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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Amy matched Crescent's gaze for a moment, then turned to the other councilors, suddenly realizing that Longbeard was missing from the meeting. His elderly wisdom might be needed for the planning, so she sent her escort (excluding Dunder) to find him.

    They were still staring at her, but she had no ideas that didn't include requesting the aid of the two neutral species for the war. The likeliness of the diplomats evading Storm Dragon's army would have been slim; convincing the Zebras and Griffons had even worse odds. There was one idea, though...

    "My old plan still stands, but instead of simply marching on Manehattan after taking Las Pegasus and Fillydelphia, we send half of our forces on hoof (foot) to Bridleback Shore while sending the other half to Manehattan through the ships undoubtably docked in Fillydelphia. While all of this is going on, our fliers will go east while remaining just south of the Everfree Forest remains (The news of its destruction reached the rebels shortly after the last tree burned). Storm Dragon will engage our ground forces on Bridleback Shore, expecting us to be flanked by ships loyal to him. In truth I expect us to hold much of the sea and lure him into a false sense of security. When he finally realizes his second advantage is lost (his first being numbers), he will attempt to retreat, only to be cut off by our fliers." The plan sounded fairly brilliant for one that just shot out of her head.

  2. Amy stared into the traitor's eyes for several seconds before looking away. In them was the one thing Amy didn't want to see: honesty. He wasn't lying.

    "I apologize, tra- Crescent." She started, remembering his name from when she was first told of Cloudsdale. "Like you, I let my temper control me, and I am ashamed. I drop everything I said, and Dunder, it was honorable of you to stick up for me, but please stand down." She truly was ashamed, falling for those rumors was a stupid thing to do. She was still angry, but her time with Diamondeyes had taught her how to control her voice. She decided to change the subject to the much more dire news Crescent gave them. "Storm Dragon's armies could be marching upon us as we speak, and we must be gone from here by then."

    She walked toward the map propped up on a small table on the right side of the tent. She pointed a hoof at Las Pegasus, and another at Fillydelphia. "We need to attack both of these cities immediately and simultaneously, and if the element of surprise stays with us, we could be able to take Hoffington, Baltimare, and Manehattan within a matter of weeks as well. If everything works out, we would have a direct path to the eastern provinces and, later on, the north. At the very least we would control the south and much of their food and entertainment centers. We have the troops, and with luck underground groups would join in during sieges, all we need are leaders."

    She walked to Crescent, well aware of what she was about to do. "Redwing, Dunder, and Crescent will attack Las Pegasus with as many fliers as we can muster, and the rest of the army will march on Fillydelphia." She glanced around the tent, everyone but General Hurricane looked shocked (Diamondeyes was mos likely feigning) at the plan a simple blacksmith put together. "All I need is a green light."

  3. "Well, I went from blacksmith recruit to councilor of the New Equestrian forces, so it has not been terrible. But the stress!"

    As if on que, three earth ponies walked into the tent (Did anypony know what privacy was?) and simply asked her to follow them. She followed and motioned for Dunder to follow, she wasn't planning on allowing her job to stop their catching up.

    My last day on the job, yeah right! Amy thought bitterly.


    General Hurricane, Councilor Redwing, and Councilor Diamondeyes were surrounded by guards and staring at one pegasus pony in the center of the room. He was battle damaged, but it didn't look serious. His sword looked familiar, but she left that memory behind and concentrated on what he was saying. He spoke with total authority to no pony and everypony, apologizing for his failure at Cloudsdale, which led into him telling of Storm Dragon's attack and their pet wolf's sacrifice. For some reason, it never clicked until after he spoke of the wolf.

    "He is the traitor of Cloudsdale!" Amy yell-whispered to Dunder, who stood next to her. Obviously others heard her, but luckily most ignored the quiet outburst.

    The traitor of Cloudsdale, the one that let it fall just for money, was standing right in front of her. It would have been a simple thing to unsheathe her blade and rush him. Sadly, though, Amy knew a fight with one of the best swords in Cloudsdale, however surprised, would end badly for the attacker. Instead she chose to take her seat and release her anger through words.

    "So let me get this straight," She started, obviously startling Redwing and Diamondeyes, who had just seemed to take note of her presence. "At the cost of our military might in Cloudsdale, you managed to escape with your tail between your legs and met four others on the road here, one of which was a wolf, one of the very animals that hunts ponies for food. One morning you lost one of your group, and by midnight this same wolf, killer of ponies, was willing to sacrifice himself JUST SO YOU COULD LIVE?" She laughed at it all bitterly, memories of her friendship with Dunder in the back of her mind. "How do we know that you didn't just meet two earth ponies of the road, made up this tale with them, and then came back here to betray us again? I had friends in the army at Cloudsdale, and Redwing had a family! How do you explain leaving them all to die, huh? ANSWER ME!" She was yelling by then, but she didn't care, the traitor deserved it and so much more.

  4. ((what about zeke and what crecsent said to him???))

    ((Thrylos edited it, also Wilden's next post is coming when page five comes. For now though, here is Amy))

    Dunder. Of all the ponies the war-torn Equestria threw at Amy, this was by far the most shocking. Amy was so focused on Nexi that Dunder's entrance was unnoticed by her until seconds after her blind friend left the tent, with Draco in tow. He didn't seem to have aged a day from the last time she saw him in Giza's shop all those years ago. She was barely a mare then, an apprentice blacksmith. He was a soldier, still a soldier, most likely. Age and stress didn't have their claws in Amy back then, she even recalled laughing at the thought of a grey mane, and the tiny grey hairs approaching her now seemed to laugh.

    That was the moment when Amy's memory pulled her in. Giza's shop was neat and orderly like always (excluding the opening week, when Red the teenage dragon took up residence), Leafy was on break, and Giza--no, back then he was Mr. Black, her teacher, not Giza, her co-worker--was filling another request, this one for a blade made of rare meteor ore. That ore was Mr. Black's prized possession, worth almost as much as his entire shop had been. Dunder, Dusty (Mr. Black's very first costumer), and Amy had been gossiping about the chances of civil war and which side to join. All three of them agreed that what they talked about never left the shop. In the end, Dusty snitched and, not quite two days after Amy was considered a full blacksmith, she was banished from Canterlot.

    Suddenly Amy was back in her tent, staring at her old friend. She galloped to him and jumped, giving him a hug rivaling that of an Ursa Major's. She kissed both of his cheeks (out of respect and friendship, mind you), and proceded to welcome him and offer a seat.

    When they were both seated, Amy broke the silence with the smile she was sure he remembered she had.

    "Dunder! How and where have you been? It has been ages!"

    ((Seriously, how long has this war been going on?))

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