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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. HoneyThread almost jumped out of her pelt when the little yellow filly crashed into the sheriff and his companion. Hooves and manes were flying about as the pile of ponies came to a complete stop in front of Maximilian. Honey couldn't help but to let out a laugh at the sight "I hope yall ponies are alright that was quite the collision thar" she said trotting over to the pile and helping the young unicorn get untangled from the pile, after Max had finished talking to her Honey added "I hope this 'ill teach cha about running around without payin' attention to where ya going little miss". After all the commotion Honey followed close behind Max as he headed towards Madam Bistro's establishment, she wasn't quite sure about him he seemed nice enough but something was just off about him. 'Ah well maybe some coffee will help me think clearly and it's on the house so he can't be that bad!' Dipping her head politely at the mare and donkey who greeted the group Honey suggested they dine on the deck "It's a nice day out and I'm sure Mista Max here is tired of being cooped up inside" she added happily. Even though Honey wasn't quite sure about what Maximilian's true motive was doesn't mean she shouldn't give the same hospitality as she would to anypony else.
  2. I still wish you would go into detail but everything seems to check out it seems so I'm going to approve this. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  3. Frame-by-frame analysis. Also, since I made the My Little Bloopers series on youtube, users commonly help me find some mistakes I haven't listed yet. The final season 1 blooper video is coming soon by the way. I'm currently editing the last few episodes' mistakes in. F--K YES I've been waiting for this forever!!!!!
  4. This was so much fun! I enjoyed this very much and hope to participate in the next game XD This final product was so worth it
  5. It's not clutter at all just make sure you keep us updated with your updates is all
  6. I guess my pony HoneyThread or CookieSweets could use and assistant. HoneyThread could use the extra pair of hands to help with her crocheting and CookieSweets could probably use the hands to help with sales and baking.
  7. Felicity watched the excited filly bounce around her in excitement. She was quite confused this is the fist pony she met that had this type of reaction. "Yes I am indeed a griffin and my name is Felicity Silverbeak, so tell me what are you doing here in ponyville? Where are your parents aren't you a bit young to be traveling about by yourself?" She asked out of concern the feathers on her head lying down against her head once more. Getting a good look at the filly as she bounced around her in excitement Felicity thought she could use a little company while she's here in Ponyville even if it is hyperactive. "Actually how about we save the questions for later once we have a nice quiet place to talk" she suggested pointed up to a cloud hovering near by. Without waiting for an answer the griffin stretched her wings and took off heading for the cloud. Sent from my EVO Shift using Tapatalk
  8. When the new arrival smiled back at her Honeythread couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed she felt her cheeks were feeling a little hot 'Thank goodness for this dark pelt of mine or I'd be even more embarrassed that he could see me blushin!' she thought with a sigh of relief. As the sheriff and his friend arrived to meet n' greet Mister Maximilian Honey gave a small bow in acknowledgement also stifling a giggle when she heard the other mare named Louise ask so many personal questions. Honey sat silently listening to the conversation hearing that Mister Maximilian came here to buy some land she frowned slightly knowing that's what most new arrivals come here for was to buy some land for a fancy smancy business they want to run. "So why exactly do you wish to have a bit of our land Mistah Max?" her accent wasn't to heavy but you could tell she was an Appleloosan "Oh and if you eva need a chauffeur ah'd be more than happy to show you around our lovely town I also have a shop of mah own it's called Sugar threading."
  9. How about any of my ponies? Mainly MelodySpark, CookieSweets, HoneyThread, BlindJester
  10. HoneyThread was sprucing up her shop for another day of crocheting and waiting for a possible customer. After a couple hours she finished a blanket she lifted it up with her magic looking it over but was not satisfied with it so she started to unravel it all and started over again and again for a few more hours. In the middle of her third try she decided to put it down and go for a walk 'maybe it will help clear my mind' she thought. Honey went for a walk through the Apple Orchard stopping under a tree she ate it and was staring at the trees. Once finished with the apple she took a quick trip on Appleloosa's famous pony drawn carriages, then joined the ponies drawing pony drawn carriages. She was going to stop by the Ol' Salt Lick but decided it probably wasn't the best place for a young mare like her to be at just yet so Honey went to the train station seeing if there would be any new arrivals as she got closer she saw a well dressed stallion talking to himself 'well if that isn't the weirdest thing I ever saw . . .' she thought but decided not to judge a book by their cover and went to give the new face a Appleloosa welcome. "Welcome to Appleloosa! My name is Honeythread but you can just call me Honey. What brings you to our little town in the west good sir?" flashing him a quick smile making sure he knew she was a friendly.
  11. This made me lul so hard XD bravo I have to do this to somepony sometime. As for me I used to hide my broniness but then I was like YOU KNOW WHAT?! F--K IT! on that day I bought 5 of the mane characters at target got home made a public announcement on facebook and I was done.
  12. This matter has already been discussed between all of us and it's fine as long as we keep it "As long as the concept is kept mild and doesn't delve into R rated concepts or material, or condones violence, it should be alright. In short, context sensitive." as Brian said.
  13. WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO CONTINUE MY GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean . . . I know you were busy but it was so dead you know when you stopped. . . .
  14. It looks fine and I don't think there could possibly be anything else added.
  15. http://missrarity.com/stuff/AppAssessed.png
  16. If a comment is not made within the next 5 days I will have to lock this topic up for deletion.
  17. I actually suffer the same fate as you my friend. My anxiety has gotten so bad that I had to be taken out of school and put into hope schooling due to my panic attacks I had daily. My depression makes it even worse and the medication I take doesn't really help me all that much I often dwell on things that causes my panic attacks which drives me into a deeper depression and so on. Not sure what else I can tell you just that I know how it feels -hugs-
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