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    Glendale, AZ
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  1. the US House plans to pass it and is not allowing ANY opposition... on the other hand, the Senate plans to block it. I can only hope.
  2. Hi, um. I kinda quit posting here months ago, completely unplanned though, just I was dealing with a lot. I still am but things have gotten better after I've gotten some stuff off my chest in the last month and a half.
  3. There used to be one in Phoenix called Anizona. It went well for a few years but the last time they had it, it ended up being horribly mismanaged and they ran out of money. There hasn't been one since. Aw, that's too bad. Do you live near any of the other AZ cons? And I've heard of Anizona, though I'd never gone. Phoenix Comicon is going on right now. I know for a fact a brony friend has a table there. I can't afford to go though. Sad about that; this year's lineup is the best they've ever had.
  4. Unfortunately, while I'm in AZ, I'm nowhere near Flagstaff... so there's no way I could attend this. There used to be one in Phoenix called Anizona. It went well for a few years but the last time they had it, it ended up being horribly mismanaged and they ran out of money. There hasn't been one since.
  5. Welcome! Leon K Fox invited you here, eh? He's a cool dude! Hopefully ya like it here
  6. The Powerpuff Girls are not Lauren's creation. They were created by Craig McCracken. While Lauren Faust did work on the show, she did not create the characters. Dunno about her being the "brains" a lot of writers and storyboard artists also worked on it. Oh...my bad. Though, she DID more or less take over everything after Craig left to start work on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
  7. I really shoulda posted in this thread when it was first created, lol. I don't really watch it much anymore, tbh. Only people in the WWE I like these days are Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan. I can't watch Kofi because he's on RAW (and so is that blabbering idiot, Michael Cole), so yeah. And Bryan's on SmackDown, which I'm not watching after what they did to Christian. Yeah yeah, buildup to storylines in the future, but as I've gotten older, it's gotten harder to suspend my disbelief. I was more into it when I was younger. I watched WCW nearly each week from 1996 until it died/was killed off by one Jamie Kellner. I loved Chris Jericho back then. He was an excellent heel. I also loved guys like Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, etc. Basically, Eddie's death made me lose interest for a while, and Benoit's just totally killed any interest I had left for a long time.
  8. No it isn't *coughlegallycough* <_< Wasn't referring to illegal means... Amazon.com has their own mp3 store and a separate store for downloadable TV shows... plus other sites are out there as well.
  9. Though she's made it clear this is not the reason she stepped down.
  10. Actually, the person who operated the MLP Twitter account said "stay tuned" in regards to DVD/Blu-Ray of season 1. No it isn't
  11. It's not a big deal. It's just a happy moment, that's all.
  12. Wasn't tryin' to corner you at all. Hey, I'm a BIG pessimist and probably the biggest pessimist there is. But with what's known so far, I can't be pessimistic about season 2. I just can't.
  13. ^ It won't fail, and there's no reason at all to assume it will.
  14. I HAVE to steal this. Really, it's just perfect.
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