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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Oh this is just great! Just one more thing where did she go to experiment with her cookie recipes? Also is this house abandoned? this way she doesn't have to pay for rent also tell us a little more about her 'unusual style' does she wear those mitch-matched boots often?
  2. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums! If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need! Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else. Now to add my own personal touch do you like to read? if so what do you read? What genre. What other shows do you watch? Do you like anime? Why did the chicken cross the road?
  3. Oh I love this so far! Such a cutie! A little issue I have though we don't use numbers for ages since we don't know how long it takes for a foal to age or how they measure time. For her age you should use foal. She can stay an independent orphan as long as she has a good reason. Where is she staying? How does she feed herself? When and how will she learn to bake? What is the particular reason why she gives out cookies yet likes to be rude to ponies? Can you also tell us more about her personality? Will she ever learn to respect authority? Just keep these questions in mind as you readjust your app okay? I'm asking all these questions because I want to know more about her Also this little cutie reminds me of my niece ;D a handful but cute xD
  4. Silly pony! Of course your app will be accepted I'm sure you'll make a great oc app and it will be accepted in no time and if it needs a little guidance we'll gladly help but your app will surely get accepted!
  5. I got more stuff to add~ It's in my gallery but might as well add it here too Even though I have access to a scanner I don't have access to said scanner often so sorry for the quality of my pictures the other picture is to large but go to my gallery to see all of my art 8D
  6. I /LOVE/ this app but can you explain a little bit more on what his cutie mark is?
  7. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! Lead by our loving admins Artax and Manestream Anyway my name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums ^^ I have two standard questions I like to ask of every new brony. 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads! If the answer is no then that's quite alright we have plenty of other great topics and threads for your little MLP:FiM loving heart can bare! I'm sure we'll bump heads there sometime! You must post 5 times here in the intro thread before anywhere else(Helps keep them bots and trolls away!) If you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask the great staff we have here!(Except Dio he's mean ;P ) I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd!
  8. Is that sarcasm << And like I said in my post I ask just about every new brony these questions
  9. I agree that's why I like to call her bubble butt instead of Derpy, Derpy just doesn't work for me, I call her that because of the bubbles on her flank. Anyway I hope that they will show 'Ditzy Doo' is in fact a smart pony who has a lazy eye or something.
  10. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! Lead by our loving admins Artax and Manestream My boyfriend is from the UK and he hates tea and crumpets lol XD Anyway my name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums ^^ I have two standard questions I like to ask of every new brony. 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads! If the answer is no then that's quite alright we have plenty of other great topics and threads for your little MLP:FiM loving heart can bare! I'm sure we'll bump heads there sometime! You must post 5 times here in the intro thread before anywhere else(Helps keep them bots and trolls away!) If you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask the great staff we have here! I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd!
  11. Sorry tis be my standard greeting to everypony I used to personalize each greeting a little bit but I stopped. I did read it I still ask those questions anyway Don't take it personal~
  12. Welcome to our great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums ^^ I have two standard questions I like to ask of every new brony. 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads! If the answer is no then that's quite alright we have plenty of other great topics and threads for your little MLP:FiM loving heart can bare! I'm sure we'll bump heads there sometime! You must post 5 times here in the intro thread before anywhere else(Helps keep them bots and trolls away!) If you have any other questions to be afraid to ask the great staff we have here! I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd!
  13. I believe so but most just go say hi to other new arrivals.
  14. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums! If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need! Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else.
  15. Melody was shocked at how well Clay was dancing now compared to a few moments ago he really took her advice and she felt proud of him for finally cutting loose. 'It's nice to see him having fun' she though to herself a smile crept onto her face as she saw him smile 'Better than worrying about where to put your hooves down' nodding her head in agreement with herself. When the music got more upbeat and saw that Clay had mistakenly grabbed another mare to dance with Melody giggled at the event as it unfolded before her he was a good natural dancer once he stopped worrying and she was sure the mare was enjoying it despite the sudden surprise of being made part of a huge dance number. Melody felt a twinge of jealousy watching the two dance but once they reached the grand finale she was glad to even have watched. As the mare smacked Clay and left, his nervous smile at her made her burst into laughter "That was brilliant" she said "But be sure to pick a dance partner you actually know next time okay?"
  16. Jessy heard the ponies go in a direction of what smelled like the buffet she decided to tag along for a while she stretched out her wings having them brush across the striped stallion's back glad that he offered to give her a bit of assistance "That's that would be great if you could lead the way" smiling as she was led to the Gala's buffet everything smelled delicious and it seemed that it was still as lively as every other part of the castle. BlindJester wondered how much of the palace she'd actually be able to explorer but decided to think about that later on. "Yum some salad would with a cocktail would be great right now" she commented when Jessy heard Hank say something about salad and Glow ask about if everypony wanted some cocktails.
  17. It's looking good. Well if you think you're comfortable with how everything is and want to have this app evaluated for approval you must remove the WIP tag. So we can discuss your character fully.
  18. I don't really find it important at all. I was just curious about Artax's case. Something is ahoof Agreed. I'm still wondering about the possibility of a phpBB mod, although that actually might be unlikely... Hmm. I WILL WIN, ARTAX! How about we all not worry about his post counts huh? Seems a bit silly does it not?
  19. Here's the bubble burster: http://canterlot.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1522 ... Wait. What did that tell me? What am I looking for? And Artax... Your post count... You only had about 50 or less before. What just happened? It was supposed to show you that you need 1500 posts before you hit wonderbolts.
  20. Oh Shrek was good even the sequels were okay not as awesome but okay.
  21. Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums! If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need! Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else.
  22. BlindJester


    Welcome to the great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I hope to see you around on the RPing forums! If the answer is no that's okay! We have plenty of other threads that will give you all the pony love you need! Anyway welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay Also please don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you need help quick tip you need to post 5 times in the intro thread before you're allowed anywhere else.
  23. Possibly the same thing can be said about Misty like it was for Snow. Did anything significant happen during her travels so far to find Snow? Did the parents agree to let their other daughter leave for a trip that might end up in disappointment? Does she have a limit on how long she can search before she must return to take care of the forest? Other than that really cute.
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