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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Unfortunately we already have a pony named Fizzy so if you would kindly change the first name to some similar such as Bubbles or Bubbly any other name of your choice. You can keep everything else the same, but if you do not wish to change her name I'm sure we can come to a mutual agreement around this little bump with the help of Manestream. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible.
  2. Yea it pulls you in real fast doesn't it? I need to watch ep 36 it was just uploaded today or yesterday if I believe.
  3. CookieSweets followed the two stallions to the door and sat waiting for Thunder to give the okay. When he rushed over to the uniform she quickly followed not waiting to be a pace behind the fast moving Pegasus. As she helped the stallion into the uniform and zipped him up she giggled at his comment on how the night would be over by the time they reached the gala 'At least this was a great experience if I make it to the V.I.P section or not' she thought happily as she waited for the next move. 'I hope we will see each other again after the gala. He seems like the sort of friend I need to get out of my boring everyday routine' Cookie sighed inwardly. Seeing Thunder at the window and telling her to get on his back Cookie stared at him in horror "I can't possibly......" she started but then remembered her promise to herself to be more adventurous so against her nature she climbed onto the back of the Pegasus hugging tightly around his neck and nodded "I'm ready and I hope you won't let me fall" ((Hope we can RP again Yoshi it was fun ^^))
  4. MelodySpark stared at his hoof as she pondered what to do. After seeing his wonderful performance she wanted to have her own dance with him to be lost in the whirlwind of spins and twirls her hooves itched for such a spectacular moment, but she also wished to know more about Clay. What he does in his spare time and what are his hobbies. Her curiosity won so Melody took her hoof and lead the stallion off the dance floor "I think you're the one who needs the break. Especially after such a great performance" she replied as they arrived to a quieter spot so they could talk in a more private environment "So do tell me a little bit more about yourself Clay. What do you like to do in your spare time and what are your hobbies?" she asked not waiting a moment before unleashing her wave of questions. "What sorts of pottery do you prefer? Do you like fast music or slow music?"
  5. >> << -steals the yo-yo and runs- It's so awesome! I NEED it
  6. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums! If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need! Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else. Please feel free to PM me for just talks or if you have questions.
  7. How is this character coming along?
  8. D'aw this is adorable! Love it to death but I want to point out a few things one of them is that can you move is cutie-mark story down to character history? Also can you tell us about his parents a little such as were they winter lovers as well or they are a complete opposite from their son? Where does he make and sell his frozen treats? Other than that I think this is wonderful<3
  9. Thanks Diego! ^///^ And yea ATG is the Artist Training Ground on ED I think I'm doing well Even though I'm days behind almost everypony else but that's fine I currently have to do day 3 but I haven't felt well enough may do it tonight and do up to day 5 to catch up with my own pace.
  10. While doing oxycodone in his little closet.
  11. Not that I know of I don't really want to visit the site(No offense) I have to many I like to frequent already and I'm a terrible person to chat with.
  12. Oh really Skye? I will have to give that a peek now won't I?
  13. You make me laugh sometimes Skye... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yea he is good at that isn't he Ziddia XD
  14. Merry looked at the slice of pizza in front of her it looked good but she's never eaten such a interesting combination of toppings before, taking a small test bit Merry it tasted strange yet sweet. Being ever so indecisive she took another bit larger than the last trying to get a better taste for the pizza and decided she liked it so she took a few more small bites loving how the pizza just glides down her throat leaving the great taste on her tongue. "I'm glad you love it here. It is quite of a nice secluded area huh?" she agreed but when she mentioned dangerous plants Merry tilted her head to one side slightly confused "Dangerous plants? What dangerous plants? I actually do not live here I live in Appleloosa I'm just giving some help to the delivery ponies over here for a little while. So no I don't come here often."
  15. So thanks to Skye's epic Gordon Freeman's app I wanted to ask if anypony has watched Freeman's Mind? It's a great little gameplay of Half-Life while the person who's playing it is speaking on Gordon's behalf. It's really good and I enjoy it so I'm sharing it with everypony else Watch it and discuss! I want to hear everypony else thoughts.
  16. I'm a go ahead and accept this app the last thing I ask though is that you be sure to explain her unique taste in clothes like Tales recommended
  17. This is a good application so far but I would like to know more about her. What did her parents do? How did she get her own shop? Was it a present to her from her parents or did she manage to afford it herself? Where exactly does she live? In a apartment or a condo or house? Where are her parents now? Does she keep in touch with them? How did she get her name? Also unfortunately we don't use actual numbers here for ages and time since we don't know how they measure time and how they age. You can change her age to filly or make her slightly older by making her a young mare so she can still run the shop by herself. Sorry for all this I just want to know more about this character Edit: Sorry I misunderstood I thought you implied she owned the shop but I reread it and it says she's a helper at the shop. So who owns the shop? Does she know them personally?
  18. They have 5 posts silly you mean get an app accepted
  19. Yayz!!!!! Birthday pony in the house!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!I hope you enjoy this day! You get to be made into a cupcake! I mean you get cake :heart:
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