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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. "That's some pretty impressive acting skills you got there." BlindJester chuckled sarcastically as she listened to Northern Lights try and lure out her little hedgehog friend. Trotting over to Northern's side Jessy picked up another piece of candy and crackled the wrapper in her teeth to help the temporary actress with her act. "Don't worry Northern if Ipsum won't come I'll help you than I will! Yum, Yum" even though Jessy was slightly better it still seemed as if it was a school play for foals. "Is it working?" Jessy asked around the piece of candy in her maw.
  2. It's okay no fun card games for them! >:C Northern you play? I didn't know!
  3. This looks awesome! Although I don't know if you meant for it to look like that or not, but ponies legs don't bend that way. -talking about the pose where he is lying down-
  4. BlindJester gave a mischievous wink to Northern, she bent her head down allowing her pointy hat to fall off showing that her hat was full of candy. Picking up two pieces of candy setting one in front of her new friend and tossing the other one into the air in hopes to catch it with her open mouth. Much to Jessy's disappointment the piece of candy struck her right between the eyes, she reared up onto her hind legs in surprise "Eep it's raining! Hide the candy!" she yelped as she fell onto her back rather dramatically. "Sorry about that Northern I rather scared myself with my own candy! I hope I didn't scare you little friend away." Jessy said rather embarrassed, she was so used to acting like a goof-ball that she forgets to be serious most of the time. With a hoof pointed towards her hat full of candy Jessy whispered "Go ahead and take what pieces of candy you need to lure him out"
  5. Looking good Apple! I'm jealous!
  6. A small squeak escaped from BlindJester as she was shoulder bumped to the side slightly losing balance for a moment, after she regained her balance Jessy then rump bumped her new friend, a wide grin on her face. "You shouldn't tell lies to the blind Northern because we can see the truth without our eyes. I know you must be a beautiful mare, I can't see you but I can tell." she said winking in the young mare's direction readjusting her wing to rest across on Northern's back. "A unicorn who likes to study weather huh? That sounds pretty interesting actually, I hope I could one day help you with your studies." BlindJester's tail twitched with interest as the mare whispered her secret in her ear. Whispering back Jessy said "Wow that's a pretty amazing ability you have there be careful with that gift of yours" "Oh you want to know about little ol' me?" she started, her voice back at her normal tone "Well there isn't much to say actually, I was born in Cloudsdale and raised in Fillydelphia because my parents were worried I'd walk right off a cloud due to me being blind, so they wanted me on the ground. I can still fly by the way I just usually don't use my wings all that much besides for helping me get around." she added quickly "Um now I still live here in Fillydelphia during the most of the week I work at a restaurant as a waitress, helps pay the bills, and during the weekend I do stand up comedy since as you can see I have a talent for it" just as she was about to say something else she heard the pitter patter of little paws right behind them " I think I hear your little friend Northern" Jessy said flicking her ear motioning behind them.
  7. Thank you again~ This beyond awesome
  9. BlindJester couldn't help but to laugh at the coincidence of bumping into somepony who is dressed as a Jester. "Well then I hope you enjoy your night in my hooves!" she boasted while keeping one ear open in hopes of hearing the pitter patter of little paws across the ground."I appreciate your company Northern! It's always a lot more fun to travel about mazes with a friend, well I mean you're not my friend but I hope you'd like to be my friend if you don't mind," she smiled at Northern Lights as she rambled on "Oh and I meant to say that Northern Lights is a very pretty name! I'm sure you must be a beautiful mare!" When Jessy finally stopped talking nonsense she heard the young mare mumble under breath about how her pet didn't normally act this way. She sighed inwardly hoping to cheer the mare up until they found her pet "So . . . ." she began aloud "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
  10. Nopony has edited your app, sometimes the board hiccups and turns a ' into &amp.
  11. Mind adding that to your app? n_n
  12. This is a lovely app! It's very heart warming although there is one thing I'd like to point out, we don't use ages here due to the fact that we don't know how ponies age so if you could change it to Young Mare that would be great! Also I would like to learn a bit about how she gets along with other ponies today, does she attend both of her tea shops or only frequents one? Does she have any future goals set for herself? Just a few questions I couldn't help but to ask! Again I love this app
  13. "Oh, I'm fine! It's not everyday you meet somepony by mowing them down. Although that's been happening to me a lot lately," BlindJester said with a light chuckle, sitting back on her haunches she listened to the young mare explain what happened all the while becoming frustrated at what to say. "I'm guessing you've never met a blind pony before huh? Don't worry though I'm not easily offended so relax okay?" she smiled in Northern Light's direction as to reassure her "I'm sorry to say that I haven't heard anything since I entered the maze, well besides your bells. How about we go look for your pet hedgehog together? With your sight and my hearing I'm sure we'll find little . . . Ipsum was it?" With that said BlindJester trotted over to Northern's side and stretched a wing over her back "Sorry I'll just need a little guidance through here if you don't mind. My name is BlindJester by the way, what's yours?"
  14. Today was one of the most exciting days of the year the Nightmare Night festivals. BlindJester trotted around the festivities even though she couldn't see she enjoyed the laughter of children; the up beat music, and the wonderful smells. It brought a smile to her lips though going to outings like this is sometimes difficult for her navigate through, with foals running under and around her outstretched wings it was hard for Jessy to figure out where to go her blind gaze looking left and right as if she was going to see at any moment. Jessy never really dressed up for these sort of events, but her friends managed to get her into a long black cloak rested around her shoulders with a pointy hat that sat upon her hair. After a few minutes Jessy's wings brush up against tall corn stalks "This must the the Corn maze! This will be a great opportunity to test my senses" she said aloud feeling her way towards the entrance of the maze. Once she found it BlindJester paid the fee and entered happily, a few feet into the maze her ears started to twitch picking up the sounds bells jingling. She shrugged if off thinking it was somewhere outside the maze until the jingling became louder and with it she heard somepony crying out "Ipsum, Ipsum!" a few seconds later Jessy found herself on the ground when a young mare bowled her over. BlindJester could feel the panic radiating off of her coat "A-are you okay?" she asked in a soft voice "Did you lose something?"
  15. HoneyThread got to the restaurant right after everypony else. 'Good everypony is here so I don't have to repeat myself' she thought to herself trotting up to the table where they were sitting. Politely bowing to everyone at the table she looked up with a rather sad look in her eyes "I regret to inform you that I cannot stay with you all this evening," she paused for a moment thinking carefully of what to say next "A important matter has come up and I must tend to it quickly." Turning to Sheriff Silverstar and Madam Bistro she said " I trust both of you can handle this without me since I'm not too much of an important factor in this decision," then Honeythread's gaze rested on Max's "I apologize for my attitude towards you earlier it was not very ladylike. I hope when we meet again that it will be on a better hoof, and I wish you luck with your project," and with that said Honeythread gave a wave goodbye and left the restaurant. ((Pulling HT from this thread because I've been rather laggy and don't want to clog up the thread. Have fun everypony!))
  16. Sex: Colt Age:Male Foal (Human age, he'd be 6) that should be Sex: Male Age:Foal (No need for the human age thing n_n)
  17. I think in his age you mean Male since colt means teen and for his actual age you have him as a foal. I'm also interested in how he uses his seeing eye dog.
  18. @_@ This is beautiful! I love every aspect of this app! Great work! I approve.
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