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RP Certified
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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. You're quite welcome. I hope we can RP sometime
  2. Woo! Hopefully might see some fireworks!
  3. I wish to accept this character actually but I can't if there is a WIP tagged to it. If it's just grammar that you need to correct that's fine you can still fix that in the accepted app section. But if you're changing something else like the character itself then I'd be glad to wait.
  4. Since there are multiple applications for this character the helpstaff are going to decide together which application we see as the best fit for the potential player and how the character is displayed. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
  5. How is this application coming?
  6. I'm actually loving this character a lot. His story is good, he has a job and a house. I just absolutely love it. When you say he's a free knight and does jobs for everypony what sort of jobs does he do? Search and rescue?(Lost cat or a foal who wandered off) yard work? I'm just curious is all. But when you're happy with this application be sure to take the WIP tag off
  7. Well considering this is a WIP application I think it's to early to give critique on it right now. So we will wait and see what you will come up with after you finish this Flutter
  8. This app looks good but as Sonic pointed out you cannot have any relations to the mane cast. If you can just change that one part that would be great.
  9. Please be sure to make the corrections I sent you But other than that I'm going to go ahead and approve this app She's adorable<3
  10. BlindJester


    Like Kratos the glue maker?
  11. MelodySpark moaned at the thought of how she got here "Well I walked. . . . . " she replied simply sighing at the thought of how she'll get home "And I'll have to walk back and I gotta tell you it's killer on the hooves, I'm quite jealous of you pegasi you get to fly everywhere to anywhere you want. I'd give my horn to go for a flight just once, but I'll be sure to pay you a visit in Fillydelphia after tonight." she smiled at Clay happy to have spent so much time with him "Oh and yea I do enjoy the wind through my mane despite the fact I'm from ManeHatten it's just to much fun!" Melody enjoyed the night she had so far but was rather sad at the fact it might be a while till they ever had time like this.
  12. That's exactly what I said! In less words! -cuddles Mint- You complete me :heart: -jokes-
  13. I've never seen Princess Celestia as a tyrant. She banished her sister 1000 years, and? Luna turned NightMare Moon went beserk and action was taken not one everypony likes but we can call it time out corner. As to SonicBoom's statement Princess Celestia probably didn't know all of twilight's friends wanted to go and sent two all in all Twilight should of really asked Celestia in the first place seeing as they are very close. Also the Best Night Episode where everypony says she invited them just to ruin the party when I see it as the Princess wanted more excitement during one of the 'best parties of the year' and Twi and her friends are a great choice since they are so excentric. The list goes on as to what she does and what other bronies think of or over thinks of what it means. It depends on what you think of it. I see Princess Celestia as a caring guardian and benevolent ruler but I usually don't agree with most of the fanbase/fanon so its really up to you. /rant mode off Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  14. Welcome to our wonder and loving forum that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings BlindJester I will be your new buddy here on these forums! I have two standard questions I like to ask every new Brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP forum? If the answer is yes, I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums If it's a no, that's okay we have plenty of wonderful topics and forums to satisfy you pony need!(DO NOT WORRY WE WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO RPS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S JUST A QUESTION NOT A STATEMENT ) You should check out the rules and see how this forum works! You also need 5 posts here before you can go elsewhere this gives you the opportunity to greet all our other new bronies.Don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay XD
  15. Is that a Fairly Odd Parents? If so your awesomeness just skyrocketed. Foals come from special hugs and kisses. ;D
  16. The best kind! Edible! Or more seriously whatever your favourite kind of muffin/cupcake is, I guess. I like blueberry muffins myself. Admittedly this puts Apple Pie at somewhat of a disadvantage, but I think AJ is up to the challenge Blueberry muffins! Yum Yum my favorite especially when it has butter in the middle Chocolate cupcake Yup I'm stuck.
  17. Welcome to our wonder and loving forum that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings BlindJester I will be your new bestie here on these forums! I have two standard questions I like to ask every new Brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP forum? If the answer is yes, I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums If it's a no, that's okay we have plenty of wonderful topics and forums to satisfy you pony need!(DO NOT WORRY WE WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO RPS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S JUST A QUESTION NOT A STATEMENT ) You should check out the rules and see how this forum works! You also need 5 posts here before you can go elsewhere this gives you the opportunity to greet all our other new bronies.Don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay
  18. Same here. What kind of muffins and cupcakes we talking? Will help me decide.
  19. Welcome to our wonder and loving forum that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings BlindJester I will be your new bestie here on these forums! I have two standard questions I like to ask every new Brony! 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP forum? If the answer is yes, I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums If it's a no, that's okay we have plenty of wonderful topics and forums to satisfy you pony need!(DO NOT WORRY WE WILL NOT FORCE YOU INTO RPS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S JUST A QUESTION NOT A STATEMENT) You should check out the rules and see how this forum works! You also need 5 posts here before you can go elsewhere this gives you the opportunity to greet all our other new bronies.Don't be afraid to ask our great staff any questions you may have anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay You can find great and handy things in the Getting Started Section
  20. Heart Shine Golden Heart Starry Spirit
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