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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. I bow down to your epic level in music. Might I ask if there is a downloadable version of the second song? I would love to have it as a ringtone!
  2. I have the element of Despair if not Depression.
  3. Lol funny a crash test Dummy. I approve.
  4. If I read correctly Kite wears two bandages over her cutie-mark. Mind explaining why this is?
  5. It looks like your pony is just tan and has a green cape on him. Everything else is fine.
  6. Eeeeeeeeeee! I love her to itty bitty pony pieces! Approved!
  7. Cute, adorable, love her. Just one thing in the Likes section be sure to change peoples to ponies. Other than that I approve
  8. This is a great start but it seems you are missing a few things. Such as the character summary most of the stuff under Motivation seems like it could be added to his character summary. It would also be great if you could add a cutie-mark story and what happened to his brothers and parents. And what made him move away from Appleloosa if it was such a great town. Also I'm not completely sure about him being involved with the Apple clan since technically that would count as a prior relation to cast members and that isn't allowed. Why does he enjoy banjo? Are there any other hobbies he enjoys? Just a little bit of brain candy for you. Also what is a tan green colour? o-O
  9. I looked up bolas but there are multiple meanings for it so which bolas is her cutie-mark? Great character so far it would be interesting to have her meet up with one of my griffons.
  10. Looooooooooooove it. Just one question how did she get her cutie-mark?
  11. Welcome oh great and powerful trixie to our humble boards known as Canterlot. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new buddy here at the forums. Please enjoy your stay and welcome to the herd. Also don't be afraid to ask our staff any lingering questions you may have.
  12. I'M NOT DEAD I just burned out >_> So taking a break from the forums a bit. As some may notice I've been gone for a few days almost a week. I sort of lost my steam to get on so breaking a bit going down to Georgia Wednesday-Saturday/Sunday. Hopefully I will be back in top RP Helpstaff condition! Keep your hooves crossed.
  13. Sorry it took so long for us to get to your application, but just to let you know double/triple/quadruple posting on your app actually makes it a lot less likely for us to get it looked at sooner, since some of us start looking from the bottom up. Anyway, great app I love everything about it. My hippocamp might be needing his services. Anywho this looks like a good so I'm approving this.
  14. Tell her they died and not tell her the horrible truth about hasbro XD It seems like you're slowly breaking her keep up the good work XD
  15. Crystal laughed as Mobius decided to strut about with his wings flared open. At this moment was when Crystal noticed that Mobius had extremely large his wings seemed to be, she couldn't help but stare at them for a few moments before he folded them back against his body. Once she snapped out of her miniature trance, and turned her attention back to the ever so apologetic unicorn. She smiled at him and placed a hoof gently on his shoulder "Don't be so nervous, we're not gonna tear you to pieces because you don't visit Canterlot much." Flipping her tail idly in thought she remembered about her tail how could she possibly travel to Canterlot with only two hooves and a tail she voiced her worry to her two companions "Excuse me boys but due to my excitement I forgot that there is one itty bitty problem how can we all go to Canterlot if I only have two hooves. It is quite hard to move about outside of water and I will slow everypony down." she frowned slightly as much as she loved being a hippocamp it came with it's share of disabilities such as a speedy pace to keep up with all the other four legged ponies.
  16. Internet is out for most likely a week or whenever the next time my stepdad gets paid so I won't be around for a while. EDIT: Internet has been restored! Hopefully till next month keep your hooves crossed!
  17. This is a good start but very bare. Give us a little insight on who she is, such as her hobbies, how she got her cutie-mark, what her was her foalhood like and how did it incorporate into helping her receive her cutie-mark and how she is as a pony. Why does she dislike raspberries? How did she get her name and why? Just a few questions to help you expand your character a bit. We also do not use numbers for ages since we do not know how ponies age or how long they live. So if you could change the age to Young Mare would be great n_n
  18. I'm not completely sure about the windmill thing unless you're having Breeze use it for milling purposes. If it's for electrical use I want to check with admin Manestream to see if that's okay. Also in his motivation could you please move his cutie-mark story and everything else down to the Character Summary? In place of the motivation you can just put a line of what motivates him to do his job. Also if you could change the @ sign to the actual at would be also greatly appreciated and to remove the sentences within parenthesis since they are not not necessary. Anyway enough with the technical stuff this is a very interesting character you have here I like how you have him use his wings, but we don't know much about the character such as his personality or how he interacts with other ponies. What are his goals in life if any? Keep up the good work. :smile:
  19. Why shouldn't I fall asleep with my legs crossed?
  20. I can help ya with the first issue. If you clear the entire forums it should turn a little. . . . dull? I guess you can call it like so http://gyazo.com/edaad5162863bc799d2550f5fdd54bd7 When somepony posts or something in a forum it should light up one could say. http://gyazo.com/7ae6bd23d6b718b56621cf11eedba725 Like that so keep a look out for those when looking for new posts I hope this helps a bit!
  21. He made an edit in his original post saying what happened and how he posted.
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