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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Harvey leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, awaiting a reply.
  2. Moonlite sat next to him with a smile as she rested her head on his shoulder gently
  3. "ye..yes, come in" she blushed, oh sweet Celestia he will be in my house! she screamed inside and blushed heavy as she shuffled a hoof and opened the door for him.
  4. She shrugged, "whatever comes to mind, so a bit of a variety, guess mainly manga"
  5. (sigh, no puzzlebeat to go to chrysalis/leisha who is in that crater and no Fluttershy for Darkness) Moonlite smiled as tey walked there.
  6. [one does not simply make a LOR joke] She purred a bit, "yes its nice and peaceful," she said warmly, "but your right, its much better right here, come on lets find a place to lay down, my hooves are tired."
  7. Moonlite smiled, "To be honest, I live alone mostly, near the Whitetail forest in Canterlot," she nuzzled his neck, "So its fine, trust me," she said giving his ear an affectionate lick
  8. Twilight shook her head, "no..no, Regeal was it? your not imposing at all," she blushed, "I'm glad to have a handsome stallion as company, its..erp!" she squeeked as she realized she had just said he was handsome without thinking Why? how come I'm in love with him, or is this not love? Oh dear I just dunno!!
  9. Moonlite didn't quite understand but she nodded, "Ok, we can go if you want," she said with a warm smile as she held his hoof.
  10. "yeah," she smiled at him and giggled, "I'm fairly boring, i draw a bit and play my pc and xbox" she sighed a bit.
  11. Twilight nodded, "co..come along then," she said to him with a warm welcoming smile as she slowly lead him toward her home, "A..as you now kn..know I'm Twilight Sparkle, wh...who are you?" she asked, a lot of times resisting the urge to add 'my fair stallion' or 'handsome stallion'...sweet Celestia this was weird.
  12. Moonlite nuzzled him warmly and affectionately, "Me too, glad your with me,"
  13. Soon a tremor began to sound as the power rippled from the queen, her body beginning to rip apart, but not entirely, instead it was just like shedding, leaving behind her alternate form. Seconds later a blast, the size and sound of a Sonic Rainboom ripped across the sky, but it was the neon ghostly green of the magic she once had, the new Chrysalis, Leisha, collaspsed in the center of the crater she had indirectly created
  14. The Queen gasped, "too much!" she said as she sprinted out of the dome, out of the party, "it hurts, theres too much!" she was soon in the plains, "oh please forgive me" she whispered as a torrent of power began to ripple ina circle around her. (yeah another side effect, it is her power, now she has too much )
  15. Chrysalis then turned toward the stage seeing the four ponies preparing something she waited. Darkness finally calmed down enough to try and return to Fluttershy, they might not be anything, but he said wanted to talk to her(whenever she gets back on ) Moonlite looked toward the stage and smiled, "oh a suprise," she whispered to Quillhart
  16. Chrysalis looked down, "we began to suffer," she sighed, "soon ilness and worse plagued us, and thats why we got desperate, capuring the loved one, but now..now were here and fine," she admitted
  17. Chrysalis nodded and sat up and smiled at David, "yes definately" Rarity slowly let go of hid hand and followed Conner
  18. "What do you do after school?" she asked him warmly, hoping he would stay mature about the question...
  19. Chrysalis released David as they got in the back seat and laid down. Rarity felt a bit odd holding Charles hand but ignored it, "I'm fine" she said warmly.
  20. [yeah] "What do you mean, I thought you asked that," she asked him as they walked, she was shoulder in shoulder with him
  21. The new voice snapped her back to reality for just a breif bit, she whipped her head over, "I..I'm fine but he...." she trailed off as she looked back over, "He seems a bit hurt," she finished finally, "Bu..but he..he could com..come to my ho...home, I kn..know a spell," she finally stammered out, having again locked eyes with him, she was deep red and flustered, some odd voice in her head was screaming....kiss him....it would scream, she held it off, she just met him...wait..was that it...was this feeling..these thoughts..Sweet Celestia.....I'M IN LOVE!!!!!
  22. She nodded as he led her next to his booth, she hoped though, that later, somepony would take over for a bit to let him dance on the floor with her.
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