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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. post-3455-0-15131700-1336744485_thumb.pn

    Role-play Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Amy Ironhooves

    Gender: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Earth Pony

    Coat Color: Light yellow with a black mane

    Tail Color & Style: black and short, it curls a bit at the ends

    Eye Color: green eyes

    Cutie Mark: A hammer making a downward motion onto an anvil

    Physique: about average

    Origin: Born in Fillydelphia, now lives in Canterlot

    Occupation: Metalwork’s apprentice

    Motivation: A major motivation of hers is to become a master blacksmith, but she loves seeing her friends’ smiles and making them happy.


    Positive emotions

    Her friends

    Her blacksmith teacher

    Bright and positive colors



    Negative emotions

    Snooty ponies

    Dark and negative colors

    Character Summary:

    As an only child born in Fillydelphia into a high class family, Amy Ironhooves was expected to act as regal as her parents did. She was in the best private school money could pay for, wore the best clothing, and ate the highest class food available. Close to her school, an orphanage was full of foals and fillies that she quickly warmed up to. She got dirty playing with them, ate her lunch with them, and even went far enough to skip school to play with them. Her teacher found out about the activities and told her parents, so they moved to Canterlot to get her away from the “negative influences”

    She was furious with her parents after that, and always disobeyed them. She met a blacksmith after a few months in Canterlot and found her true calling. She tried hiding her hammer and anvil cutie mark, but it was to no avail and her parents found out. The family was destroyed (emotionally, of course), and she moved into the attic at the blacksmith’s shop almost immediately after becoming a mare. After a short time away from her family, her smile and uppity personality returned for good, and she chose to keep it that way, only getting angry at snooty ponies and things that made people sad.

    Amy's goal in life is to make a very successful living as a metalworker, she is a bit... emotional, quick to anger and quicker to forgive. Stress can hit her hard if left unchecked, and sad or depressing news hits her a lot harder than most.

    She is never willing to show her sadness in front of friends,but more than willing to let it out in private.

  2. CrescentBlaze: I think making it so anyone can win randomly with a random uber attack is unfair. My thought is that everyone is a certain level of power, and the more ponies fighting the better chance of winning. I made an exception with the Wilden/Beast fight, but I don't plan on doing that again. Either die or run if you don't have enough fighting power on your side.

    tyler008bon: Probably just PM me. I would be happy if you could "suggest" the thread, but make sure they know to PM me if they want to join.

    Don't worry, I NEVER intend to make Wilden that god-like again, I just needed a way to get Wilden severely crippled while saving lives (Also making Storm Dragon hate him only made it so much more worth it).

    holy crap tyler what a tweest!!! seriously though I like it!

    And thanks! I liked it, and I hope the others enjoy it, too. It took me a really long time in word to get it just right (to me).
  3. The fall should have killed him.

    The blood loss should have killed him.

    The fight should have killed him.

    Hunger should have killed him.

    None of those did.

    Wilden tried getting up, to no avail. He tried again, and managed to stand up for half a second before collapsing from either pain or lack of energy, he couldn't tell which.

    The Forest was calling to him, he knew. His sister and the Huntress were waiting for him, but he just wouldn't die. Why was he still alive, and not dancing with them, with two good eyes and four legs, never having to worry about starvation or sleep?

    Stubborn wolf. He told himself. Just die. Just bleed out and sleep forever.

    Luckily he had no way to survive, he could hardly move, but stubbornly tried anyway.

    Then he heard his voice.

    "Don't move, you are barely alive as it is. I bandaged you up as well as I could, but supplies are hard to find in caves. You are weak, but strength will eventually return to you. First you must eat, however." He had a gruff voice, it reminded Wilden of his own voice. "There is food in front of you, all you have to do is take it." The darkness was telling him. Sure enough, the rat was there in front of him, he could barely make out the features with almost no light, but they were there, and they looked like a rat.

    Rat or not, it was food, and food was what Wilden needed most. The rat gave no fight, it didn't even try to run. The pain filling his body forced him to eat slowly, but when he finished, he asked, "Who are you?" It was a short and simple question, but even that gave him pain.

    Light filled the room, and a wolf was staring at him, holding a torch in his jaws. "I am the prince of the forest, and you... You are my son."

    The shock was enough to break what fragile hold Wilden had on his conciousness.

  4. Well, I don't usually make Fawkes sized speeches but...here goes.

    Just gonna say it...This could very well be my last post in LPW.

    I've found myself a lot more disorganised and well, unhappy when I focus on this thread...

    So with a heavy heart, I will be leaving Last Post Wins...Most likely for good.

    It's been a good run, it really has...It's had it's ups...It's downs...It's demonic possessions and fair share of murders...

    But, there's a time when people have to move on and realize they have to do what makes them happy.

    So, here's my last words to all of you in LPW (Most likely)

    FAWKES...we may have not always got along, but you were and continue to be awesome.

    ANGIE...Milk, that is all :)

    DAVVY...Davvy :D

    ARIA...You are probably the most innuendo prone person I have ever known, and that's why you're awesome. :P

    APPY...You are and always will be the toaster Princess...No doubt :3

    I would go into further detail but...You all know that I valued my time here...with ALL of you.

    See ya LPW...I hope I can still be friends with as many of you as I can.

    And :/ For old time's sake~

    What? No! Don't go!

  5. I found out through my english teacher, but ignored it. My friend Taylor showed the song to me (I almost screamed), that made me curious, but again I did nothing.

    Then I saw the Starcraft 2 trailer... With ponies.

    I almost ignored it, but if something like the Starcraft 2 trailer only got better with ponies...

    I had to check it out.

    I watched the first two episodes (skipping the theme song) and thought it was wierd.

    I watched other episodes and started liking it.

    By the late teen episodes I could listen to the theme song.

    By season two I was looking forward to it.

  6. I...I don't even care anymoe.



    Blackfang's gone.

    He's never coming back.



    I never got to tell him...how much he meant to me.



    What if everyone else leaves?!

    Dusty's gone!

    Never knew him, but he has!



    You need to tell the people you love that you love them all the time.




    I always have.

    Not matter what I did or said.

    All this time.

    These old threads reminded me of all the fun we had.


    Don't you leave me boy.

    Don't you ever leave me.

    Don't be like Blackfang.

    And leave Penumbra heart broken.



    *Make's Blackfangs grave.


    Here lies Blackfang.


    *Puts rose.


    You may have not cared about my well being.


    But....Good bye.

    Wounds still bleeding.

    *Sad music.



    I just miss him so much.


    You wanted to see the real Penumbra.



    *Curls up in ball and cries.

    It'll be okay Penby

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