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Posts posted by DreamNotes

  1. So the rules are simple. The next person to post is to insult or compliment me, the person after him/her compliments that person and the person after that insults. So on and so forth. Now comes the fun part the compliments and insults need to be colorful, and be in some way associated with what was posted by the person they are complimenting or insulting.

    Not sure if this game is going to be a hit or not but figured I'd try. I've seen it played before, but it's been a few years.

  2. Yea, except we'd, assuming we didn't magically take some alternate form (I'd hope for pony form of course), be the strangest and most bazaar creature in Equastria. I mean even on earth there are arguments that humans, as a species, doesn't make a lot of sense. It's like we just shouldn't be and yet we are. So take us to a land where humans just aren't there, unless they are and we just never see them or any hint of them which is hard to believe, and we suddenly become the most non-since making creature, just below Discord. Oh hey there we go, Discord created humans. :blush:

  3. I'm sorry Fawkes but as it stands the only information on KH3 is that it'll be released after 2012........ I know not helpful at all. As for all the stuff in between well it's stuff in between. I think Birth by Sleep was meant to expand on the world and possibly explain things they might have been planning to talk about in Kingdom Hearts 3. But who knows, they reassigned Namura to work on FFXIII and he had to finish that before he could move onto KH3

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