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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY YOSHI!!!! Love you my big brother from another mare mother And now? I go!
  2. WTFL!?!?!?! Party of One was in the lead with 30! How did this happen? I demand a recount!
  3. Crystal followed close behind Mobius as he paddled towards the shore "Nope I don't mind to take our conversation to shore I recommend that tree over there" she said pointing a hoof towards a tree providing enough shade on the shore for the two to get out of the sun and just enough shade to allow Crystal to stay close to the water. Changing directions to head for the tree Crystal looked back at the stallion "Yea I could tell you what kind of pony I am but it would ruin the surprise! You'll see once we get to shore alright?" she giggled swimming more circles around her new companion as they headed for the bank. Once they both go there Crystal pulled the upper half of her body up out of the water and immediately plopped down afterwards the lower half of her body still submerged to at least keep the stallion guessing about what she really is. "You're a pegasus huh? I would of never guessed." she said in a joking matter "So what is it like being able to fly? I'm sure it's amazing it's probably like swimming against a strong current or so I've heard." Looking at the tree trunk Crystal spotted a puzzle cube floating in the air with a faint glow "Who's there?"she asked
  4. If my answer is yes to what? You must tell me!?? I'm scared and confused -_- Seriously, I'm sure I'll fit right in. Though, I am notorious for falling of the face of the internet at times... Confound these ponies cause me to not pay attention when I do intros.
  5. Well hello there sweetie and welcome to Canterlot I think you're gonna love it here. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new best friend on these forums.Please be sure to give a look at our Getting Started Section so you can learn the ins and outs of our loving board. You need to make 3 posts here in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else this helps you get to know other new members as well as keep the spammers and trolls at bay. Also do not be afraid to ask our caring staff members if you have any lingering questions. Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay -_- EDIT: I FIXED IT!
  6. Well hello there dear and welcome to Canterlot! I think you're gonna love it here. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new best friend on these forums. I have two questions for you 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP community? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads. If not then that's completely okay we have plenty of other things to satisfy your pony loving heart! Please be sure to give a look at our Getting Started Section so you can learn the ins and outs of our loving board. You need to make 3 posts here in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else this helps you get to know other new members as well as keep the spammers and trolls at bay. Also do not be afraid to ask our caring staff members if you have any lingering questions. Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay -_- I also LOVE Shane!!!! He's so great and funny XD I think you and I will be the best of friends
  7. I don't care how hurt they are your child needs to get the f--k out of my store |: Especially if you left your kid while you go shop like this is a day care service. I'm sending your kid out -_- Unless they are well behaved.
  8. I think you just scared away any possible lurkers with Pinkimena
  9. When I realized what was wrong I laughed forever.
  10. Crystal glow giggled at the stallion's response she began to swim circles around him getting a better look at him. She stopped in front of him "My name is Crystal Glow. You can call me Crystal though or Crys even and I guess you could say I practically live under water" she flashed him a quick grin "So what brought you to Nimbusgait lake? Besides the heat that is I'm sure there are plenty of other lakes near by for you to dive in." She began to swim around Mobius in graceful circles waiting for his answer she hummed a bit but accidentally got too close and swam straight into his wing she went under for a few moments before popping her head back up and shaking out her mane "I-I'm okay" she stuttered
  11. Today was an unusually hot day and Crystal Glow was glad to have arrived here before the heat did or it would of been a dreadful ride here. It was Crystal's week off and she decided to travel to the Nimbusgait Lakes where she's heard praise for their clear blue waters and great water temperature. When she arrived there and tested her hoof it sent chills down her spine all the way down to the tip of her fins she immediately dove into the lake enjoying the pristine feel of the lake, but felt a slight twinge of loneliness since her best fish friend couldn't come with her she sighed. Suddenly she hears an echo it wasn't quite clear until she saw a dot in the sky getting close Crystal looked up shielding her eyes from the beating sun. "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Whoever it was crashed straight into the lake after doing some fancy fly work there was a slight wave from the impact curiosity urged her to dive under and see who it was but by the time she submerged the other pony emerged and she only saw its legs lazily kicking towards shore Crystal followed close behind till he was on shore that's when she decided to introduce herself. Poking her head above the water she saw that it was a pegasus stallion that suddenly crashed into the water she shook her head 'I'll never understand stallions' she thought getting a little closer to him "That was quite the spectacle do you do that often?" she asked before dipping her snout back under water out of a shy habit the only things showing were her eyes and the top of her head.
  12. Silverwing will do just fine. And thank you for making the correct changes. I approve. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  13. You have not yet been added to the RP group. I will be sure to notify Mane when she returns.
  14. I saw the glitter dash and glitter Pinkie but I can't remember where . . . .
  15. FFFFFFF I LOVED ED EDD AND EDDY! That was one of my many childhood shows growing up
  16. Looks good but if you could change the age to Older Filly that would be great.
  17. Bit late but this is hilarious XD also I hope that the douche stopped.
  18. Well hello there sweetie and welcome to Canterlot I think you're gonna love it here. My name is BlindJester and I will be your new best friend on these forums. I have two questions for you 1. Do you RP? 2. Do you plan to participate in our wonderful RP community? If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads. If not then that's completely okay we have plenty of other things to satisfy your pony loving heart! Please be sure to give a look at our Getting Started Section so you can learn the ins and outs of our loving board. You need to make 3 posts here in the intro thread before you are allowed anywhere else this helps you get to know other new members as well as keep the spammers and trolls at bay. Also do not be afraid to ask our caring staff members if you have any lingering questions. Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy your stay
  19. CookieSweets' ears twitched when she heard the word 'bake' she then headed over to Pinkie's side a twinkle of excitement noticeable in her blue eyes "Did you say bake? I love to bake! It's actually my job out in Manehatten that's where my shop is it's called 'Sweet Cookies' a silly name I know but I thought it was a cute play on words with my name you know?" she spoke with much passion and happiness in her voice while she was talking to quirky Pink mare. Her happiness soon faded when Cookie caught a glimpse of Granny Smith's Granny stare it was so odd and out of place that she thought something was wrong with the elderly mare but was soon comforted to know that she was fine. Cookie's attention soon turned back to Skink "Since it looks as if Miss Granny Smith is fine around these little creatures is it alright now if you showed me some of your snakes? I would love to keep one of these lizards, however I think I should see if there might be another choice for me." she commented although Cookie felt a little sad that she may not take one of them home they were so cute the one on her ear just seem so well behaved and the one on her back seemed energetic enough to keep her happy then the thought occurred to her "Actually maybe you can help me decide which of these will be best for travel since that is what I wanted in the first place" laughing at her own forgetfulness.
  20. This pony of yours will give Glow a run for her money
  21. Some of these ponies have NOT been identified in the cartoon series yet, does this mean these COULD be Season 2 MLPs? And if they are 'REAL' ponies, could they be considered CAST if anyone applies for them? IIRC toys that are just toys and are not canon in the show do not count as cast. If they do appear in the show then the person who had app'd for that pony must make the necessary improvements either to make it OC or to make it Cast.
  22. Does fizzy pop have derpy I mean lazy eye?
  23. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
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