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Everything posted by Fireheart

  1. Melody looked down at her beloved instrument then looked back up to the seapony ,smiled and said. There are no dumb questions my dear and yes I've played my entire life. Yes I am a professional at it as well.
  2. (Sorry I'm late! ) Melody giggle a bit at the seapony's quirk on the the paring. My dead wierdo is a word I wouldn't use maybe unique is more like it. I am Sweet Melody a pleasure to meet you my dear Flare. she replied bowing her head a little.
  3. Melody levitated the pitcher and poured herself a glass of water as well. After taking a sip from the cold water she looked up to see the pegaus colt having drgonic wings instead of the normal feathered wings and seamed rather humilated by. Oh please don't fret darling she said in a soothing voice, there's nothing to be ashamed about here we're all unique in our special little way. She finnished looking at all of guests.
  4. Fire notisced what Balance was worried about and swiftly stomped on the portal before chaos could pervert his home. Oh no you don't He growled pouring order magic into his hooves causeing the portal to crack then shatter. Fire quickly looked up to his new found friends and said with a worried look. We better hurry I fear Skyhaven is no longer safe.
  5. Fire nodded slightly then opened a portal strait to Skyhaven and walked through. When he reached the other side he left the portal open to let his copanoins through. He imedietly saw the pony strife attack one of his closet friends jumped in the way of the beam and knocked it away. "Strife, for attacking my closest friend and allowing pure chaos back into your heart I hearby banish you from this haven". He said in a booming godlike voice then said in a much softer, sadder voice I'm sorry and he sent him away back to Canterlot.
  6. Melody continued to focus on her violin until the burst open and a griffon came in apollogizing repeativly. It's alright dear you're not the last we're waiting for two more guests. She said kindly with a smile
  7. Melody smiled sweetly at the earth pony then noticed the seapony approaching in a wheelbarrel. She then walked inside and observed her surrounds not to mention all the lovely guests who were already seated. She took her seat and went back to inspecting her violin.
  8. Sweet Melody walked to the Sweet Dreams Cafe with her violin on her back as always. When she aproached the door she gave a light knock and pulled out her violin to inspect it while she waited. I wonder what awaits beyond the door it make me so excited.
  9. Fire looked down at the young colt and calmly said. " Don't worry about the necklace I can make more as for getting out if you remember I created a portal that sent that Viking away. I'll make another one that'll take us to Skyhaven so we can plan our next move. As for the mane six I think I know where they are it's just getting to them will be difficult I'll tell my plan once we reach Skyhaven though. Just let me know when you're ready.
  10. Wildfire waited for the eager ponies to get a good head start before she took off just short of a sonic rainboom passing all the contenders and easily getting half a lap away before she landed and precede to canter. That'll do for now. Now I'll wait for them to catch back up.
  11. Fire eyed the weapon oddities then turned his attention to the so called "Elements" Balance was metioning about. Let me take a look at them. After a few seconds he said. I find it odd that Discord would give us an advantage against him, but these are the true elements but only the bearers can use them. These are desighned to work for the pony who represents that element, so to get these to work we'll have to find the mane six or we find the orginal bearers.
  12. Here's my OC Name. Sweet Melody Gender. Female Species. Unicorn Desciption/Cutie mark. An adverage sized unicorn with a snow white coat and sapphire blue eyes. Her mane and tail are a deep sapphire blue and her mane has a pink highlight. Her cutie mark is a blue violin with the bow and a pink heart behind it. Sweet Melody was born in Canterlot as a noblepony, but she moved out of the the noble sector and into the peaceful town of ponyville. There she started playing her violin in the local park for all to hear Her music started to spread throughout Equestria as she traveled with the world, but she retired early and returned to Ponyville and continued to play. Song tends follow her heart and speak her mind often. She's very intellegent and welcomes an open mind.
  13. Moon looked at the young colt sadly then replied You're free to go if you wish just let me know when you wish to go to the surface. She released him and stepped away and waited his reply. Fireheart heard voices coming from beyond a corner so he picked up his speed to rejoin the group of ponies in the maze. When he turned the corner he saw a gaint viking pony attacking the group, but they seemed to be holding their own. Fire decided he would end this little fight by opening a portal under the viking and sending it out of the realm. Hello everypony been busy have we?
  14. Sounds fun. I'm curious how this'll turn out. I'm in.
  15. Wildfire was growing impatient for the race to begin. She began stamping the ground to vent her frustration out and to phyc herself and and other pony nearby. Come on! Lets get this show on the road!
  16. I find insects and such fascinating as long as they're not on me, or likely to jump at me. I always try to hide bugs when I find them because I don't want other people killing them XD Ditto
  17. Oh joy Pinkamena has come to join the party. Sooner or later ponies are going to become missing. I've seen the fanfiction so I got my eye on you.
  18. I am setting up a RP for a story I'm writing known as Burning Moon. The RP begins on the night where Nightmare Moon escapes from banishment. As the story goes my OC is tryng to find a spell to rid a curse on his mother. The RP will take us to places such as Canterlot Castle, Ponyville, and esspically Skyhaven Castle. The other OCs will be interacting with him and might even help him. An example is where My OC will enter Ponyville and possiably bump into a ramdom OC. The main plot will follow through the events of the series, but thats up for discusion I'm not sure how that'll work out. If you want to enter your OC PM me and I'll put it on the list. Also if possiable I need somepony to play as the royal sisters and the Mane Six. Cast Twilight. Rarity. Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie Fluttershy. Applejack. Celestia. Fireheart Luna. QueenChrysilist747
  19. Fireheart continued to gallop down the path until he turned a corner was faced with a horde of zombies. Grrrr get out of my way! He shouted stomping the ground sending a fearious wave of fire that incenerated everything in its path.
  20. Fire stood at the fork in the paths for what seemed like hours before he decided to take the path of light. He walked down the path until another path opened up to reveal a chest. When he opened the chest a book laid inside and he picked it. The book then opened and symbols came out and circled him then they disapeared. Fire was confused for a bit until he looked back inside the chest and his element of magic was Laying within. He quickly put it on and almost instantly his horn and wings reappeared and another path opened up which he precidied in dashing down. Moon was getting worried when the young colt was acting strangely, but came terrified when he ran off the ledge. She quickly wished him back on the table using her wish magic and with a pop Strife was on the table. " try to calm down dear you're safe here nothing will harm you Fireheart built this place for thoses who seak peace. Try to clear your mind and don't let that voice bully you.". She said in a soothing voice.
  21. sure thing I'll do that once I get on the computer
  22. Mind if were to be a teacher. I could teach advance magics with my main OC Fireheart.
  23. (sorry if I took awhile) Honestly why does he threaten about philidalphia does he even know where I lived? Fireheart shook his head in frustration as Discord took his horn and wings away and he started walking down one corroider. When the ground shook and cracked Fire took off on full gallop to escape the zombies. When he felt like he was a safe distance away the hedges shifted to reveal two pathes one full of light one of complete darkness. Fire sat down to think on which path he should take. "Sorry dear but it's for your own good" Moonlight said calmly as she continued to wrap the bandages around the scarlet colt. "Trust me this potion will quickly heal your wounds"
  24. Wildfire stretched her wings and legs and planned on how she will run the race. When she heard about the prize didn't really care for she was there the fun of the competion. She took her place at the 6th position and searched for Rainbow Dash.
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