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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. ((Alright, I want to know if I need to edit this post or not, as it is talking about the campsite in heavy detail))

    Wilden contemplated the battle as he stood over his father’s corpse. In the end his father let himself be killed, Wilden knew. The last look his father gave him hurt more than all of the new scars lining Wilden’s body. It wasn’t hatred or anger or some other dark feeling; it was guilt. Wilden couldn’t bear to look into those eyes for long, he made the end quick to spare himself. His father knew it was going to happen, and left a map. Whitetail wood was home to all wolves but the Prince and his pack, and Wilden had an alliance to forge.

    Finding the way out of the cave was the easy part; winning a war was a different story.


    Amy Ironhooves finally set her hammer down and looked at her new product — a perfectly crafted dragon bone hilt, and on it was a blade made with meteor iron. It took months, but when she found the meteor iron Amy wasted no time and went to work. The blade was going to crown the next prince or princess after the rebels won the war, but for now General Hurricane needed to wield it.

    Sadly General Hurricane (named after the Pegasus that helped found Equestria) left after being told of a group of dragons in the area. Amy was worried for him and Nexi, but more recently her mind was on her old friends from Canterlot; of Dunder and Giza and Leafy.

    Tents were up from north to south for miles around. The campground was a loud and lively place; nearly anyone that wasn’t working or resting for a night shift trained. Amy, being one of blacksmiths, was allowed more freedom than most, one of which was the freedom to visit the head cook’s “kitchen” (truly just a glorified tent) whenever she pleased. Amy was kept fed better than most (The actual chart is wounded /non-workers< light workers (cooks, teachers, etc.)< soldiers < heavy workers (builders, blacksmiths, etc.) < leaders) but being well fed wasn’t enough to make up for the countless sleepless nights she encountered when working. Along with the 16+ hours of crafting, Amy spent two hours training apprentice blacksmiths each day, leaving her little time to sleep. Luckily metal and food were in great supply for now, as the buffalo tribes were aiding them heavily in the latter, and the nearby mountain range helped the former. The mountains were as much a curse as a blessing.

    They were unhealthily close to Las Pegasus, as only the thin mountain range protected them from discovery, but whenever somepony (zebra, buffalo, griffon) brought it up the higher-ups dismissed it as needless worrying. The rebel army was huge, ponies and the few members of other species supporting them was probably enough to make the dragons extinct, or at least endangered, numbers were a powerful thing. Their best weapon, however, was the element of surprise, and one enemy seeing them would ruin that. If they did keep it they would probably be able to take Las Pegasus, Manehattan, and Fillydelphia. But the world was full of ifs…

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  2. ((Funny, I have only watched Star Wars: A New Hope (I do know that the quote is from Empire, I just never watched it). My next post starring Wilden will be the last for a while, as he has to go to Whitetail Wood, and that isn't a short trip. Finally, can someone draw the borders for rebels and Storm Dragon's armies on the map, I wanted to but don't have a large enough grasp on where the borders would be))

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