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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. I listened after being told that, but I don't hear it. What's the timestamp? 2:32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwIDA5uN17A LOL Pause at 8 seconds!
  2. Welcome to our beautiful forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your other friend here on these forums. Catnapper is awesome and I'm glad she convinced you to join Anyway I have two standard questions I like to ask new bronies 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot? If yes I hope to see you around the RP threads real soon! If no then I'm sure we'll bump heads somewhere in the other great threads we have to offer. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask any of our great staff members! Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay!<3
  3. BlindJester


    Oh I really wanna see Gilda again! I luffs her
  4. BlindJester


    I'm on the fence really the only reason I want to see her back is so that she can redeem herself. I extremely dislike ponies like her.
  5. BlindJester


    Is this a Ray William Johnson reference? Sent from my Galaxy Pro using Tapatalk. Lol orginally no it wasn't XD
  6. BlindJester smiled in Monty's direction "Well I'll answer the first question first it's quite alright if you called me Jessy I actually prefer it to Miss Jester makes me feel old." She posed for a moment as if to prove her youngness "Why I look no older than a filly don't you think." Jessy thought for another moment her muzzle wrinkled in deep thought before answering not quite sure how to answer his other question "As for how I knew about the hat its just after years of being blind you sorta pick up things" flicking her ears to show what she meant and then looked in Glow's direction "Seems as if Miss Glow has made quite the friend huh"
  7. Melody sat back on her haunches as she listened to Clay talk about what he does and all the experience he has gained over the years of practice. She laughed at how he described what he usually looks like on day to day bases and imagined his tuxedo covered in dust and clay as dirty as it seemed in her imagination it seemed that he pulled off the look well almost in a sporty matter. "Well I'm sure you look as dashing covered in dust as you do all fancied up" she admitted to the stallion. "W-well I don't know" she stuttered as she was pulled towards the dance floor. MelodySpark never thought of herself as much of a dancer and surely didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her new stallion friend. 'Don't act like such a foal it's just a dance! What's the worst that could happen' she thought happily. She bowed down to her partner once they stopped in the dance floor "A dance with you would be wonderful"
  8. If a comment is not made on this application within the next five days it will be locked for deletion.
  9. Cookie watched the two pegasi challenging each other in the middle of Thunder and Cookie's mission. A mission that she barely knows about she admitted but it's a fun mission none the less! CookieSweets thrust herself between the two pegasi before a fight broke out. A gaze of warmth and understanding fell upon Zephyr she smiled as she spoke "It's sweet of you to be concerned for me but I made this decision for myself and I don't regret it so far. Even though it may not look like it Thunder is a nice Pegasus and I trust him with what he's doing." when she finished her gaze then turned intense as she continued her blue eyes looked almost cold any hint of the previous warmness vanished "But it is quiet rude of you to come in here and almost start a fight when you barely know what's going on between me and my associate here." jerking her head at Thunder when she said associate "Now if you would be kind enough to introduce yourself first, tell us why you're here and hear our side of the story first before you decide to do anything else that would be great." She turned so her cool gaze landed on Thunder "Are you crazy?" she practically hissed at him "Starting a fight in the middle of our mission? I thought we were here to get into the V.I.P lounge not pick fights and get caught while probably being banished!" her gaze softened again as she looked at Thunder "Now introduce yourself properly to our unexpected visitor okay?" she turned and trotted over to the door and shut it quietly so the guard didn't get any more suspicious about what's going on then she levitated the chair she was using back to it's place. Once she was sure it was in the right spot Cookie trotted back over to the two stallions "Now that that is settled let me introduce myself. My name is CookieSweets and I am following Thunder because I thought it would be a nice change of pace for once" she nudged Thunder lightly with a hoof "Go on now introduce yourself to our guest"
  10. So cute! Adorable story! All we need now is a yes or no on the bat wings.
