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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Holy cow, I almost forgot about this, sorry!

    Amy's goal in life is to make a very successful living as a metalworker, she is a bit... emotional, quick to anger and quicker to forgive. Stress can hit her hard if left unchecked, and sad or depressing news hits her a lot harder than most.

    She is never willing to show her sadness in front of friends,but more than willing to let it out in private.

    This will be edited into the full post.

  2. Wilden guided his friend to the campsite, still bitterly remembering the betrayal of the Monarch of Madness. Whatever hell he was banished to didn't seem to be punishment enough for the death of Blackhoof.

    The forest had changed since Wilden's departure three days prior, but it was still familiar enough for him to guide his new friend. The little pony was nowhere near as familiar with the forest as Wilden was, but to the wolf's credit the timid pony was not cringing at every hoot and howl.

  3. Filliiiiiiies and Gentlecolts!

    Is there anypony whose Skype I don't have yet?

    And of the ponies whose Skype I do have, who haven't I given LPW RP briefings to?


    Silver, I have your Skype, but you seem to NEVER be on it >:I

    And Tyler, I don't think I have yours.


    There you go.

  4. àh dont take my answer a 100% on this one, but as far as I know, the items you see in the series are legit unless the mods/admins say otherwise, so If you've seen it in the show you can use it.

    but I'd wait for a reply from the mods before I send you in the wrong direction ;)

    So my character can break the forth wall?

  5. I feel for you Irish (Scottish, Brittish) bronies. At my school we have a huge population (by most standards, most of them are freshmen, however (almost 1/2)), so quite a few of us are bronies (most of us hide it, but a loud brony will make us less quiet), at work there are no bronies, however, and only two people (other than myself) even know what a brony is.

  6. Fluttershy cringed as the faint sound of thunder filled the air. Angel, Elizabeak, Hummingway, and just about every other animal within a one mile radius was crammed inside her basement, none of them hurt, luckily. The basement was huge and well stocked -- Fluttershy was always prepared when the other Pegasus ponies made a storm, but this one was so wild and random that she barely had time to get everyone inside.

    Angel, the troublemaker that he is (of course she would never call him that out loud, that would be rude), was twisting her right foreleg, trying to get her to go into her cottage and get him food. She wasn't budging with the storm still raging outside, no matter how much the formerly tiny voice in her head screamed to feed the animals.

    "No, Angel!" She "yelled" at him to stop, suddenly feeling terrible. She enveloped the bunny in a hug and decided to get the food as punishment for raising her voice ((note: This is FLUTTERSHY, raising her voice is only talking at normal volume sternly, I just wanted to make that clear. Also, please let me know if you have a problem with the bright text)).

    The wind would have thrown Fluttershy's small body back inside the basement, but Angel, the stubborn bunny that he was, shut the basement doors the moment her last hoof was outside. She was still thrown back, of course, but she ended up meeting wooden doors instead of the stone basement stairs below.

    Now well aware of the wind's great force, Fluttershy managed to slowly but shurely ((Spelling)) make it to her cottage's front door and back, food in hoof.

    Angel greeted the food and went to work eating as much of it as possible.

    "Ma-Maybe that isn't such a good idea, Angel..." He only heard the first word; the rest was drowned out by the thunder. Fluttershy ran inside, slammed the doors, and eeped.

  7. get one of those PDF downloaders for your ipod, the free ones have a download limit of around 10 usually, but you can always delete chapters when you're done with them. I was reading it in school during some free time and one of my teachers was like "All of you kids spend all of you're time on your phones and playing games blah blah blah. None of you read anymore blah." Even though I already have a reputation for being one of the more bookish kids in my grade. I showed her that I was in fact reading (even if I didn't say it was Fallout Equestria XD).

    I usually just use my school laptop, but I left it at school.
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