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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. I think that would sum up his jerkiness. I'll forgive him if he comes back with an apology or an explanation on what happened. If I'm lucky XD But for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
  2. :"I must apologise for Prince Blueblood. He is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke." Lol, reference :Fillies and gentlecolts, from this day forward you will all refer to me by the name Billy, Nightmare Billy. Mmmmnnyaahaa : But, isn't Billy a stallion's name? LOL I love you bronies XD
  3. Come on Arty play nice. Good to see you're back Dusty. Hopefully with a little bit of time what happened in the past won't be remember. Have a great time here Dusty.
  4. Surely he must of had an etiquette on how to treat others right? I mean Princess Celestia doesn't act like that. I would say Luna but we haven't seen much of her character
  5. I read it all and I totally agree with it, but my ffavorite part was "tl;dr I don't think Blueblood is a douche I know he is." best comment ever! XD
  6. You must argue against this ------------ So many people hate Prince Blueblood, and it makes me sad because Blueblood is one of my favorite characters. People hate him because he wasn't a "gentleman" to Rarity. But it's not that he wasn't a gentleman, it's simply that he didn't do everything Rarity wanted him to do. Rarity wanted him to put his handkerchief down, and Blueblood wanted her to put her shawl down. Rarity wanted him to open the door, and Blueblood wanted her to open the door. Rarity wanted him to pay, and Blueblood wanted her to pay. Simply because Rarity did it and not Blueblood, that instantly makes Blueblood the bad guy? Would it be okay if Blueblood did all that, or would Rarity be pinned the bad guy since Blueblood would be the one to get pissed in the end instead? I'll admit, insulting Applejack's food and pushing Rarity in the path of the cake was rather crude of him, but think of it this way: 1) He spat the fritter out, so it had have at least been bad, right? In Applebuck Season, Applejack helped Pinkie Pie bake "baked goods" for...something, idk. However, they turned out terrible simply because Applejack was really tired. And later, in Call of the Cutie (I think that was it), Apple Bloom tried to help cook cupcakes but they came out terribly. Maybe bad cooking abilities just run in the family? Now, while you could note back to the first episode where Applejack and her extended family were to cook food for the Summer Solstice Celebration thing, remember that Applejack had a huge family and Applejack herself probably didn't cook the food, and probably just knocked down apples to bring to the people that actually cooked the food. After all, that was the only thing it was shown that she did. You can also say that Pinkie Pie called her the "one of the best bakers ever"...but that's Pinkie Pie. She says a lot of things. "And that's how Equestria was made!" You could also use the excuse with Soarin buying and loving one of her pies...but I just like to think that he has an addiction to pies. Plus, over all, Soarin, Blueblood, and Rarity are the only ones that bought anything from her during the course of the Gala, so there had to have been something wrong with her food, right? - On another note, the food at the Gala was supposed to be fancy and high-class, as was the whole Gala itself. Maybe the food was simply not in Blueblood's taste? In fact, maybe Blueblood simply hates or is allergic to apples. 2) As for Blueblood pushing Rarity in the way of the cake, it was a panic attack. I'm sure if you were about to be hit by a flying cake, you'd want something to block it. Rarity just happened to be the closest thing to him at the moment and he probably didn't even mean for Rarity to be the one to get hit. If something else was closer, he'd probably have used that instead. Do you still see Blueblood as a douche? Because he's not entirely the bad guy, since Rarity was at fault herself. They both expected the other to do things, but Rarity just happened to be the one to do it instead. If Blueblood did it all, he'd be the one to get pissed at Rarity in the end instead of vice versa. Would it be okay then, or would Rarity be the bad guy? --------- And no I'm not trying to prove this guy is 'wrong' I'm just curious as to who else feels that BlueBlood was in the right and Rarity was in the wrong.
  7. You're welcome! It's what I'm here for :heart:
  8. So I was/am in this debate about why Prince Blueblood is a 'nice guy' based off what we saw from THE BEST NIGHT EVAH! And what are you bronies opinion?
  9. Fillydelphia Manehatten Hoofington Just my guesses at what is close to Ponyville.
  10. I hope you feel better Willow! Love you! :heart: Come back soon
  11. Name:BlindJester Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: About 4 months ago How can you contribute?: I make cookies, brownies, and cake 8D. Do you have any connections in NASA?: Possibly Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Nope I prefer to stay under the radar. If so, what for?: Psychotic behavior if anything What languages are you fluent in?: I speak a little of spanish What do you think of this font?: Very NightMare Moonish wait is this Comic Sans? I HATE IT >:C Social Security Number: 1337-7331- 8423 Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 1337 Name on Credit Card/PIN:Pickles
  12. Name Suggestions GuidingBird GuidingHarmony Harmony SweetSky
  13. Also I would like to inform you that we will get to your apps in due time we do get caught up in rl stuff or are busy with other things. So no need to make 'tactics' and such just to get our attention okay? Other than that good work.
  14. There are no words to describe how wonderful this is! So. . . . Although I must ask a few things is she still in seasaddle bay and how did her shop come along? Just curious if you want to add them to your character you're still allowed to make those updates in the Accepted Apps section. Congratz on your pony -_-
  15. Oh my goodness this is adorable :heart: and I /LOVE/ pomegranates they are delicious! Her story is great and a feisty personality! I approve!
  16. How is this character coming along? -_-
  17. No not at all! Unless. . . . um. . . that was your plan then I'm sorry
  18. It looks good but there are a few things I want to address. I'm not sure if it's okay for him to have served directly under Celestia since having any relationship with the Cast is prohibited, but it's as a guard so that would makes sense that he would serve Princess Celestia. I'll have to talk to the other staff members about that, now anyway (Sorry I started to ramble) I want to know more about his past seeing as he's a old stallion he must of had a few more defining moment. I would also like to know more about his parents and how he recieved his cutie-mark. Also we don't use numbers for ages since we don't know how they age instead you can use young stallion or older stallion for the ages of 25, 30, and 40. Other than that I like it just needs a few more tweaks -_-
  19. I really really love this pony! It's a good app great background story and everything! I approve!
  20. BlindJester


    I noticed it's your birthday. . . . . SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (If this is wrong I will never talk to you again!)
  21. BlindJester


    I like asking questions that have been answered too! we are going to be best of friends! Heck yea! -brohoofs-
  22. BlindJester


    I'll try not to but I like to ask anyway.
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