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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Whelp everything is in place! Great work Appletini. I Approve
  2. I was asking if she could read lips not that she can, silly. Since being deaf she won't hear the conversation anyway, so how can she a hear potential questions that are directed at her? Does she have them write it down?
  3. Great Job Appletini! I knew you could do it<3 but I do have one question. How can she know what the ponies are talking about? Can she read lips?
  4. I think Frilly deserves her own app and not just a c and p job from Lilly. It seems a bit lazy to do it that way in my opinion I think you should try to make Frilly's app from scratch instead of piggy backing off of a already accepted app.
  5. I'm very sorry! We usually have Diomedes look over these sorts of apps since this is more of his forte, but lately he's been a little stressed with real life and I don't want to do anything that might contradict or send this app in the wrong direction. I'm quite sorry for the wait I'll see if there will be any other staff members to help or if Dio has enough time to give this app one more look over since he already has a foot in the door.
  6. Pleas chance childhood to foalhood in your first paragraph other than that this is great! I hope Chemise finds that pony who will help her through this rough patch.
  7. This application has been locked due to inactivity if you still wish to have this character please PM any of our staff members saying so and we will gladly unlock it for you. You have 3 days to respond before it is deleted.
  8. Alrighty, looks like you've got a good start here on your app but it's just a frame. So let me help you out a little and turn this frame into a masterpiece! First off we'll need you to fix up the format just delete the code and bold out those fields yourself. If you don't know how(I'm sure you do but just in case) just send me a PM and I'll be happy to give you a lending hoof. Now the character summary looks good, but I would like to know a little bit more about her. What made her interested in it to begin with? Was it because her auntie did it? Because of the cool things she could do and make, or a little bit of both? Did her mother and father's disappearance have any negative effects on her? If so what were they? Does she have any other hobbies other than being a blacksmith? Does she dream about meeting her mother and father once more? At the end of the app you say we could find her at her shop or at a boutique why does she spend a lot of time at a boutique? I'm quite interested in this character of yours, we don't have many blacksmith ponies I think to date there are only 2 other blacksmith ponies. Anyway I can't wait to see your progress with this app!
  9. The everfree forest adventure didn't quite go as Blueberry Blossom had planned. It started out great she scared some poor unsuspecting pony soul, then a very realistic ghost pony came by and then Discord! Of all things she expected to happen on that path Discord was not one of those possibilities, after quickly and 'calmly' hurrying out of the forest the shadowbolt member decided to give the house of mirrors a twirl. Pulling her uniform hood up once more Blueberry, now known as Midnight Dove, paid her fees and entered the house. This is the best way to scare ponies standing in a certain mirror would make thousands of copies of herself to scare the willies out of anypony! Taking her spot near the heart of the fun-house Midnight sat and waited for an unsuspecting pony.
  10. Pinkie Pie Tonight you've decided to give the Nightmare Moon monument a go. The last two nights went so well here, that you were hoping to snag more candy or at least catch a glimpse of one or both princesses! Excitement tingles your hooves as you walk up towards the monument, bowing your head in respect to the mistress of darkness. Then you hear a squeal. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's Nightmare Moon! Run! Run for your lives, everypony!" you look up and see a pink earth pony in a chicken suit zoom by you. Quickly checking your surrounding, all you see is nothingness at first, and glancing up at the statue reveals nothing out of the ordinary. Shrugging it off, you leave the monument disappointed that you didn't get any candy, nor did you see the princesses. All you got was a Pink Pony in a Chicken Suit overreacting to a scary statue.
  11. Nightmare Moon Trotting through Pinkie's terrifying, yet hilarious house of horrors, you look left an right wondering what might come next in this kooky place. Slowing your pace, you stare at the decorations in awe. Pinkie Pie had really outdone herself this year, everything looked so realistic! Then you come upon a statue of Nightmare Moon that looked unbelievably real! Everything looked so authentic; her mane, tail, armor, and even teeth as she grins at you. Even the eyes follow you as you check out the 'statue'. One you finish gawking, you begin to move on, only to feel a chill down your spine and hot breath on your neck that freezes you in mid-step. Turning slowly, you realize that the statue wasn't an actual statue. It was Nightmare Moon herself! Drool dropped from her muzzle as she stares at you, ready to gobble you up! Swiftly, you grab a piece of candy and throw it into her gaping mouth! You bound away, in hopes that your distraction will satisfy her! You reach the exit, happy to have escaped even if it did cost you a piece of candy.
