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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. @Flutterscotch LOL You sorta can imagine Cat doing that huh? She's so silly and hyper she deserves it XD @Diego I agree but Cat would mack a much better G&P Trixie
  2. Yay! Congratz Disk you deserve it! :heart:
  3. Drew this for catnapper late last night/early this morning I hope everypony enjoys it ^^ You can see the picture better here ------> http://weirdprincess.deviantart.com/#/d3k4mvm
  4. I've been faving each one of those posters! Besides CMC >>; That pony is a genius
  5. Congratulation on your first accepted character. I can't wait to see you around on the RP forums.
  6. I prefer my apples unbucked fine thank you. But thanks for the interest Well if you never need a nut cracker I'm your girl -crushes walnuts with forehead-
  8. i will never be able to play this game so I will never be able to grasp how 'scary' it is. :c
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-GGVxyKhDA 16:47-16:48 If you could loop that it would be great<3 Or I might use the one with Octavia
  10. BlindJester took a tentative sip of her drink as it was put in front of her. Deeming the drink is good enough she took another sip as she heard Glow make a toast to everyponies new friendship with one another Jessy lifted her glass and said "To new friends!" she cheered clinking glasses with them. "No I don't know. So how IS a jeweler and a jailer alike?" she questioned turning her clouded gaze towards Monty's general direction finishing off the rest of her drink.
  11. Yes it was great make that 33. Those were all great movies
  12. @Dio only if you want to be punched in the hooha so hard you won't be able to walk for years. @Tales Yes and Yes
  13. Well I'm just here to let everypony know I have changed my name from PaintedWings to BlindJester just so everypony knows.
  14. Please be sure to change the titled of this app my dear. Also I'll ask Mane about the username change.
  15. No rush my friend as long as you let us know the status of this app every now and again it can stay for a little while longer.
  16. Bust his family jewels too. He LOVES that
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