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Posts posted by DreamNotes

  1. Seems to be medivel with random bits of technology. I would imagine the technological parts come from unicorns. Like if during the time of King Arthur wizards were a normal part of society, weaker, but some can make microwaves

    I was reading through all this, and it caught my attention the whole time thing I actually think there more in the 1950s, with some areas just not having advanced. This is based off the technology that has been seen within the show, the most advanced pieces being an arcade game and DJ turntable which both just so happen to have come out in the mid 1950's and with the fashion base of everything I'd say it's about right too maybe go back a generation from that possibly 2 generations at most. And it would explain almost everything within the show. Especially if you start applying the "How magic would have effected the world" theories that come up a lot in dnd discussions.

    Also as for living in equastria yea, It's totally do able. And the "lack" of protein problem isn't a problem, what a lot of people, namely the ones that try and argue that vegetarians shouldn't be vegetarians because of it don't realize, or neglect to mention, is that there is protein in plants, namely beans, nuts, seeds, and soy (I mention soy separate from beans because to my knowledge it is one of the biggest sources of plant protein) would become your primary sources of it. The difference you'll see from this, and really only difference, is that you won't be big and bulky, plant protein is lean protein so you'll end up being thin and lean.

    Next subject... Work as a human in a land of ponies, ok yes we are possibly not as strong as earth ponies, I say possible cause we don't know on a fact in this case, we can't fly or do things with the weather like a pegasus, and we don't have magic like the unicorns. That's all understand, what we do have is hands and fingers and feet. You'll probably ask what's that got to do with anything, it has everything to do with it, fact is we can do highly detailed work very easily compared to a pony without much concentration, which means if we gained a skill set in fashion or something to do with art we could put out work much faster than a unicorn who would have to focus on what he/she was doing in order to levitate what they were using around. Next are feet give us the ability to much more easily, more easily than any pony, to climb and, if you'd been there long enough and did enough physical workout, to be thin, shouldn't take much, you could much more easily get to those hard to reach places. To top it off there is much much more that we can do that ponies can't, and there's things the ponies, unicorns, and pegasus can do that we can't. So yea.

    I had one more thing I was going to go into but I can't remember what it is right off hand so I'll save it for later when I remember.

  2. Other than the excitement of season 3 going from 13 episodes to 26 episodes, someone should probably correct the people over at the MLP:FiM wiki, unless I'm misunderstanding this, season 3 won't air till August. Whoever they have it on the wiki as being in the summer line up, which begins in a couple of days. Maybe I'm reading to much into it.

    Edit: in case anyone is wondering about where I heard the summer line up part http://mlp.wikia.com...ndship_is_Magic there's the link

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