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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Well welcome to our great and wonderful forum that is Canterlot! You are a friend of Prince Artax? Great! My name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new other buddy. I usually have two standard questions I ask every new brony but I won't ask them this time. Please don't be afraid to ask our wonderful staff any questions you may have, also you must post 5 times in the intro section before you are allowed anywhere else it gives you a great opportunity to get to know the other new bronies. Welcome to the herd and enjoy your stay.
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILLOW! I LOVE YOU GET BETTER! Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  3. Alright, I can wait. Until then, I'll scope out some RP threads I might wanna join in on and thank you! much appreciated Gosh I love how understanding and adorable you are! -cuddles-
  4. Trotting out of the local hotel was CookieSweets her eyes still droopy and her mane was tossed all over she was up late last night going through her business schedule for today and the sort of cookies she was going to pitch to these buyers. Cookie wished she had an associate to help her with these sorts of days as she shook her head trying her best to pull herself together she heard somepony was calling out talking about something she wasn't quite sure what, but when she heard 'Finest specimen in all the land' Cookie was very tempted to pay this pony a quick visit. 'I don't know I don't need a pet they are all messy. . . .' she thought to herself conflicted on if she should get a pet or not 'But this pony promises it's the finest specimen around it might be good to get something to keep me company on these long business trips. . . . ' as soon as Cookie thought that her hooves started trotting in the direction of the carts jingle and jangle. When Cookie turned a corner she was amazed at what she saw a pony pulling along a large cart with an even larger reptile on the roof of it before the other Mare could see her Cookie dived back behind the corner wide eyed and hair even more messier than before. 'Reptiles? That mare is selling reptiles! I don't know if I can deal with a reptile as a pet they seem even more high maintenance then a regular furry pet!' she thought frantically but soon it seemed to make sense maybe she should at least find out more about these reptiles. Pulling a brush out of her travel bag and brushing her tangled hair Cookie worked up enough nerve to call out "Excuse me! Madam I would like to have a look at those. . . . . pets of yours"
  5. No worries about the name I think it's gorgeous it describes her nature and her cutie-mark. As for the spelling he has recently received help for his grammar. Thank you for your concern and input Kalpira
  6. Yes! I miss Winnie the pooh and gang. That is just awesome :heart:
  7. Yea I'll play You know . . . . . if that's okay. . . . . .
  8. Sprite Crush: Grape And that's it I /HATE/ Root Beer
  9. Name: Felicity Silverbeak Sex: Female Age:Teen Species:Griffon Physique & Color: Felicity is a pale gray, and white that runs from her chest to her underbelly. She is a mix of a Cockatiel and a lynx which makes her shorter than most griffons, but almost as tall a full grown Mare. Being part cockatiel Felicity keeps her feathers laid back against her head and are relatively kept short. When startled or surprised the feathers on her head raise or when she feels threatened and cornered the feathers lie completely flat against her head. Her claws are also a dark gray with black talons. Eye Color: Violet Origin: Solstice Heights Roleplay Type:Mane RP Occupation:Animal Assistant and Garden caretaker Motivation: Her only motivation so far is to take over the family business of taking care of the woods Likes: Small creatures, ponies, sunbathing, reading, friendship Dislikes: Fire, havoc, and fights Character Summary: When Felicity was still a babe her parents were forced to give her up. They were on the run and did not wish to have their child grow up to this example they really wanted her to be different from all the other griffons. It was never clear as to why they were on the run the couple didn't explain, but they left their pride and joy in the gentle hooves of two simple ponyfolk who willingly took Felicity into their home with no questions asked. Felicity's parents told the ponyfolk not to tell their daughter when she really came from until she was ready and that they hoped to return for her some day until then raise Felicity as they would any other foal. The ponies kept their promise and raised Felicity as if she were a pony and not a griffon from this teachings she learned to be gentle and caring instead of rage filled and power hungry. If Felicity's parents could see how she's grown the would of been proud of her and her accomplishments, but sadly their daughter still did not know that they existed the only Mama and Papa she knew were toe two kind ponies who