  12. For some odd reason Vlad is not allowed to comment on his application so I will let you know he made the necessary changes to his app.
  13. Jessy thought about it for a moment wondering what could be given in exchange for finding a new friend and having a fun mini adventure in a corn maze. Putting a hoof up to her chin tapping it deep in thought until a idea came to her! The pegasus pony's milky eyes lit up at her thought "You can repay me by keeping in touch with me and coming to see me at my shows or at the restaurant that I work at, okay? I'd be excited to see more of you and Ipsum here." With that Jessy picked up her candy filled hat and skillfully set the hat back atop of her head scooting close to Northern and placing one of her wings across the unicorn's back "Now how about we get out of here!" she cheered
  14. Please be sure to make these minor changes! Other than that I approve!
  15. You trot confidently through Celestia's Mirror Fun House. Nothing can be scary in a fun house, right? You continue to go deeper into a maze of mirrors, bumping into your own reflection once or twice. Well, that's as many times as you plan to admit it anyway. The deeper you go, the darker the funhouse appeared to get, until the hairs raise on the back of your mane. You hear a giggle, as if from your ear, and you pause to look left and right down the corridor. "Hello?" you call out, "Is anypony there?" but only silence replies to you in the darkness. You shrug it off, thinking it was your own mind playing tricks on you, unawares of the pink menace creeping up behind you. Waiting for the perfect moment to pounce! Nearing the end of the funhouse, you realize there is a new echo of an extra pair of hoofsteps matching your own. You stop, but hear nothing in the growing darkness. Peering through the gloom, you are about to continue when there is a tap at your shoulder. Whirling around reveals nothing behind you! Another tap from behind, and you turn, when suddenly a pink shape jumps out of the darkness and cries "BOO!" Panicked, you run out of the 'fun' house in a blind terror, bumping into almost every mirror on the way. Harrowed by the unknown pony's laughter ringing in your ears, you burst out of the doors and come to a halt and look yourself over. It seems that Pinkie Pie got one over you, and you lost one of your pieces of candy too!
  16. Nightmare Moon's monument was one of the most fearsome places known in Ponyville. A group of brave ponies all stood before the statue in awe until they realized it wasn't a statue at all. It was the real thing! "Pitiful little foals!" The tall black mare cried at the group of cowering ponies in front of her. "You think this measley pile of candy will please me? Do you not know who I am? I am NIGHTMARE MOON!" you and your temporary companions tremble before the terrifying mare, afraid to even breathe whilst in her ghostly presence. "There is only one way to right this terrible wrong!" she continued to inspect each off your companion like a fresh piece of celery. If that's what she likes to eat, that is... "She's going to eat us!" somepony whispered, "This is it!" the pony's voice was shaking uncontrollably. "Scatter!" screeched another voice. "Everypony for themselves!" The group of ponies ran in different directions, all trying to escape the powerful alicorn, only to see that it was pitch black at every turn! As though the only source of light was coming from the evil one herself. "No so fast!Where do all of you think you are going? You have not faced your proper punishment for disturbing my solace!" Everypony soon came back in front of Nightmare Moon, their shaking visible as they waited for their doom to come upon them. "Nopony can leave until ..." the group clenched their eyes tightly, not seeing Nightmare Moon transform back into Princess Luna before finishing her sentence. "... until you all have two pieces of candies for being such brave souls!" The group of ponies recieved two pieces of candy with false bravado on their faces, trying to act as if they weren't as scared as they had seemed. You all trot away from the smiling Princess, laughing nervously at the one experience you were sure never to forget!
  17. Ah I see what you mean his family is more like a well known family that runs a few things in town like Banhammer's Maximillian Rockefilly Jr if that's the case then I see nothing wrong with this app. Also if you could change the first noble in the beginning of the character summary to influential would be great.
