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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Nope. Can't look an enemy in the eyes because of their hypnotic powers? Better watch their feet instead and still win. Lose a bet? 500 laps around the city on your hands. Don't have crazy super powers like everyone else? That's ok, harness your inner strength at the risk of your life to beat them anyway.

    Don't forget the fifty times he fights Kisame and wins.
  2. ((Alright, do you want Amy to know you or no?))

    Train, eat, train, eat, learn, sleep. Train, eat, train, eat, learn, sleep. Train, eat, train, eat, learn, sleep.

    That was Wilden’s schedule; Wilden’s new life. His father was a ruthless trainer who managed to reopen Wilden’s wound by the end of each day, but in the end it always proved worthwhile. In less then two weeks Wilden’s missing leg seemed to exist again, and Wilden managed to keep his body as balanced as if it had always been there.

    His eye was a different story. His father was forcing Wilden to compensate for what he had once been able to ignore. “It is to prevent that,” he motioned to Wilden’s missing hind leg, “or anything like it from happening again.” He forced Wilden to strengthen his ears and sense of feeling. His father wanted Wilden to form some sort of mutation of the echolocation the bats in these very caves were using. Thanks to the aggressive training and disgusting herbs Wilden was forced to choke down, his wounds were gone in weeks. His new life had its interests, however.

    At the end of each day, Wilden was taught a little more about the leaders of certain packs, about their strengths and weaknesses. He learned that the Strongclaw was huge to a fault; he was a very slow attacker, but one hit and death was likely to meet you. Quickclaw, Strongclaw’s much older but smaller brother, was deaf in his left ear and getting weak from age, but very quick to adapt. Quickclaw was the reason Wilden was being so brutally trained. Ninelives and his pack were the ones that crippled Wilden the first time. Ninelives had no notable weaknesses, but he could endure an insane amount of pain. Those three led the most organized packs; they were physically different enough to be put into three separate groups, a wolf version of Pegasai, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. Wilden needed to defeat all three of them in combat to prove himself prince.

    After what must have been two months in the cave, Wilden decided to ask why his father had left his children behind.

    “I wanted a strong heir, and when your mother died I took it upon myself to harden you further.” He said it coldly, with no emotion behind the words. “I knew one of you would die eventually, so I waited. Make no mistake; I was always watching you both. I wanted one of you tough, so I kept you safe while letting Wilda grow weaker. You never left her behind until she died, however, and that made you weak,” he spat. “Because of her life you would always be weak, so when the monster killed her I rejoiced.”

    Every word he spoke made Wilden hate him more and more; at the end he growled “I’ll kill you!” and pounced.

    “Good,” his father said as he dodged the attack. “Kill the former prince and take his crown.” He bit into Wilden’s left side.

    Wilden ignored the pain and, using his father as a temporary crutch, used his front left claw to scratch the old monster’s eye. The wolves each jumped away from the other and growled.

    They charged again for a second attack.

  3. ...



    You really ARE attuned to Penumbry, aren't you?


    Well good.

    Hes gone FAR too long without a loyal psychopath at his side.

    Without a Harley Quinn.

    I do hope you survive.

    EDIT: Pffffh, NEVERMIND!

    I misread that gamertag xD

    Well... the lower part of all that is still true :'3

    Whose gamertag did you misread? And WHAT did you read?

  4. Aww, I hope it goes away, and my gamertag is Unkindmoney.

    On Xbox I only have ME3 left, I sold the others to help pay for my car.

    Also, at the moment my grades have gotten me grounded, so even Mass Effect 3 is unavailiable.

    Luckily TAKS scores come in, and that usually gets me free for a night or two.

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