jokes-) We have plenty of wonderful things for you to do here at Canterlot such as meeting other bronies, discussing things about the show, the second season, skiing, mountain climbing, and yoga classes, also you must post 5 times in the intro section before being allowed anywhere else keeps the trolls and spam bots in control and gives you a chance to introduce yourself to other new bronies. Also please be sure to check out the rules and get possible goodies here at the Getting Started Section. Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  14. Welcome to the peaceful and caring forum that is Canterlot. Hi, my name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new buddy here on these forums. I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony we get here at Canterlot. 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the wonderful world that is canterlot?(Do NOT worry if you don't want to RP with us that is absolutely okay we are not requiring you to join so don't be afraid to tell us you don't plan to participate. If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around the RP section! If the answer is no then that's fine! We have plenty of other wonderful things for you to do here at Canterlot such as meeting other bronies, discussing things about the show, the second season, sharing your art, canoeing, hiking, and long walks on the beach. Also you must post 5 times in the intro section before being allowed anywhere else keeps the trolls and spam bots in control and gives you a chance to introduce yourself to other new bronies. Also please be sure to check out the rules and get possible goodies here at the Getting Started Section. Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Probably because of the story told way back when about Mare in the moon, as you can see in our banner she had pink hair 1000 years back so maybe it has something to do with that. That's what I gathered anyway.
  16. I need to practice my drawing/doodling skillz so sign me up for pics.
  17. Probably think of the as adorable little cat/pigeon thing try to keep them as pets get their pelts clawed off release them and fear them FOREVER!
  18. Thanks you two. Since I couldn't have the name Matilda for my last griffon (CatNapper >3> :heart: ) Why not try her species with a small big cat. I luff it
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