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Posts posted by DreamNotes

  1. He smiled warmly at her "Well there must be a particular style of music you like." He begins moving slowly but in a slightly exaggerated manner his body moving with the bow of the violin, he slows down the beat so the nights are slow and long moving into a classical song "Maybe classical?" His body swaying back and forth with the bow.

  2. (OOC: I like the way you think Hinata! Not gonna follow it but I like it)

    Dream notices Snowy sitting off to the side listening to him, he loved it when people would actually listen to his music, and not think of it as simply background noise for them. "Why hello there Ma'am!" Still playing his violin "I'm Dream Notes! Is there any style of music you prefer, or a particular song? If I know it I'll play it for you." He says while winking at her.

  3. Dream Notes was sitting, on the corner of a street planning his horned violin. The case for his violin was opened in front, with a sign "Song Requests Excepted, Tips Appreciated." Though no pony was requesting any songs in particular, some of the passing ponies were throwing in a few bits. Some would throw in 1, some 2, occasionally he'd get somepony to throw in 3, though rarely would he get more than that.

    Dream had decided to travel around Equastria a little, and after the first week of travel found himself short on funds. So he had to make money with what he could do, and since you can't have a one day job as a steam engineer, he went to what he enjoyed doing. Playing music.

    (Sorry I'm not normally much for long posts.)

  4. Yes that's what I was getting at with the other addictions, however tobacco has been around since well forever. Similar to how alcohol has, only difference is we used alcohol (originally) because we didn't have any other choice, water was too polluted at the time for humans to drink. Smoking well that's different that, to my knowledge, was started do to religious beliefs around the world. So yea it wouldn't be unbelievable that Equastria has tobacco, or something similar. As for the medications, that would depend on the person. If I was sent there I wouldn't have a problem, I don't need medication, and I have a strong family history of not needing medication so long as I stay healthy, which being in that kind of environment I'd be more amazed if you were healthy.That being said, yes they don't have human doctors, and where as you could probably trust the pony doctors for broken bones and things along those lines, if you come down with flu or something like that you better start praying to Celestia, unless they have magic that just insta-cures you. I think the biggest problem in all this though isn't the if you need medication, it's how will your body react to the new environment. You'll have to deal with a loud of new bacteria and planets and animals and diseases that humans have never been exposed too, to are knowledge maybe they'll bring humans into the next season who knows. Anyway all that mixing together your body will not know how to deal with those. Thus you'd have to take the extra precautions, like boiling water, making sure food is cooked all the way threw, no rare or medium it's too risky, that any wound you get is cleaned and dressed with clean bandages of some sort.

    Sorry about all my posts here being so long, I get a little carried away with topics like this. :-|

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