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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. I'm not saying in the forum hehe, just considering LPW. And I don't consider myself old at all, so no Saren ;-)

    And doesn't matter Silver! You weren't born into the awesome hair metal of the 80s before getting to experience the boy bands, sandals, and short-sleeve shirts over long-sleeve shirts!

    Weren't you a baby at that time?
  2. Tyler008bon woke up with another migraine from another party. His hooves were hard to mo-- wait, hooves? It had to be a dream, after all, spending never ending time with other bronies with nothing to do but party would be a major cause of dreams. The smells and sights of Equstria were there, though. He was extremely pleased that his allergies had vanished! He checked for a horn or wings and found none, but being in Equestria was more than enough to make up for it.

    He saw a group of other ponies and approached.

  3. After seeing a pony teleport in front of him and blow his cover, Wilden growled at him and ran.

    So much for the element of surprise, he thought to himself. How does a pony teleport anyway? It was an abnormality of course, but Wilden would have welcomed the ability to teleport anywhere he wanted.

    After making sure he wasn't followed and was far enough away from danger, Wilden hunted. He managed to catch more than enough to satisfy his hunger, and thought of his sister, whom he always shared with.

    He laid down on the grass and tried to sleep, but his mind kept going back to those ponies. I have to find them, they may need help, considering how deep they are my home.

    Wilden's doubtful and cautious thoughts lost the battle raging inside his mind, and he went to find the ponies once again.

  4. Strange.

    In my first forum, I felt like an infant (people in late 30's, early 40's, very small and tight knit group, I was 12-14)

    In the second forum, I felt like an elder [One of the first (and last) members, most of the members were twelve year olds (Not like Thrylos, either) or one-posters, I was 14-16]

    Here, I feel normal (Not a good thing in the LPW section).

  5. You know, that sounds like my manager... I told her about ponies, and she admitted to being off put at first... She started watching a week ago... She is now honestly probably all caught up. In the process of watching she converted 2 friends, which in turn converted 2 siblings. She is currently working on a third friend who is having an existential crisis because he apparently already tried and didn't like it, but now all of his friends are getting into the show and is considering rethinking it. Here is the caveat to that story... He was a friend of mine in hs (that I fell out of touch with). I'm currently debating contacting him and telling him I was the one who got her into it.... And the apologizing because she is persistent XD.

    Oh yeah, and we totally spent most of the last work day talking about ponies. So awesome.

    I wish I had coworkers that liked ponies...

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