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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. "Mr. Brack! Mr. Brack!" Amy yelled, her mouth filled with the sweet sweet taste of donut. "I brought donuts since you didn't have breakfast!" She finished as the chewing of the donut was complete, she proceded to swallow moments later. "Huh, that's funny," She started, staring at him as she did. "You don't look any more girly..." She smelled him, and he smelled worse than usual. "You don't smell girly," she said as she covered her nose. She thought for a moment, and the realization hit her like a brick wall, "you must TASTE girly!" She proceded to lick him and gag. "Nope, not that either. Say, what is that on your back?" She proceded to change the subject extremely quickly.

    ((Yes, I know it says Mr. Brack))

  2. Ehh, It's really nothing. I just can't seem to play guitar all that well these last few days, and with these silly dreams of becoming a Country Musician, It's just getting on my nerves. I CAN'T MAKE THE MUSICZ IF I CAN'T EVEN PLAY IT. but they're just dreams, I'm not expecting anything big. (it'd be totally awesome) I wanna be the next Josh Abb...I NEED TO BE QUIET. :I

    "I can't sleep, I'm dreaming way tooloud."

    Hey are you baptist?

  3. As she skipped the way to Enchant, Amy wondered what Mr. Black was up to, giggled, and skipped a bit faster. Leafy gladly gave her directions and asked about Red's snoring. "Don't worry about that! Its only bad if he has a nightmare!" Amy remembered saying in her always cheerful manner. It turned out that Enchant was on one side of Canterlot while Black Metalworks was on the other, and Leafy's instructions made all the difference in the chaotic streets. "The Princess needs to do something about all of these streets, maybe send the creator to the moon!" She giggled to her own joke.

    After a few more minutes Amy spotted a donut shop and decided to get Mr. Black a snack or two, since he seemed to not eat during his time in the mine.

    "Just three donuts, please," She said to the nice cashier. In a jiffy she lost some money, gained some donuts and instructions, and headed out.

  4. the weirdest thing I've ever found in my bed was a bloodstain on my pillow

    my face was bleeding

    I was doing an art project on my bed and fell asleep on my scissors

    I once did something similar.

    Of course I was using a desk and a knife instead.

    I was once told that I can fall asleep anywhere.

    School bus (check)

    Plane (check)

    Every room in my house (check)

    The floor, table, and desk in the living room (check)

    Helicopter (check, and boy was that money worth it)

    Car (check)

    Car while driving (I don't wanna talk about it)

    The knife one was my favorite.

    I once had a dream where a hundred bees attacked and stung me. A bee stung me at Sam's later that day.

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