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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. I hope you make the needed change to this app or needed explanation. Whichever one is easier.
  2. I'd like it if the Name in the app would match the title of this topic. Maybe Trince 'Samguine' Blondecoat. Also if you wish for your pony to be of royalty you will need to him somewhere outside of Celestia's rule, but be warned if you plan to do so you must do research on that area and come up with what the government system is like. Lastly royalty outside of Celestia's is not recognized in Equestria. http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/2974-unicorn-senyor-apis-final Here is an example of what we're looking for.
  3. Hey Appletini how is this app coming along, dear?
  4. How is this app coming along Diego? GO DIEGO GO!
  5. Can you please add a WIP tag to your application? Derp how is this app coming along Boo- I mean Dio.
  6. I'd like to point you back up to Flutterscotch's post which explains it rather well.
  7. It seems as if you hiccup'd and now everything is jumbled together.
  8. I love those! Also I've wondered where you've been! Got anymore music magicks Oh great and powerful one?
  9. User has requested to tweak his application a little. Moving back to Applications for reassessment.
  10. Hehe this seems like a most interesting pony! Can't wait to see how he develops in RP.
  11. Have you made the changes or considered the changes that Tales and Skye mentioned?
  12. It's not a double life(Since everypony knows who she is in and out of uniform) she just happens to be a berry farmer first and a shadowbolt second. She doesn't get a kick out of being a shadowbolt it's more of her second calling, a craving for more. She has no problem about sharing her life outside of competition with the other Sbolts if asked she doesn't keep it a secret at all.
  13. No what I did was that Blueberry is a fruit merchant and a shadowbolt by nature. She does both at certain times not just one during the day and one at night and it's not a secret.
  14. I've thought about it, but I'm taking Blueberry in a different direction.
  15. I'm going to approve this for now. Although I'm completely sure with this app as of yet, but I'll let Skye and Tales decide. Good luck n_n
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