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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Rp: Fallout: Equestria Crossover

    Name: Six

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: A boring dark brown

    Coat Color: Solid black

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long, unkempt mane and a short, shaggy tail. Both are red.

    Physique: Small and short. Six is pretty weak, He knows almost no spells (levitate and flash, that is it), and doesn’t even try to keep more than a week’s worth of food, medical supplies, and ammo for his only gun, Spades.

    Cutie Mark: A wide open book with a bookmark covering part of a page.

    Origin/residence: Born in the wastes/lived in the Ponyville raider encampment. Now on the run, heading to Friendship City.

    Occupation: Runaway, former raider, guardian to Mill.

    Motivation: Six, like most in the Equestrian Wasteland, is motivated mainly by survival, but another goal of his is settling down, creating a library for his collection of books. At the moment everything takes a backseat to getting Mill back home to Friendship City.

    Likes: Books, pre-war money, his lucky Twilight Sparkle bookmark (“READ READ READ!”), and apple cakes

    Dislikes: Raiders, thieves, slavers, anything he sees on the dark side of the moral scale


    Strength - 2

    Perception - 8

    Endurance - 3

    Charisma - 8

    Intelligence -9

    Agility - 7



    Firearms - 70%

    Stealth - 50%

    Explosives - 20%

    Repair - 100%

    Speech - 40%

    Barter - 30%

    Science - 100%

    Medicine - 80%

    Unarmed - 15%

    Melee – 15%


    -Travel Light: Run 10% faster with light/no armor

    -Jury Rigging: Fix an item with a similar one

    -Purge: The evil that exists in Equestria must be stopped. 30% damage increase to enemies who attack first.

    -Nerd: Books have become your life, so +5 to Science and Medicine.

    -Book Worm: Double the skill points earned whenever a book is read.

    Perks (party):

    -Light sleeper: The need to protect others makes you extremely wary. It is almost impossible to be snuck up to.


    -Sheriff’s duster with an easy to open holster (looted from a corpse back in Six’s raiding days)

    -Four healing potions

    -Spades, a six shooter with a custom spade engraved on its handle and a scope

    Mill’s inventory:

    -Sawed-off shotgun looted from one of the raiders Six killed.

    Character information:

    History- Six grew up with books. His real father was an avid reader and collector of especially rare copies of books. By the time Six was kidnapped and his father killed, he could read nearly any book brought to him. From age seven to age nineteen, Six lived with the raiders; hunted with them, but refused to kill innocents for them (the farthest he went was looting the corpses). While most of the raiders were out on their final attack, Six was finishing a book about a knight that sacrificed himself to save a princess. At first Six ignored the ending and just treated it as a sad ending, but then Mill showed up.

    Mill was the only captured survivor of the raider’s attack; everypony else had either been killed or escaped. Upon seeing Mill, something in Six’s mind just… broke, and he attacked the raiders in a blind rage, killing three of them, freeing Mill, and escaping.

    Cutie mark story- Six got his cutie mark after his sixth year with the raiders. Not much of a story, all he did was keep the raiders from burning Twilight Sparkle’s library by convincing them it was a great sniper post. Coincidentally, he found the Twilight Sparkle bookmark later that day.

    Flaws- Six is paranoid, he always seeing a knife in the shadows. Sleep comes to him with difficulty, and even when it does come the slightest noise would wake him. He is not very social, living with nothing but books and raiders can have that effect. He is also overprotective, making sure that Mill stays in his sight.

    Personality- Six is protective and paranoid. Books to him are like memory orbs to everypony else, if he is lost in one, he may stay lost for a while. He has an interest in the history of the Equestrian Wasteland, wanting to uncover the “mystery” of what happened to create the rampant anarchy across the land.

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