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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Silly I wasn't telling you to calm down I said or meant for it to come out as Firestar is allowed to get old and calm down. I meant it as a he winded down a bit after Leafpool and Squirrelflight were born. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Maybe it's the battery source. Remove the battery and then try to charge it. (I hope we be talkin' about a laptop here)
  3. Jessy bowed her head in Hank's general direction as he thanked her "It was no problem really, losing a hat is very inconvenient especially at a party you tend to lose your head over it" she laughed at her joke even though it's terrible "Hm a nice restaurant with dancing you say? Sounds a lot more fun then just walkin' around and delivering food and taking orders. Although how would she feel about having a blind pony as a waitress? if she doesn't mind a bit then put in a good word for me so I can have a good influence when I decide to go for the job" she pouted slightly at Glow for her comment 'I hope I don't look like I'm a waitress. . . .' she thought to herself as Jessy always trusted her friends to make her look nice even though she can't see and has always thought of herself as a pretty mare even if she can't see for herself 'Well I guess I can never get rid of my waitress demeanor' Jessy has spent more time as a waitress than a comedian so she wasn't as funny as she'd like to be since she couldn't practice as much. "Oh and please call me Jessy everypony I only use my full name during a act and a drink coupled with something good to eat would be great. I could eat a whole tree I'm so hungry!"
  4. Melody danced with Clay a smile wide on her face happy to see that she wasn't the only one worried about her dance skills. She giggled as she saw the stallion in what looked like deep thought, Melody was worried about her dance skills as well but no so much that it would dampen her enjoyment. 'Maybe I should help him out a bit so he'll relax more and enjoy dancing' she thought as Clay bumped into another stallion she giggled. "You know Clay" Melody began "You shouldn't worry to much about dancing or else you'll be so concentrated on your hooves that you'll bump into others" she smiled sweetly as she pointed a hoof in the other dancing couples direction "Just relax a bit and let the music move your hooves for you." To demonstrate Melody closed her eyes and let the music take over her body, she danced along with the beat in a graceful manner until she stepped on the hem of her dressed and tripped. Blushing heavily she looked up at Clay "Well maybe a little more graceful than that" she told him laughing at herself slightly.
  5. Once it is moved to the correct folder you will then be recognized as a Roleplayer and then will have access to the RP boards. Mane will move it to its correct folder within a day or two.
  6. Okays. Back to the drawing board. I'm not quite sure what a griffin's last name could be. I got hollypaw (Thanks warriors >>;; ) from a book I read and she was sorta........ 'out there' yea that works and I thought it would work. Ruby was her nickname do to the dye but I might change it but I'm not totally sure what. /EDITED Again ^^
  7. I /ALWAYS/ buy paperback for the exact reason(And it's cheaper) Also finally someone else who likes firestar everypony hates him because he has sense and doesn't go on a violent rampage when things don't go his way. |: I never said Firestar, I said Fireheart. I personally preferred him more when he wasn't the Clan Leader. Once he became the clan leader he started getting old and being less awesome. Well I suppose but Firestar's prophecy was his last hurrah. He IS older now and we don't see things from his point of view anymore. He's like Tallstar and Bluestar he's getting older and wiser with each series so of course he'd dull down for the sake of his clan. Then there is his younger self FireHeart who was young not a clan leader and a warrior with much to explore. So I can get it I just don't like how someponies hate him for being older and wiser now. He is allowed to get old like every one else and calm down that's why the story shifted away from him after the first series.
  8. I /ALWAYS/ buy paperback for the exact reason(And it's cheaper) Also finally someone else who likes firestar everypony hates him because he has sense and doesn't go on a violent rampage when things don't go his way. |:
  9. Welcome to our great and wonderful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these forums ^^ I have two standard questions I like to ask of every new brony. 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads! If the answer is no then that's quite alright we have plenty of other great topics and threads for your little MLP:FiM loving heart can bare! I'm sure we'll bump heads there sometime! You must post 5 times here in the intro thread before anywhere else(Helps keep them bots and trolls away!) If you have any other questions to be afraid to ask the great staff we have here! I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd!
  10. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved it! (Bonus points if you get the reference) I approve! This is one of the best story/summery I've ever read!
  11. Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!! I collect too! I have the entire first series all the second series I've got 3 of the third series collected the lost warrior manga Read skyclan's destiny, Firestar's Prophecy, and am currently reading Bluestar's prophecy! I ALSO READ SEEKERS! On book 4! Fave characters so far in warriors Millie, Graystripe, Firestar, Leafpool, Willowpaw, Stormfur, Brook, FeatherTail, I think that's it. Fave seeker's characters are Lusa and Kallik
  12. Mane has given us the Go-Ahead with this app.
  13. Almost there! Great app just a few tweaks need to be made such as what does her name mean? If you could elaborate how or why her parents named her that it would be quite helpful. Just make these adjustments and I'm sure you will have a great app ^^
  14. Aw don't be so hard on yourself Dio! I know I'm better at helping others than you but still don't kick yourself in the doo dads
  15. Welcome to our wonder forums that is canterlot! You already answered my two standard questions so I have nothing more to say but Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay! P.S Don't be afraid to ask staff questions if you have any!
  16. Name: Raven DarkFeather Sex: Female Age: Young Adult Species: Griffon Eye Color: Emerald Green Physique & Colors: Raven has a sort of tall and slender physique so she can run and fly at moderate pace without getting to tired. She is a cross between a raven and a black leopard making her fur and feathers all black and had dyed the tips of her feathers on her head a bright green. Residence: Rockwington Occupation: Sky Patrol Likes: Poetry, Herself, Other griffins, swimming, fruits, mayhem, loud music and noises. Dislikes: Most ponies, vegetables, calm places, peaceful noises Character Summary: Raven is your everyday typical griffin she's rude to just about everyone unless she deems them 'worthy' of her attention let alone her friendship. She lived a simple life with her parents who worked in a store for a close friend in Rockwington she didn't have much trouble with money since her parents gave her a weekly allowance for doing her chores and learned the value of a bit when she was just a teen. Raven did seem to participate in 'troubled' behaviors like sneaking out at night and or staying out late, getting in trouble with the higher authorities, causing disturbance to everypony who crossed her path without permission. When she was on her last strike Raven was ordered to work on Sky patrol so she had some way to release her extra energy by flying most of the day and checking anything suspicious like dragons. Once she grew up a bit more her teenage rebellion grew calmer along with her mind although she still seem a bit prickly to ponies for some unknown reason. Raven realized her love of poetry the one of very few soft spots she has about things or items, she writes poetry all the time even on her duty during her patrols and enjoys sharing her love poetry with all creatures even if she has to force them to listen. After storing enough bits to buy her own home Raven moved out of her parents place and into a condo not to far away from her job. Even though she has leveled out she still keeps up some of her behavior she displayed as a teen and tries to make as much a commotion as she is able to do. Raven was named after after the type of bird she is mixed with and Darkfeather came from her black or rather dark colouring. ------------------------ Ready for evaluation I think Mega thanks to Catnapper for helping me get the ball rolling! :heart:
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYE!!!! I hope it was epic as sh-t but I don't have piccys for you so wait for everypony else to provide awesome! :heart:
  18. I don't know if you were in the chat when Mane told us but she said keep this app up so it will be transferred to the crossover RP I think
  19. I think I just spotted my first animation error on my own!
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