  11. We currently have this app under executive decision. The size of this dragon is under debate for the moment and we will get back to you with the results. Be sure to keep what Thunder said in mind as you readjust your app during this deliberation. Thank you for your paitence
  12. Melody giggled as she removed her muzzle from the top of Clay's head "Yes I was indeed comfortable but very unladylike of me so I must apologize" she stood next to him a warm smile glowing from her face. "And no I only rest on ponies I know and doesn't mind me doing so" Thinking carefully about the question she wasn't sure how to answer Melody likes all kinds of music the slow beautiful sounds of classic and jazz but also enjoyed the up-beat and loud sounds of rock and pop. Being a voice coach she had to have a wide variety of different music so she can talk to and teach her students effectively in all types of music. "Well. . . . " she began slowly " I like all kinds of music really nor do I have a favorite so I can't quite answer that as well as you'd expect." She blushed at Clay's comment about her dress "Well I guess it does give off my love of music huh? Well I'm a voice coach actually. I really enjoy sharing the magic of music with everypony else" she sighed happily as she thought about all the wonderful students she had taught so far and whom she will teach in the future. "So what about you Mister Clay? I know you're a potter what kind of pottery do you do? Will I be able to get some from you?"
  13. Cookie jumped out of her chair at Thunder's question "What do you mean what am I doing?" she turned to look at him slightly hurt "I was doing what you told me to d-" the rest of her sentence cut off as her eyes landed on the other Pegasus. What was he doing here? how did he get in? Was this part of Thunder's plan? "I didn't see him in here when we came in nor did I notice him when I was watching the door" she explained calmly trying to keep a good composure. Then she saw the the wonderbolts uniform "At least you got what you were looking for right?"
  14. Well then happy half birthday 83
  15. MelodySpark entered the ballroom with a expression of complete happiness and belonging. She looked around at the gorgeously decorated room the neatly polished dance floor, wonderful drapery, great classic music played spectacularly, the ponies in their beautiful attire. Melody could hardly contain herself with all the things that went on in this ballroom it was simply to much to take in, but she was here on a mission not just for the music and dancing. Melody weaved graciously through the dancing ponies looking for a certain stallion after a few moment she finally found him sitting off by himself eyes closed and a goofy grin spread across his muzzle, Melody smiled as she went around the crowd to sneak up behind him and gently rested her head ontop of his head. "Do you always sit around like this in your spare time?" she asked "I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find you in this crowd but luckily you made it easy for me" giggling slightly waiting for a response.
  16. Cookie trotted over to the door and cracked it open just enough for her to peer outside. Mostly keeping her eye on the guard down the hall then it hit her 'How am I suppose to signal him when he's outside at Luna knows where?' she sighed inwardly 'I guess I'll just have to hide if I hear anypony' Cookie knew she would be standing here for a while so she thought she might as well get comfortable, she levitated one of the comfortable chairs to her. She climbed into and sat watch of the door.
  17. We love you Flutter!!!!!<3 I hope it's a good one.
  18. Well just stop by the Getting Started and all your questions will be answered we have a few dragons and I think we have a Diamond dog or two you'd have to look at the creatures folder of the accepted app forums For creating a new character be sure to visit Creating a Character so you can see the do's and don'ts and so forth of our RPs
  19. Welcome to the beautiful and wondrous forums that is Canterlot! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your friend here on these forums. Congratz on your ascent to bronyhood you are welcomed among us with open hooves I have two standard questions I like to ask every new brony but you already answered them so I'm skippin' them Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd.
  20. Maybe you could move the cutie-mark story back down to the character summary other than that I think it will be ready.
  21. I love little Topsy he's cute and knows what he wants<3 ONLY problem I see is that we don't have theme songs here so remove it please and we'll be fine Be sure to do that asap other than that I'm going to approve it
  22. In "Green is not your colour" I noticed that it was on Rarity's rack of dresses. And talking about how her best dresses are on sale while touching said rack
  23. I like the Members Gallery and/or Fanfic repository But what I voted for was more events like the Gala I love all these ideas but I think the Gala one is at the top for me
  24. Good because we have plenty of space for a epic dragon.
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