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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. BlindJester


    Welcome to our wonder and loving forum that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings BlindJester I will be your new buddy here on these forums! I have two standard questions I like to ask every new Brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP forum? If the answer is yes, I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums If it's a no, that's okay we have plenty of wonderful topics and forums to satisfy you pony need!(DO NOT WORRY WE WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO RPS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S JUST A QUESTION NOT A STATEMENT ) You should check out the rules and see how this forum works! You also need 5 posts here before you can go elsewhere this gives you the opportunity to greet all our other new bronies.Don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay. Also we do have a client chat you should join there! We have RP rooms too!
  2. Yes and yes I'm rusty with animal knowledge. . . . I'm a animal enthusiast plan to be a vet when I get older. I think my favorite big reptile is the Komodo dragon. I'm jealous of all the different speices you've seen! I've only seen a tiny lizard and a snake (I forgot what one it was it was a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago.) up close. The lizard slipped into the house twice XD and the snake was one of my close friends pet. A milk snake is another favorite of mine as well..
  3. Well I'm glad you remembered because that is excellent news My favorite reptile is a bearded lizard oh and a boa! I've always wanted to hold one<3
  4. I also forgot to mention I like reptiles.
  5. Welcome to our wonder and loving forum that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings BlindJester I will be your new buddy here on these forums! I have two standard questions I like to ask every new Brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP forum? If the answer is yes, I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums If it's a no, that's okay we have plenty of wonderful topics and forums to satisfy you pony need!(DO NOT WORRY WE WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO RPS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S JUST A QUESTION NOT A STATEMENT ) You should check out the rules and see how this forum works! You also need 5 posts here before you can go elsewhere this gives you the opportunity to greet all our other new bronies.Don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay. Also we do have a client chat you should join there! We have RP rooms too!
  6. Looks even better now! So I'm going to go ahead and approve this.
  7. It's okay to give pointers and opinions!
  8. He's very cute and sweet, but I want to know more about 'G'. Like how did he get his cutie-mark? When did he realize his love of music? What did his parents do and how did they influence him? Where did his hydrophobia come from? What other interests does he have? Just a few questions to give us a better image of what he's really like. I can't wait to see this pony in action! I have two ponies(Well almost two one is waiting for the final approval) who enjoys music as well. Good luck!
  9. You won't need to have a name change. Everything seems to check out since GD from FiM is very different from your.
  10. Don't forget possible dark matter AJ in Applebuck Season.
  11. Hopefully she won't have to change the name but it's good you gave suggestions just in case
  12. As Glow started to yell BlindJester flinched at how shrill and loud her voice was her ears started to ring from the volume. Jessy always had sensitive ears when she developed them better as a young foal she felt as if she might go deaf at this rate. In desperation the young mare put her hooves up to her ears pressing against them so the yelling was down to a loud mumble and shut her eyes tight 'Ah much better. . . ' she thought to herself looking opening her eyes Jessy was surprised to hear HandleBar Hank and Glow being taken away, she turned towards Monty and said "Well I guess the party's over we should get going the gala is almost over anyway. So what do ya say?" Jessy got down from the stool and headed for the exit or where she thought was the exit not really wondering if Monty followed her not she was just tired and was ready to head home.
  13. Not in the least I was that happy too when I got my first character accepted.
  14. Well seeing as the issue was cleared about the name. I'm sure this pony will be ready to ride as soon as Mane or Skye gives the final stamp. Congratz on your character once again
  15. This was the last few minutes Cookie had with Thunder and she was going to savor it for as long as she could. "Well thanks again for tonight it was great and I had lots of fun. It will probably be a while till we see each other for a while so be safe your little schemes are well thought out but it can get you in trouble without me being able to cry our way out of it" she laughed and sighed with a look of content on her face 'One more quick adventure Cookie and make it count' she thought to herself and gave Thunder a quick peck on his muzzle and closed the door asking the pony who was pulling her carriage to start their long journey home. As the carriage pulled off she waved at Thunder "You have a good night as well" she called "Stay well!"
  16. Well I'll try to bring it up to Mane next time I see her and I'll get back to you with what she said.
  17. While being escorted out of the gala Cookie blushed slightly she thought it was because of all the drinks she had but it was really from being so close to Thunder, she was usually always alone in her shop constantly working and cleaning the only contact she got was from customers and her hired help which rarely happened. Sighing happily Cookie deliberately walked a little slower so she could enjoy this moment a little longer and leaned on Thunder because her legs were getting wobbly. As they approached the carriages Cookie looked at them all trying to remember which one was hers then she remembered and pointed with her muzzle to red velvet colour carriage "That one over there" She couldn't believe it was almost over, Cookie replayed all the tonight's excitement in her head and it was the most fun she ever had! CookieSweets was grateful to have met this crazy Pegasus with his heart in the right place, as she got into her carriage she turned back to Thunder and smiled "Thanks for all the excitement tonight it's one of the best moments in my life. I hope we can meet up again sometime soon, so if you're ever in Manehatten be sure to stop by my shop and I'll make you a dozen cookies for free."
  18. Oh oh me! Please I want a drawing of one of my characters<3 Her name is PaintedWings. You can get a reference in my gallery or in her profile. You know if that's okay
  19. CookieSweets went through her second drink much like first and she grabbed another glass off a table "I hope nopony drank this and if so I hope they weren't sick. . . . . ." she said aloud talking more to herself then her 'date' as she started her third drink Cookie took a quick look around it seemed as if everypony was starting to leave and the crowd was thinning less commotion was going on. She glanced back at Thunder her head a buzz with the few drink she got into her system "Seems like we got here a tad to late huh? All that commotion for a few ponies. You owe me a better date I hope you know that" she commented teasingly then a question suddenly popped into her mind "Well it seems we got a few more minutes to talk so you asked me a few questions now it's my turn. What do you do and where have you come from?"
  20. Mmmmmmmmm cinnamon rolls Even better than muffins, cupcakes, and apple pie. -drools-
  21. 1 to many? It is a hot topic though so I understand x3
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