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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. That's weird I don't have that issue. Google Chrome.
  2. Crystal scribbled down what the mares were saying, adding the occasion head nod or saying 'Fascinating'. She looked up at the pegasi and said "You know one time I was visiting these lovely lakes called Nimbusgait Lakes, and while I was there I met this lovely pegasus stallion called Mobius and he had a rather large set of beautiful wings. Although I look at yours and they seem normal sized. . . . how interesting I will have to give that stallion a letter sometime." she started to ramble on until a little dragon thrummed onto her fin. She turned to look at the baby dragon interested "Oh my I've seen sea serpents before, but never a land dragon how interesting. . . ." she started a little sketch for it until the blue pegasus named Blue bolt asked of her fin. Flipping her fin about she giggled "Oh no, no, no, my good mare, see I am a hippocamp we are ponies with fins! No magic required it was how I was born just like how you were born with wings. I must ask though how do you surf the waves and is it something all pegasi do?" she looked at Flareworks as she asked.
  3. Woah o_o I knew the Taj Mahal was huge, but WOW it's GIGANTIC and that's only a portion of it! @_@
  4. Not quite sure if it has a limit, but I'm pretty sure under the participant box it says 'Invite', but I'm not sure if it can invite more ponies after a certain amount.
  5. You betta or I'm a nibble your ears right off!
  6. He doesn't look half as old as Freddie is -jokes- Looks awesome Mint!
  7. ((Sorry I haven't been too active with this thread. I've just been real busy since my grandfather died 2 weeks ago and we just had his wake a few days ago. I'm still recovering from it all. You all may continue on without me for a bit. Just make sure 'Tavi is there!))
  8. I have quite a few OC's myself of all different species, if you wish to take a gander click my sig.
  9. Crystal Glow dragged herself up to the shore following the pegasus, she felt a little out of place seeing as she's the only non-pegasi among the group. Flipping her fin idly she replied "That sounds pretty nice, but I don't need any armour, plus it would be hard to swim about under water if I was weighted down by the metal. Thanks for the offer though." She sat quiet for a second thinking of what to say "So. . . uh what brings you two down here to the Islands? I thought all pegasi lived and stayed in Cloudsdale" she asked genuinely curious. Crystal has never spent much time with the other species of ponies other than earth ponies, instinctively she grabbed her pad and pencil preparing to write down any of the things she might discover.
  10. I was /so/ thinking that! This should of been cannon xD
  11. "No injuries here, just a bruised nose from the collision but that's just minor." Crystal replied happily swimming circles around the pegasus getting a better look at here. "Although I'm inclined to ask why a pegasus such as yourself was so close to the water. I thought you creatures preferred to stay high in the sky" stopping in front of the other mare at the end of her sentence, her violet eyes wide with wonder. Crystal Glow was about to say something else when she heard shouting coming from the shore, turning towards shore, Crystal waved a hoof at the orange coloured mare "Yea everything is fine!" she shouted back turning back to the pegasus "I guess we should head back to shore, huh? My name is Crystal Glow by the way, but Crystal or Glow will do just fine"
  12. Well those sleepless nights come in handy.
  13. After watching it again I realize that 'Applejack's' eyes were blue since she got out of the mud pit. Oh the details.
  14. Today was a great day to be in the water at Gallopocus island, the water was warm and the waves were fun to ride in. This was Crystal Glow's most favourite vacation spots in all of Equestria; the sun was always shinning, there was always some sort of wave to ride on and the ponies were so relaxed! Even her best friend Jel the jellyfish enjoyed the islands almost as much as she did. "Hey Jel watch this!" she called over her shoulder swimming towards the surface of the water planning to ride the wave. Crystal breached the surface a little too fast and collided with somepony her and the unknown object crashed into the water with a huge splash. Rubbing her sore head the hippocamp apologized "I'm so so sorry, I had no idea that anypony was riding the wave and I should of paid attention and I'm so sorry!"
  15. This looks great! Wonderful job, hun. I approve P.S In the second paragraph 4th line you forgot to change armour to the silver horseshoes
  16. That is the most awesome thing I've read XD
  17. I know how it feels Arty. I lost my grandfather today and it still hurts to even think about it. I wish you the best for you and your family
  18. Arty has something awesome to come home to! I best make his birthday thread. Great work as always!
  19. It's okay, I know it can get a bit lonesome waiting for a RP to jump start. We don't mind that you do this just not too often maybe while you wait for it to kick up why don't you try to join somepony elses?
  20. It happens As long as you're making progress no matter how slow.
  21. Beautiful! One thing about her cutie-mark story I'm not completely sure about it being so extravagant to make even for a first time. Maybe she could create something a little less complicated, also I hope she was supervised when she started being a blacksmith! Other than that this is great work! (Can you make the text black? Please and thank you<3)
  22. Name: Blueberry Blossom Stage Name: Midnight Dove Position: Starter Speciality: Precise Agility Motivation: To live the thrill of a dangerous life. Character: Laid back sort of pony she doesn't find much excitement in almost anything most think she's cold and heartless because of this, Blueberry doesn't care about what other ponies think of her and never tries to go out of her way to please anypony.
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