raised her. Everything changed when the ponies told Felicity of her true background and nature how she was given up by her real parents to keep her safe and that they didn't know where they were. The news hit Felicity hard and questioned herself as a griffon but a few days after she came to a self agreement that she accepts where she came from but that didn't mean it had an affect on how she acted. Felicity dreams of meeting her parents one day when she's old enough until then she is going to enjoy her calm and peaceful life with her pony parents learning how to take care of gardens and small creatures. No pony knows how Felicity because the way she is a cockatiel and a lynx mix was far beyond what the Silverbeak's are known for. Rumours spread that her mother did something to her as an egg causing her to be different from all the other Silverbeak's so when they were on the run none of them would recognize her another rumour is that Felicity's Dad adopted her from an unknown source he was devastated that his love couldn't produce an egg of their own. Not even Felicity knows of how she was born so different from the rest of her clan. She believed the rumour about being adopted from a trader to her father either way she was still a Silverbeak. Ever since learning of her true identity and what real griffons do create havoc for other ponies that cross their path they fight with others for dominance or survival and her worst fear of all was a fire. Long ago a small fire was sparked from a dry season in the solstice heights it only burned almost half an acre before the pegasus ponies put it out when Felicity saw how it devastated the woodland creatures and plants that inhabited it the fire traumatized her and never wants to see it do such a horrible thing again. As for her job if you asked her about it she would tell you it wasn't a job it was like a dream come true tending to the plants with the most gentle touch softly singing to them to help them grow since her foster father told her that talking to the flowers helps them grow faster and stronger. Felicity also enjoys giving a helping talon to her foster mother with caring for all the creatures in their area it took the animals a little while to warm up to the griffon after two months and deep determination the animals trusted her and came to her with barely any fear. Felicity truly enjoys her life among the ponyfolk. Felicity also has a dream to travel to the most well known places of Equestia in hopes to find her parents and of new friend Art by Me
  10. Approved! I hope when she begins RPing that she'll learn the true meaning of her cutie-mark. Promise okays?
  11. LOL Omg what if Opal really was Blair. That'd be some freaky shiz.
  12. This is a cute character I love the eye sparkle medical condition thing it's very unique and it's to her disadvantage and not to her advantage so I see no problem with her keeping it. There is one thing that seems a bit off here though. I've never heard of a pony earning their cutie-mark from something they extremely dislike on the show which means it may not be canon. I'll talk to the higher higher ups about this for the final verdict. Other than that I think this character is adorable and I'll let you know what is ruled about the cutie-mark thing okay
  13. Name: HoneyThread prefers to be called Honey Sex: Female Age: Young Mare Species:Unicorn Pelt Color: Dark Red Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane is kept in long but is mainly braided into two ponytails and keeps her tail long and wavy the colour is a aqua-ish type. Eye Color: A honey-ish hue Cutie Mark: A ball of yarn connected to a crochet needle Physique: Usual physique but has weak knees due to her sitting all the time Origin: Appleoosa Roleplay Type: Mane RP Occupation: Runs her own shop of making different items with her crocheting skills Motivation: To run a successful store where everypony wants to buy her homemade items. She also dreams of passing down her work and secrets to somepony who deserves it Likes: Crocheting, indoors, comfort, company, and travel Dislikes: Staying outdoors for extended periods of time(When she travels she makes sure there are hotels near by), knitting, having her work mistaken for knitting, and troublemakers Character Summary:HoneyThread was born in Appleoosa to a self sufficient family, everything they did was usually done themselves. Her mother was a pie baker and her father was a builder. When HoneyThread was still a filly and her mother finished work, she would take Honey to the living room to teach her to crochet. It took her awhile until she got the stitches correct. A few months after starting to learn this technique, her mother gave her a little project to make anything she desired and was given two months to do it. After Honey thought about it for the first month she decided to do a blanket. She would stay up late most nights trying to beat the deadline and barely made it between school and crocheting. It wasn't perfect but it was great enough for Honey and her Mama to be