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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. The Queen looked away, "Its not that easy" she said as she looked at the ceiling, "You make it sound so easy, but I gave up that hope, especially after Canterlot incident," she turned back and looked directly at Cadence, "Canterlot....that was a mistake...that wasn't how things were supposed to go....things got out of hoof," she sighed and closed her eyes, letting out a weak cough once more and looked away, saying three simple words no pony, well except maybe Lovinity, would ever imagine hearing..."I'm sorry Cadence"
  2. "Hah!" she laughed, "Like you actually care!" she coughed a bit and glared at them, "But no matter, with you three out of the way Hearts and Hooves day will be no more!" she glared but her eyes were not as bright as usual
  3. "Let ma message them back," Harvey replied as he slowly sent the message to the user about having a completely lost woman claiming to be Twilight and sighed rubbing his temples, "Ok now we wait, come on, lets get ya a place to lay down fer now"
  4. Unfortunately for the trio in the Crystal Empire it was who they feared it was, and Chrysalis stood near the top of the Staircase, "[colour=#00ff00]Hello there,[/colour]" she sneered, "[colour=#00ff00]Did you enjoy yourselves![/colour]" she narrowed her eyes at them, "[colour=#00ff00]You three get so annoying sometimes, I mean why couldn't you just stay down there![/colour]" She growled, but something in her voice was just a little off..she was sick!
  5. Then Darkness spotted the Treehouse and he gasped, "th..that must be..be the home of Twi..Twilight Sp..Sparkle," he stared at it and decided to go up and knock, to see if she was home, Moonlite would kill him if he missed a chance to meet Twilight
  6. He rubbed his temples, "Wow, you must really be drunk, Aye really dunt have time for this," he said as suddenly his computer made a beep and he walked over, "Aye, what tis?" he said as he read the new post, "Aye you aint the only nuts one here gurl," he smiled, "'parently yar friends are here, some people found Rarity and Fluttershy," he said having been to tired to argue "I shall not leave, and don't you mock me!" she said coldly in reply, "No if I leave the elements will shred me!" she sighed and laid back on the bed.
  7. Rarity nodded and lowered her skirt, "Good luck with...her" Rarity sneered at the word still insulted by the Queen Harvey sighed, "Yeah, ya'll on that TV show, My little pony, Yar the element of magic," he pointed to his computer, "see" he said showing the background image of the mane 6"
  8. Rarity shrugged unsure what was so embaressing as she did so, "there, is that good?"
  9. Darkness shuffled a hoof, "I guess it couldn't hurt to go," he said and nodded his head at Discord, "We..well bye then..i guess," he said simply and began slowly trotting toward Ponyville, not sure what to do anymore
  10. "Twilight? yar trin' ta me that yar a pony?" he said knowing a bit about the show, not a heavy brony but just a pinch, "Now i dunno what yar on but were on Earth, more specifically..Scotland!"
  11. "p..party?" he asked, "wh..what party?" he sighed, "Oh...I do so..so bad at parties..so many ponies" he said half to himself
  12. eh not into love triangles, my charries would definately back away from that, if push comes to shove ill just drop back and go for Twilight i guess
  13. bump, really ghoping someone will rp, i feel this charrie is dying
  14. "Ma name er Harvey, yar in ma house," he said, "How ya got here though I got no idea, what is yar name?"
  15. "Fl..fluttershy?" he asked, "Isn't she an element?" he asked knowing a little about the elements, "Oh..an..an honor it would be to..to meet her and and the others"
  16. "No no, i isolate myself usually, living near the Whitetail forest," Darkness explained, "So my appologizes for not knowing Discord"
  17. "Um, ok...um..." she looked behind her, "you may need to find it for me," she saidf innocently.
  18. "I..I'm Darkness," he said as he slolwy looked up at this very odd creature in front of him and finally realized what it was, not who though, "Your..your..your a Draconequus!" he was in utter shock, "How..how did one of you end up in Ponyville?
  19. Darkness jumped back and looekd down, "Oh, Sorry, did i bother you?" he said as he looked up at the odd creature, "What..what are you?" he asked slowly then shook his head, "Oh I must sound so rude, I w..was hoping the pony that l..lived here could h..help me," he said, "I..I wanted to know about the e..everfree, seems like only place i..i fit in, ya know?" he said shyly never able to meet Discord's eyes
  20. "Well because og my 'sister' I have fondness of magic and reading" he smiled at her, "but what about you, i mean beside dance," his smile was warm even with how nervous he was
  21. Darkness slowly padded up to the little cottage and slowly knocked on the door and sat, awaiting, hoping it wasn't someone scary.....or a mare! oh he was scared of mares, was never able to talk to them, it was a past probliem
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