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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. As Tyler grew closer he began to notice that, due to their conversation, they all seemed to be bronies. He decided to respond to Boss_Hoss1's last comment.

    "Maybe it is only us, maybe we were chosen to come here for some reason." He stopped when they were all staring at his and blushed the way he always did when he was nervous. "I'm Tyler008bon, by the way. You can guess my name if you want."

    The dream was still being very vivid, and Tyler noticed that he was red, and his mane seemed black.

  2. i think all in in there late 20's at least, this is because...

    1. They all have reasonable jobs to help inside the town of Ponyville to help with everyday business

    2. They all own a home in which they live in

    (Yes, I know what I posted above)

    Cherilee and Big Macintosh seem to be in their late twenties, so when you include the age difference with Applejack and Applebloom, it seems logical that AJ is in her early twenties.

    Also, I have a reasonable job to help the community of my hometown, and I'm sixteen.

    My oldest cousin has both a job and a home, and she is twenty one.

  3. Not really chronically depressed, just get really unhappy when I plan on trying to actually have a life outside my house and then it gets all screwed up and I can't go out and socialize, reinforcing the feeling of being forever alone. My life is a cruel joke.

    No one's life is a joke, get that through your head now or I'll take the blunt object in your avatar from you and beat that idea out of you.
  4. What good times!!? I can feel that I am going to sink more and more as Saturday approaches and on Saturday will be the "dangerous" day for me...

    Every moment leaves a memory, the worst leave the worst, likewise for the best.

    Even in my most depressing times, I could take a quiet walk and remember the first time my friends and I formed our group, my first kiss, the first time I drove (With my grandpa, not my parents), the last day of freshman year (Oh God, that is by far my favorite), there are so many unexpected happy times. I know that depression is hard to beat, but trust in yourself and your loved ones to get you through it.

    Or worse yet...


    If you are Alaskan or a vampire (or both) then I'm sorry.

  5. don't worry, most of those 8 pages have nothing on them >_>

    Oh, good.

    True..... But I do not know how my life can improve... I am worried about being denied help paying for my psychiatric visits that are required for my continuing functionality and the fact that I have no license, car or job to speak of is crushing me. It's a vicious cycle o can't seem to shake...

    Hey, you always have to keep going (I'm keeping this short as I won't be on long)

    We have all hit those moments tons of times. Trust that the sun will always be up the next day (unless you live in some extreme area in the world), and look forward to it and all of the good times that follow.

    If you are Alaskan or a vampire (or both) then I'm sorry.

  6. I've always placed from oldest to youngest as


    pinkie pie (only because fluttershy says she's a year older than her)

    the rest

    yes, I think pinkie is older than the other three

    why? because she doesn't care what nobody says. she's reached that age where she's realized that nobody cares. I mean, not that she likely went through a phase like that or anything... o)3)

    I dunno, I just think she's old, okay? >.<

    What is your definition of old?

  7. [10:19:17 PM] Nichele 'BlindJester' Bennett: LOL

    [10:19:28 PM] Nichele 'BlindJester' Bennett: People swallow at least 8 spiders in their lifetime.


    [10:19:37 PM] Ashton™: FJKWEFEKLJW

    [10:19:40 PM] Ashton™: EEWWWWWWWW

    [10:19:42 PM] Ashton™: MOTHER ----.

    [10:19:49 PM] Ashton™: EWWW

    [10:20:12 PM] Ashton™: I JUST WANT TO DIE.

    Part 2

    [10:21:01 PM] Nichele 'BlindJester' Bennett: There is a spider who gives you a hard on for hours if bitten

    [10:21:53 PM] Ashton™: FOR HOW HOT THAT IS.

    [10:22:00 PM] Ashton™: I'M STILL SCARED AS ----.

    It is actually 8 per year, just sayin.

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