proud. Her mama told her she can do whatever she wanted with it. Keep it, sell it, or give it away. After long thought Honey decided to give it away to a couple who had a new foal. When she handed it over to the couple they were so excited that someone cared so much to give them such a wonderful gift. She felt great, her hopes were high and her confidence even higher. She galloped home and crocheted a nice little bear to go with the blanket for the baby foal. They were so happy about this second gift, they gave her a couple of bits. It wasn't a lot, they couldn't give much, but the fact Honey got something for her hard work gave her a feeling of accomplishment and importance. The stallion of the couple commented on her cutie-mark. Confused, Honey looked and saw her cutie-mark appeared. She jumped around with joy and said goodbye to the couple in a hurry to show her parents. HoneyThread was a sweet and caring pony, but has her 'bad streaks'. She still lives in Appleoosa in a nice condo where she sells her products to any and all ponies that request anything from blankets to scarves, teddy bears to clothes. 'You want it I make it' that's the motto of her store, which she called 'Sugar Threading'. She came to that name from hearing how sweet her work was. Her bad streaks usually consist of her ignoring others or stomping around when she's frustrated. Art by me
  14. It happens to us all, but be sure to learn from you mistakes! I also like your picture! Love the added star sparkle.
  15. Well hello there my new brony friend! Welcome to our great and loving forums that is Canterlot! My name is BlindJester but was formally known as PaintedWings I will be your new bronnette friend. I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to partake in the wonderful rping world that is canterlot. If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around in the RP section! If the answer is no then that is okay! We have plenty of other wonderful things for your pony loving heart desires Art discussion, General creativity, talk about the show, talk about what you think will be in the next season and so on! Don't be afraid to ask our caring staff members any questions of the board you might have, also please visit the Getting Started Section for all our rules and tips plus bonuses! Anyway, welcome to the Herd and I hope you your stay. P.S you need to make 5 posts in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else helps us keep the trolls and spam bots in check but ti gives you a great opportunity to get to know our other new bronies better.
  16. I love you. So much -cuddles- XD Princess Jellyfish is the best! I haven't finished watching the entire thing since the last time I watched it the episodes were still coming out so I need to catch up, but what I saw it was epic.
  17. I watched the entire season of Lucky Star and I can't remember what it was about. Also the last I've seen of any anime lately was Ef a tale of symphony(I think that's right it's been a while) season 1 and 2, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Kai, and rei, Sketdance, I've seen a lot of animes myself.
  18. ALL I have to do is add how she got her cutie mark, but I am too tired at the moment Will do it tomorrow. Okay no rush just wondering~
  19. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't give out company secrets >>
  20. I've RP'd on forums in the past. Those forums that were smaller and more private than this though. Still, even if I am kind of not very experienced with RPs, I definitely say I'll probably end up trying it at some point. Great I'm happy to hear it. n_n I must also point out that you must make 5 posts in the introduction section before you are allowed anywhere else. It's to help stop the trolls and spam bots c: but it does give an excellent opportunity to get yourself acquainted with our other new bronies.
  21. Welcome to the great and lovely community that is Canterlot. Take a load off drink a soda and drift off into our loveliness. Now my name is BlindJester formally known as PaintedWings and I will be your new friend around these parts. Showing you around and so on. Please visit our Getting Started section to get the ins and outs of how our forum runs along with the rules to help you get along with everypoy and a little bonus . Now I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you plan to participate in our sweet and loving RPing section? 2. Do you RP at all? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around and RP with you sometime. If the answer is no then I completely understand and we have more than enough great things for you to do instead Chat about the new season, talk to others about ponies, ect anything your pony loving heart desires. Please do not be afraid to ask our staff any questions you may have about things here we are happy to give advice whenever you need it. I believe that is all I have for you so welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy our stay with us.
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