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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Octavia was happy to have her best marefriend here to enjoy the beautiful day and to play music with her made it all the more sweeter. This week audience was rather. . . . . unique but she enjoyed their company nonetheless and when the handsome white stallion spoke of a party she was all for it. "A party sounds great! Just the thing we need right Beauty?" she looked over to the lovely tuba player. Few seconds later she hears a weird twang then sees the country pony dancing about with his hoof to his mouth not seeing the jaw harp. Tilting her head to the side as if that would help her see the practically invisible instrument better she asked "How is it you're making that silly noise Hayseed?"
  2. Don't be scared about it! I do things like that too myself (Just go check out my ShadowBolts app) she looks interesting can't wait to see what you do with her.
  3. She doesn't harvest the carrots her brother and sister do while she handles the business part of the job. n_n
  4. Thank you for informing me Scotchie<3 I don't know what I'd do without ya. I didn't know there was already a Raspberry Blossom, so name change~
  5. Name: Blueberry 'Midnight Dove' Blossom Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Pegasus Pelt Color: Violet Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane and tail are Fuschia she keeps her mane and tail long enough to touch the ground, but when she flies with the shadowbolts she usually ties it back. Eye Color: Royal Blue Cutie Mark: A bush of berries Physique: Lean and fit with strong wings Origin: Cloudsdale Roleplay Type: Mane RP Occupation: Fruit Merchant and Shadowbolt Motivation: To become famously know for her great and daring flying skills or for great berries Likes: Berries, flowers, fast pace, flying, night, wine, speed Dislikes: Creatures who steal her berries, bugs, foals, nothing to do Character Summary: Blueberry Blossom was an average foal she wasn't too unique got average grades and a good pair of friends, but she always never seemed to enjoy anything. Nothing could truly make her smile; try as she might to find something that could thrill her like she's seen every other pony excited about one thing or another. Blueberry found her life to be quite dull through most of her foalhood and the first few months into fillyhood until one day she passed by a bushel of fruit on a short flying trip to Nimbusgait Lake. She'd never seen this sort of fruit in Cloudsdale something about this fruit intrigued her Blueberry landed right next to the bush and picked off the ripest fruit on the bush. It was a blackberry and the flavour of it sent her heart a flutter the sweetly bitter taste made her want more, to make more, to share it all with the world! There was only one problem sooner or later ponies will get sick of just one berry. So she searched the fields and found a few more blueberries, raspberries and such she took some of each and planted them excited for the first time in her life. Her mouth watered slightly at the thought of these seeds growing into the delicious berries she just ate. After an hour or two of hard work she tore herself away from her work and flew home eager to go back and check on it the next day. She continued checking on them for almost two months until the berries were fully grown Blueberry taste tested each berry they all tasted exactly how it did when she first tried it except it felt even sweeter because she grew them on her own. Suddenly it hits her that this is what she was meant to do, to grow berries and sell them for all to enjoy. Maybe even become famous for her home grown fruits! Turning around to fly back home she noticed something on her flank at first she thought it was a piece of dirt that got stuck to it, but upon further inspection Blueberry learned that she had earned her cutie-mark! She flew home head held high thanks to those little berries. Once Blueberry was old enough to live a life on her own she soon moved to a nice plot of land near Whitetail woods. She heard that the soil there was rich enough to support a whole field of any sort of plant life, shortly after planting everything Blueberry was once again bored with life she loved planting berries and getting the results back, but it all took so long to do! She wondered around the nearest town Canterlot in search of something to do to pass the time. She looked everywhere for a good part time job, but nothing satisfied her feeling lost and hopeless she heard a rumour about a new team on the rise a aerial team of pegasi who do dangerous stunts for fun and money. This peaked Blueberry's interests seeing as her plants will do fine without her for a few weeks the young mare set out to find this team who were known as the ShadowBolts. Blueberry traveled from Whitetail woods to Manehattan to Fillydelphia and then to Ponyville. All unsuccessful in hopes of finding the ShadowBolts as she got home to tend to