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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. yes, if you read my character's bio his talent is to never get lost, but i digress, I didn't actually think of having small chalanges for each of us in the maze (being as i thought that would be too close to Discord) but i do think that would be fun.
  2. Let's see if this works better, again my OC, Darkness Eclipsed () and as for an idea I suggest, similar to first episode of MLP: FiM, that we use our Cutie mark "powers" to save the filly. as for the section involving my CT mark, i suggest a maze.
  3. Darkness smiled, "never a problem with me," he said pointing to his Cutie Mark, "see the compass part, well basically, no matter where i am or how dark it is I can always find my way back to safety," he smiled at her, "What about you, whats your talent?"
  4. Queen and Rarity soon got in and Queen looked blankly out the window
  5. Darkness smiled as he lead her toward the Whitetail, "ever been out into the Whitetail forest?" he asked her warmly.
  6. Eh...sorry to be a downer but im not gonna join this time around...still to off colt for me, excuse the pun. But aside, its just still to open and limitless....i'm all for randomness and fun, but with an rp like this i need a stricter guidelines...the fact that your gonna.again..play a superhero pony makes me uneasy...so sorry, not his time dead. but too all, enjoy anywho, goodbye ;P
  7. He blushed ever so lightly but dipped his head as he ducked inside and looked around with a smile, "good, a quaint little shoppe, I like these very much," he smiled warmly, "I suggest we split up just to get this over faster," he turned to the mare behind the counter, "no offense ma'am," he quickly added to ensure she didn't take it as he didn't like the place, "It is a lovely shop but it is just we are on a tight schedule," She smiled, "It is no problem, please do not worry" she said warmly and he nodded to her.
  8. Queen sighed and headed toward the car. Rarity leaned toward Coleete, "never thought i would say this but we gotta cheer Queenie up!"
  9. yes, i approve, btw my previous offer still stands of being a moderator to your rp, i can help with stuff like rules and guidelines, also the process of which applications are ok and not..
  10. [i didn't...but..good luck ] Chrysalis just sat in the back corner and listened to the mare that had said she was the teacher...Cheerilee, a nice name. Chrysalis dared to look up for a second and heard something about introductiopns so she tried to slink back a bit to avoid that
  11. Yeah, Lovinity just because it is in FFA doesn't mean everyone can just join will nilly, its still your RP it is your call weather to let them join or not, and if, even if you accept them, they feel overpowered, talk to the person to try and work it out.
  12. Lovinity if all else fails with the WOE application I would be more then willing, and over extatic, about helping you build this out in FFA, we would talk over pm so we can really figure out the rules and restrictions along with the plots, while yes the other memeber will help with the plot basis we can structure so it doesn't go awall like it kind of did here. You know im on most eeryday and always out and about, i think with a bit of work and moderation we could make a more structured version of this still in FFA, though we may have to be a bit stricter on appling..maybe not as strict as WOE, but still we need a bit of OC guidelines.
  13. Darkness soon got up and brushed off, "that went...well" (mlp:fim episode 1 reference) he said to her with a smile, "so...to the woods?" he asked, "Don't want another intruder," he smirked playfully, "but he seemed nice" [gonna go for bit, game time, ttyl]
  14. Darkness, still pinned down, managed to free a hoof, "D..Darkness...Darkness Eclipsed," he said a bit shyly, it was a bit embarrassing the circumstance to meet her brother under, plus...he wasn't sure if he was a chill or protective one either.
  15. Queen just stared blankly as she looked at the odd device, "Just make it quick," she said, "oh and lucky you, I..." she looked down quick, "..don't have a Cutie mark," she shook her head and looked back up.
  16. Darkness held her close and nuzzled her neck, "I'm so glad I met you," he said warmly to her as he looked back up and into her beautiful eyes
  17. Darkness sighed happily as he looked at her and gently pressed hi lips to hers and pulled back and blushed heavily, did I just...kiss...her, oh my...that was...so...nice!
  18. He nuzzled her cheek, "Then...you might want to get off me," he teased warmly, making sure it sounded playful so he didn't insult her.
  19. Darkness held her, "Ya know, there right," he whispered, "Come on, let's go over to the whitetail woods, we can be more private," he smiled warmly, even if it seemed a bit odd it was..to him...an innocent jesture, he was never a good talker, and the more it dwelled on him he hoped she didn't take it wrong!
  20. Queen sighed as she watched David, it seemed that he was a bit distant, she turned to them, "now let's hurry along before i snap something," she said, "I hate this place and i just wanna go home again," she looked back, "hopefully with him" Rarity looked at the Queen, she seemed to be very out of it, it worried Rarity a bit, she shrugged, "Dunno if she can be fashioned!"
  21. Harvey saw the reply email and smiled, "Hey Twilight, I got the location of your friend Rarity, but we have to go clothes shopping, th..this may be awkward for me," he sighed and smiled, "But just rest a bit more, stores don't open till the morning" Queen came out and glared at Colette before giving David a quick kiss on the cheek, "Yes, stay here honey, we won't be long, I promise," she said with a warm smile
  22. Darkness was beat red as he was suddenly tackled down by the mare and held closely..but very affectionately, why did she care so much? His mind raced a mile a minute, feeling every sensation of love, admiration, and happiness he could at once, it was so much! He gently wrapped his wings around her and nuzzled into her neck lovingly, giving it a quick lick, this was his only way he could think of showing his love to her, he dared not scare her off with a kiss!
  23. [ok,. ill try again if there are guidelines, and a more stable plot please....this went ai wall] Darkness got bored and flew back to the woods, "maybe another day" he muttered solmely
  24. [haven't seen david post anything in quite some time dude, so post/repost it and i can reply]
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