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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Amy sat in front of the pyre, surrounded by the other blacksmiths. All around her, trainers and trainees were staring at the burning corpse of Head Blacksmith Steele. The strength and power always associated with his very name was gone; it died when he was found in his bed, sleeping eternally. Blacksmiths always sent their dead to the very flames they crafted from, and it was believed that the larger the flame meant the greater the blacksmith. In this case Amy was afraid it would go over the mountain. Everyone knew him and everyone loved him, and many men were shedding a tear or two. She felt water in her eyes, but quickly controlled herself. Tears flowed nonstop when she was in private, but in front of the others it was her job to be tough. He was strong, wise, and kind, the perfect mentor, and a higher birth would have made him the greatest ruler since Fluttershy, but sadly he was of common birth, nothing to do with royalty.

    Amy, as the smith that knew him most, was given the honor of saying the final words as his body left with the flames. “The fire of love crafted us, the fire of youth birthed our passions, and the fire of age takes us forever to craft in the Heavens.” She waited for the others to echo, and continued with the less formal speaking. “Father Steele, as he was father to us all, was and always will be the best of us. I am honored to carry the hammer, to follow his lifestyle. May he be forever remembered in the Heavens above.”

    The rest of the day passed quickly; she was named the new head blacksmith as well as councilor (despite her arguing against it), Storm Dragon’s favorite pet was dead, and Nexi was (officially) missing. Nexi’s disappearance was not the topic of conversation in camp, to Amy’s disgust. She hated being one of the only ponies to care about her.

    Amy was harassed by memories of her now-dead teacher as she tried to sleep, and it was midnight before a (luckily) dreamless sleep took her. She was hardly asleep an hour when a group of soldiers awoke her.

    The council tent was filled with the noise of arguing, but Amy could nearly feel the fear in the air. From outside she heard several distinct words, “war,” “surprise,” and “risk” were the most distinct among them.

    From inside, everyone but Councilor Longbeard and a few of the guards looked drowsy. “This is death; we have yet to even secure the total allegiance of the buffalo herds, so how do expect us to fight a more organized army that is TWICE OUR SIZE?” The rich councilor Diamondeyes was asking Commander Redwing, a councilor and General Hurricane’s second. Redwing had nothing to say to that, so Diamondeyes continued, “did I mention the dragons and experimental monsters? Because, shocker, they have those too.” Diamondeyes was obviously irritated, sleep deprivation did that to most, especially snooty ponies like him.

    Amy ignored it all and headed back to the tent to sleep; Longbeard would take no sides, Redwing would want war, and Diamondeyes would want to sit on his rump. Even when she wasn’t councilor, she knew from Steele that taking either side would cause nothing and waste time. Amy supported Redwing. They both agreed that if they were found out it would be over, but the world was full of ifs.

  2. yovo-you only vote once. make the right choice, vote for todd

    we want you to vote for team todd

    the most interesting team in the world. todd

    hey, we just met you

    and this is crazy

    so here's our platform

    so vote todd maybe

    student council posters around my school .-.

    My friends Hannah, Princess, and Karina are running for President, VP, and treasurer respectively.

    The don't need posters.

    They have the announcements and the intercom.

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