  18. Watching the unicorn mare practically jump out of her costume put a triumphant smile upon her face, flapping her wings for a few moments before having them settle back at her sides. Midnight Dove took pleasure from the fear that glinted in the unicorn mare's yellow eyes before answering her question "Why yes I do celebrate Nightmare Night, it's one of the best holidays of the year isn't it?" it sounded more like a statement then it did a question. Midnight began to trot circles around the unicorn inspecting her from snout to tail tip from afar Midnight would of never thought such a well built pony to be such a scardey cat. "Hi..." Midnight turned to see a little purple unicorn filly, but she appeared more as a ghost than a normal pony, her eyes and hair glowed snow white and her body was translucent. Midnight jumped back and took a offensive position her chest low to ground as she crouched ready to attack the 'spirit' "Hi, Spirit Flame... This is my new, uh... friend?" "Huh?" was all Midnight could utter as she heard the pea pelted unicorn greet the younger one, upon closer inspection the pegasus realized that it was just a very well done costume making her feel rather silly. Straightening up Midnight decided it was time to introduce herself "We are more like acquaintances before we are friends. My name is Midnight Dove what about yours?"
  19. This is quite the character you have here! I can tell your a sonic the hedgehog fan as well. There are just a few things I'd like to point out so I'll start from the top and move my way down. His age should just be Colt if you want to add the (16) that's fine, but it isn't needed. The pelt/coat colour is a little odd was he born this way or did he dye it that way? If he dyed it that way then why? Pony's do not have quills they can have spiky hair, but not quills, why does he have a star on his chest? I'm not completely sure if that's completely alright or not, but I don't see a pony being born with such a specific mark. You will have to give us something to work with for this application there isn't much to it, although I do respect you wanting to stay ambiguous with this character until you can RP him, but we need to know more about all characters before we set them loose in the RP. For your roleplay type I think you mean Mane RP, but this character is quite eccentric and I recommend the Crossover RP if you do not wish to make changes. If you do indeed want to aim for the Mane RP I must point out that OC characters may not have previous relations with any type of cast member. You should give this a look to help you with this character's development. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask me.
  20. Tonight was one of Blueberry Blossom's favourite nights of the year, Nightmare Night. The day where everypony across Equestria dresses up as ghouls and monsters last year she dressed up as a skeletal pony, but this year she's going out in her Shadowbolt uniform. Blueberry put on her uniform and pulled her fuchsia coloured mane back and put it into a bun, trotting in front of the mirror inspecting her work making sure everything was in place. "Oh Blueberry this uniform will sure cause everypony a fright" she commented mostly to herself, spreading out her wings in admiration. Soon it was almost time to go to Ponyville for the festivities after one more glance into the mirror Blueberry Blossom, now known as Midnight Dove, left her hotel room and headed towards the festival. Upon her arrival Midnight noticed there were a lot of things set up; to one side there was a pathway leading towards Nightmare Moon's statue, another lead to a Mirror house and not to far from it a House of horror. Midnight was going to pay tribute to Nightmare Moon's statue later on tonight so that was out of the question for now, one of the attractions caught her attention the Everfree Adventure it seemed like a courage test. Where there are courage tests there are 'courageous' ponies a great opportunity to scare the hooves off them! With an evil grin Midnight Dove entered the forest following the dimly lit path for a while until she saw a unicorn mare further up on the path who already seemed scared out of her wits 'Perfect' Midnight thought to herself creeping up on her victim carefully ducking out of view when the mare looked over her shoulder, when she turned her attention back to the path Midnight Dove snuck up on her victim and yelled "BOO!"
  21. A shiver went up Jessy's spine as she felt the little wet nose press against her. "I guess that answered my question" she giggled slightly "Seems our terrible acting has worked" pointing her muzzle towards the little begging hedgehog and dropping the piece of candy that she had near him "There is more where that comes from if you get back to where you're supposed to be little mister. You made your mum worry quite a lot about you." she said in a stern voice. Jessy then turned her attention back to Northern a wide grin on her face.
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