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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Darkness looked at her, "I..its ok, th..thats just how I feel," he said softly, "I...I don't blame ya if you feel differently, we..we can still be friends"
  2. Darkness was pinned under her and giggled as they lay on the flowers and he panted a bit, "T..that was fun!" he smiled warmly at her and kissed her.
  3. "yeaj," Darkness said, nuzzling her neck, hoping she wasn't tricking him, he trusted her, but it was just so odd
  4. Darkness touched his muzzle to hers, "It will be fine, I mean i'm sure they will realize soon enough that he isn't in an eternal sumber, right?" Darkness asked her
  5. Darkness just listened to her and when he was finally gonna reply another stallion approached and he sighed, well there goes any shot I have, .Darkness looked down and just said "Well I like ya, your sweet, kind, and...well...cute," he closed his eyes.
  6. Darkness looked over, "Why were you gonna make it anyway?" he asked curiously
  7. he sighed, "Ju..just remembering the loneliness," he sighed, "Of hearts and hooves day...of life," he looked down, "I'm sorry, I should have tried to keep more subtle"
  8. Queen looked over at the door, "YOU BETTER NOT BE CALLING ME THAT DISRESPECTFUL NAME!" she shouted as she got up and dressed in her kimono Rarity awoke and changed to follow Colette, happily well rested
  9. He blushed a bit, "th..thanks," he said a bit warmly, though clearly still very nervous, especially as she had given him a look over, "I..I'm Darkness....Darkness Eclipsed."
  10. He slowly sat, "We..well m..my pa..parents alw.. always told me i..i was a freak," he looked down sadly, "Th..they we..were uni..unicorns...we..well, so was...everyone el..else in my ho..hometown,"
  11. He froze up, she was so close! he stumbled back a bit, "I..It's just...looo.look at me, i..i'm a monster...it..its what my pa..parents sa..said," he looked down, "th..that i..im a monster and do..don't belong!"
  12. He looked down, "O..oh...I'm sorry," he sighed, "Seems I can never do anything right" he said solemly, "I..I guess I..I'll leave," he closed his eeys, fighting back more tears, "N..no point in staying, I'm a monster!" he turned to eave, readying his wings for take off, he was an excellent, good enough for wonderbolt material...but he would never join them, he was fearful of the mockery he might receive.
  13. Darkness soon trotted to her side and looked down to canterlot and sighed as he turned to her, "Come on, we just want to get in and out," he looked back at the city, "I don't like crowds" he said simply as he waited for her to take lead on this mini adventure...at least Canterlot always seemed like that to him!
  14. He looked up, "I..It's nothing," he said looking just to her left, unable to make eyes contact...she was a amre...talking to him, "he looked down, "saddly its nothing you can help me with, plus its not like you would understand," he looked up, "n..no offense of course," he stammered quickly, "It..it's just a mare with yo..your..bea...attractiveness, and ra..rank must be de..desired."
  15. He slowly opened his eyes, not sure why, and saw her...she was kind of cute...he sighed as he looked down sadly and closed his eyes, letting a small tear break from hie eye as he sighed and buried his face in his crossed hooves, trying not to cry.
  16. Darkness lay in the shadows under a great oak by the Canterlot park and sighed as he looked around, he was alone, like usual, he looked around and noticed a few couples and sighed, "Look at them...so happy," he closed his eyes, making him nearly inviable, beside his red mane and tail, he was..after all...he was a pitch black pegasus
  17. Darkness just listened as he looked at Scissor, she seemed worried
  18. Darkness laid down under the shade and smiled warmly at her [not even sure what to do with Emerald, maybe just have her like leave or something ]
  19. Darkness nodded, quite intruiged by this as he followed her down to watch her help Light out. He smiled warmly at her as he looked around att he group.
  20. Darkness nodded to her with a small smile and began to follow her to town as he looked back at the lake one last time, it might be a little while before he sets hoof in there again, but Ponyville was a quaint little town that he always enjoyed to visit, very lovely ponies down there, so friendly and warm!
  21. Rarity blushe and held Colett, "you too," she said slowly drifiting to sleep happily.
  22. [guess so] Rarity nodded and laid down, waiting for colette to join her
  23. [nin ja'd....now feel useless im just gonna get Emerald i guess...]\
  24. Darkness went into the room with Scissors, "so...whatcha making now?" he asked her warmly Emerald shook a hoof, "nah im good!" she said warmly as she sat on the couch
  25. [i think im max rank a person can become been on here a long time!] Darkness nodded and followed her up Emerald landed and ducked in, "Dashie!" she grinned, "Your not as fast as you used to be!" she teased, "I followed ya, wanted to meet your other....." she saw the group she was with before, "oh"
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