her berries a good friend of hers informed her that the Shadowbolts were in Canterlot but only for a few more hours it was almost sundown. Excitement pulsed through her veins at such news quickly she tended to her garden then dashed off to Canterlot hoping to meet the famous team. She didn't find the Shadowbolts but she found the next best thing, their manager! Blueberry begged and pleaded for the pony to give her one shot after 5 minutes he caved and told her to show him what she's got. Immediately Blueberry shot into the air not wanting to waste time. During her trips to the other cities Blueberry worked on her flying maneuvers and tricks preparing for when she'd finally get this chance. She not only displayed her grace, but her speed and control of how she flies for her final trick she flew high into the sky her shadow caste down onto the manager in the rising moonlight she dived straight for the ground wings tucked in at her sides a few moments before she hit the Blueberry opened her wings and pulled up, but not fast enough she hitting her front hoof on the ground but didn't slow down she zigzagged between the line of trees at fast speed grazing her wings on the bark a few times, but she finished her trick and landed in front of the manger out of breath. The manager was impressed with her work even though she needs a little more fine tuning, but would be an excellent addition to the Shadowbolts. That day was one of the best days of her life, next to the day she earned her cutie-mark that is, she earned the nickname Midnight Dove and was guaranteed that she could work for the Shadowbolts and be a fruit merchant during the off seasons. Blueberry Blossom is a laid back sort of pony she doesn't find much excitement in almost anything most think she's cold and heartless because of this. Most don't understand how she can grow such fine berries with that attitude Blueberry doesn't care about what other ponies think of her and never tries to go out of her way to please anypony. Blueberry Blossom took the starter position in the Shadowbolts because she wants to do every show she can before the harvest begins and when she leaves for home a reserve pony member takes her place. Picture: Art by me
  6. Oh my goodness! This is wonderful<3 I approve.
  7. Also can you please fix his age we don't use numbers since we don't know how fast pony age, so please change the age to Stallion.
  8. This looks good, but can you give us a little more explanation into her attitude and what she's like when she's not working on the far and what are her hobbies if any.
  9. I absolutely LOVE this character to bits and seems like he will be quite fun to RP with. My characters Wisp and I'm the forums Octavia and I think they would be interested in a shy fellow such as himself. Wisp is about as shy he is and well you already mentioned Octavia and I'm sure that he might like to know Octavia outside of the concert hall, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I approve n_n
  10. BlindJester


    From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    This was my first attempt at a stallion. Didn't come out to well but I'll get better as time goes on. Anyway this was made for Xeon and sorry if the lines seem a little wobbly my hand was a little tired after doing BlindJester and Wisp.
  11. Hey can we move this conversation to PMs please? Since this is a intro thread I do not want such a debat going on here thank you.
  12. Thanks Flutterscotch! Thank you Ginger for the words of encouragement n_n I will tell you though i was afraid the linework would appear shaking because my hand was shaking a bit with my mouse(Lines and colours with her mouse)
  13. BlindJester


    From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    Just another picture for my tumblr. I enjoy this very much x3
  14. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    Proportions are off, but I loved how it turned out anyway. This was the picture that went with my ask tumblr check my blog if you want to know!
  15. It's okay we understand, but the scleras go Light to dark iris to darker pupil. If you lighten up the grey scleras and darkened the irises then I'm sure it will be fine. Other than that everything looks ready to go as long as you promise to fix up the eyes so they can be within the Mane RP rules I'd be more than happy to accept your character.
  16. Give me a bit more information about what made him this way. Was it the fact that he grew up in the Everfree forest or something that happened to him as a foal? Also with this revision I'd like to know how he came about his new cutie-mark.
  17. Yes because we're not totally sure about the shadowbolts as of yet so we want the communities opinion first. The talk of shadowbolts has been moved to Questions and Suggestions(Accommodating for those who aren't RP members yet) section so please go share you thoughts there n_n
  18. How is this app coming along Appletini? x3
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