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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Good luck my dear brony. Did you show her Dragonshy? That's a good ep for new bronies
  2. Your wife is funny. What colour does she want the tongues to be? XD Keep working at it Kirby she'll break!
  3. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    Just drew one of my favorite OC ponies CookieSweets
  4. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    This was a gift to a dA user.
  5. BlindJester


    From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    This was the original design for my OC Merry who lives in Appleloosa as a mail carrier.
  6. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    MelodySpark and CookieSweets. Best friends or couple?
  7. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    BlindJester before her new look. This was also part of the NATG day 1.
  8. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    Fear her awesome! This was part of the NATG day . . . . 3?
  9. I think you are xD That's really good and adorable<3
  10. The adorable factor has hit the roof! Critical condition! It's to late we lost her! -heart melted from the cuteness and heart-warming story- Approved!
  11. Crystal looked down in embarrassment from the compliments "Oh shucks you two sure know how to compliment a mare huh?" giggling slightly at the word mermare "I've never heard of the word mermare but what my species is called is a hippocamp. I don't see many other ponies besides earth ponies near the bay so it's nice to see other types too this is the first time I've seen a pegasus pony and a unicorn pony up close to be honest with you guys." Looking up at the mass of clouds Mobius was talking Crystal smiled at it imagining it being a busy place for pegasi of all kinds. She got up and moved towards a sunny spot that was between Survey and Mobius, Crystal laid there to bask in the sun as she heard Survey talk about where he's from. Her ears twitched at the sound of Canterlot "I've hear a whole bunch about canterlot! The music is wonderful and the ponies there are so. . . . . sophisticated. You'll have to take me to Canterlot someday okay Survey?" turning her head towards him her violet eyes seeming to sparkle at the hope of going to his home town."And of course we'll have to take Mobius with us to that is if he wants to go I must also urge you to tell us both about your home and what it's like" she finally finished resting her head on her hooves looking up at Survey once more.
  12. Awwwwwww poor little Scruff<3 Approved http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  13. Still shocked to see you put up an app Dessa. Anywho how is this app coming along?
  14. Maybe add that part to the app other than that great job.
  15. Be sure to take off the WIP tag so I can fully assess it okay? n-n
  16. She looks good but I'm not to sure about her cutie-mark it doesn't seem to be precise enough such as how leaving her best friend would mean she gets a cutie-mark. Maybe a bit more insight? n_n
  17. Sorry bout the double posting but look at what I found while watching the video! -overly proud of herself XD- Also Princess Celestia's face does it count or just the frames?
  18. I'm so watching this after I catch up with all my shows o-o EDIT: I noticed the Big Mac thing every time I saw him in the show but in the intro his cutie-mark was always sparkly not in the show what's up with that xD
  19. I wish Irene would go home too but we're stuck with her coming by for a visit XD
  20. Sorry to hear that you're leaving us! If you ever decide to come back the door is always open~ Till next time my fellow brony.
  21. Really? I'm in Ontario, and I never noticed anything. Nor did I hear anything about it. http://news.yahoo.com/why-virginia-quak ... 33903.html
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