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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Twilight felt this odd tingle once more, stronger, warm now, so odd, but it seemed to be pointing her somewhere, so..despite her better judgement...she followed it. Soon she saw him, he was...was..oh she couldn't think of a word to describe how she was feeling about him. As she slowly approached him her stomach felt odd, like..like butterflies, she was nervous..but why? She slwoly got to him and went to speak but nothing came out, she tried again, this time managing a soft 'squee' she blushed deeply without knowing. What's wrong with me, my stomach is fluttery, my cheeks so hot, i feel warm inside, i can't speak to him....am I sick? she wondered as she stood awkwardly in front of him, shuffling a hoof unkowningly
  2. Moonlite was beat red, clearly not accustomed to so much affection from a Stallion, "I'm gl...glad to be here with you," she said softyl as she closed her eyes, holding him close as they danced softly.
  3. "Let's go roam the halls," she said with a smile, she didn't see the harm in it.
  4. Twilight was frantic around her house, looking for a book, a book about anything, she was sure she had one book she hadn't read twelve times, there had to be one! After a good few hours of searching she had no avail and sighed as she went to head outside, it seemed like a good day out, but her horn tingled, she wasn't sure why, it just did. Fluttershy slept soundly in her small cottage to the edge of the Everfree forest, she was a light sleeper though so upon Angel bounding in for breakfast the butter coloured pegasus slowly stirred and let out a small yawn and rubbed her eyes, "[colour=#ffff00]oh morning Angel, are you hungry?[/colour]" she asked the small bunny who nodded. She slowly got out of bed and trotted toward the kitchen to get some breakfast when she spotted a lone Unicorn off toward the hill, "[colour=#ffff00]How odd, never seen him around,[/colour]​" she said quietly before turning back to Angel with food.
  5. Moonlit blushed a little but nodded taking his hoof in hers, letting him take lead, she was never much a dancer. Chrysalis was deep red but held out her hoof to take a light hold on his hoof as they headed to the dance floor
  6. She shrugged, "pretty much anything but country," she smiled warmly, feeling more comfortable now, holding hands had that effect.
  7. Chrysalis sat at the edge of the shade, closing her eyes and listening to the beat, hearing the music happily, it was nice to be here, even if she kind of hid in the darkness of a corner Darkness just froze as he was suddenly in the dance, he looked to Fluttershy, "so..sorry, I..I don't do good in crowds!" he cried out as he ran to a corner and began breathing heavy, "Th..they..they are all..all watching me!" he said as nightmares of the past flashed as the lights did.
  8. Queen sighed, "Look, I'm sorry," she said to Colette, "but don't expect me to be any easy shopper, as a pony we usually don't wear clothes, so I'm gonna be picky," she said simply. A few hours later he appeared and seemed fine, after he talked and kissed her she just held him close, being taller he was against her chest.... Rarity saw David fly by, possibly literally, a few hours later and went out to see him, he was...he was in love with her! She couldn't believe it, he was actually purely..in love, no spell, no nothing!
  9. Moonlite blushed and nodded, heading inside of the building and waited for him to follow. Chrysalis nudged Puzzlebeat, "might want to start up your stuff," she said to him happily as she smiled, looking away to cough. Darkness let out a weak cough, "so...um...Fl..Fluttershy, you..you wan...want to go..go to the pa..party with..with me?" he asked shyly (who is playing Fluttershy?)
  10. The Queen looked away, trying to ignore the girl, she was starting to piss Chrysalis off, wasn't it bad enough she was frozen and under dressed, but that her lover was in critical condition, but still, this woman insisted on mocking her and edging her on, she swore she was gonna snap. Rarity nodded and looked back at the queen, still a bit confused but followed Conner, but every time she saw Colette she felt something...it was getting awkward, she had to talk to the girl...alone.
  11. Chrysalis took a second, not wanting to leave David with these strange people in odd outfits but sighed and slolwy followed Coletta. Rarity on the other hand, stayed in a seat as she looked around aimlessly
  12. She nuzzled his neck and slowly got up, "Come on, let's go before I fall asleep," she smiled warmly as she offered him a hoof up.
  13. "No, no, Lovinity I assume will be coming," Chrysalis said with a smile, "I can just ask her for a bit of love," she said simply and smiled, closing her eyes and ilting her head a bit, "I'll be..*cough*...fine," Moonlite just listened, wanting to fall asleep but didn't dare too, she wished not to miss this night!
  14. Harvey nodded and awaited a reply as he sat back and relaxed a bit Chrysalis went out the other side and looked miserable, she couldn't look at david at all, blaming herself still
  15. She snuggled up next to him, resting her head on him as she smiled at him and relaxed, she liked this, just relaxing..
  16. Moonlite smiled, blushing heavily, the Stallion was so affectionate, she shuffled a hoof, a bit nervous, now wondering if she was good enogh for him, he seemed so much better then her. He gave him a little smile as the party location loomed ahead, "le..lets stay out here, un..under the tree...until more ponies arrived," she suggested, very nervous
  17. Chrysalis smiled at him, then turned away to cough, "Oh my, I'm so sorry for all this coughing," she sighed, "it comes with the disease I have," she said looking at him
  18. Chrysalis gently placed her head onto his shoulder and sighed with another weak cough, "thanks," she said warmly to him
  19. Chryslais slowly stopped crying and let out a weak cough as she turned around and nodded, "Ok, if your sure, than i will stay," she said with a smile to him as she slowly wiped away her tears
  20. [lol ] Chrysalis just held him, crying into his shoulder, hearing him, but not believing him.
  21. I'll play the egghe....erm...Twilight, also i could play another Mane 6 if needed
  22. she blushed as she slowly turned that hand around and gently held his with a warm smile at him
  23. She smiled, as they walked, she was with such a handsome stallion, this was perfect Chrysalis sat but didn't look back, "Then tell me, do you want me here, or not?" she sobbed still, it was hurting her to sob, showing emotion drained her love.
  24. Queenie sighed, "It's my fault," she said softly Harvey looked at Twilight, "relax, I'm sure she is fine" he said
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