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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Rarity nodded, "Ok," she smiled warmly Harvey heard a crash and went down to see, "Hey hey hey, what are you doin in er?" he asked her and walked over, "Ye alight ladie?" his accent was thick, laden with scotland
  2. "Eh, not much, I usually just crash at my place, bit of black ops 2 zombies," she smiled, "Why do you ask?" she wondered
  3. Darkness took a few breaths as he sat at the corner around from the shop and tried to relax, "It will be fine, its just a fun day...with a mare...a nice..attractive. he was so nervous as he slowly went around the corner and saw her there, slowly trotting towards her, "he..Hey beats"
  4. Darkness padded through Ponyville, he felt so...so...out of place, he didn't belong here, he needed nature, and everyone seemed to say to not go to the Everfree. But what could even be in there so sary? I mean he had seen a cottage near it, maybe he would ask the owner about the forest, so he slowly padded toward that direction, so nervous, he was so social awkward and shy
  5. I was waiting silver for pinkie and browneh for Darkness, if i missed them im sorry just please repost or something
  6. A shy for a shy, this outta be interesting...... Darkness for Fluttershy
  7. [sure] Being a bit out of his element as there were a lot more ponies around and dancing with her he was blushing heavily. He was keeping up with her well, but sometimes she would find herself leading him, but they were always in sync
  8. It took him a second to get what she ment but he nodded and stood up, following soon after her with a smile, "Yes, let's," he said with a warm smile to her, he just hoped she wasn't to upset about his answer before, he would love to go see the town with her, it was just he was so nervous, it was kind of like a date.
  9. Rarity smiled and looked at Colette, "So..how are you going to take my picture?" she asked looking around for a fancy studio or something of the similar (where is twilight so harvy can find here?)
  10. [sorry for not posting sooner] Darkness slept quite soundly as the night went on, he had, inadvertently, cuddle closely to Fantasy as the night went on. Soon the sun began to rise already and a small bird began to whistle as Darkness awoke he was face to face with Fantasy, he blushed heavy and scooted away a bit, slowly yawning and sitting up.
  11. "um..well..sure, sounds like fun," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "so...what should we do...like now?"
  12. "Well, Canterlot, sort of," she said, "Like I live in a small house near the WhiteTail Forest," she said as she began to eat, blushing as she looked at her tray, he is so handsome and nice...how did I meet him on my first day!?! she wondered happily
  13. Darkness blushed, "oh..um..i like pizza," she said as she looked at him with a warm smile.
  14. Rarity smiled, "On our flanks...." she looked over Colette's body and pointed to her rear, "I wanna say about there!" she said, "So yeah...." she looked over toward the room, "help?" she smiled warmly. Chrysalis clenched a fist, "Don't rush me!" she yelled back, "I ain't comin out till those others leave, I would like to live!" Rarity froze, "live?" she said softly, "Is chrysalis dearful of us now?" she was so lost at the statement the queen had just yelled
  15. [sorry for lack of posts i shall post again tommorow been busy]
  16. Rarity smiled, "Well a picture isn't so bad, let me just..." she froze, "Um well me cutie mark...where is it....Colette you may need to help me find it..in private," she said as she looked over herself but was still so unused to the body Queen just stared out the window to the yard, realizing she wasn't wanted here, beside david
  17. [colour=#282828]Your name (first and last) : Harvey McTavish[/colour] [colour=#282828]Your age: 18[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: male[/colour] [colour=#282828]Height: 6 ft[/colour] [colour=#282828]Weight: 150 lbs[/colour] [colour=#282828]Distinct features (if any): Scratch across left eye, HEAVY SCOTTISH ACCENT[/colour] [colour=#282828]Occupation: Mechanic[/colour] [colour=#282828]What city do you live in? (make one up if you'd like) : Whatever city we are all in right now[/colour]
  18. "it..its fine i guess, jus..just so many people," she said as she looked around, "I..I mean i did meet some nice m..man already!"
  19. "Oh, um, well.." she stammered as she looked around, "ho..how about there?" she said pointing to the far back corner with an empty table, "I..I'm just n..not very social." she looked toward him with a smile
  20. Luna nodded to her sister as Celestia walked past but she stopped, "do you feel that sister?" Luna asked, "Something odd has arrived near Ponyville, you should ask the Elements to keep an eye out," with that she yawned and trotted down the stairs to her sleeping quarters and curled up to get a bit of rest. A lone grey pegasi slowly drifted over the sky in Ponyville, it was early in the morning and she was waiting to see if any clouds would show up, a nice fluffy one she could bounce on! Oh she loved cloud bouncing, Rainbow Dash almost always scolded her for it but it was too much fun to resist, almost like muffins!
  21. Darkness shrugged, "I..I dunno, I..I draw, and dance," she said as she smiled at him, "And of course I..I'm a gamer," she blushed a bit
  22. "Eh, usually stay around the Whitetail forest, I'm not exactly the most social pony around," he said looking around, "this is the biggest group i have been around in ages" he said with a smile, "Only person I know in Canterlot really is Moonlite frost, she is like a sister," he said, "long story"
  23. Darkness froze as the male from before said she had beautiful eyes, causing an instant re blush to overcome her face. She shuffled a foot then realized he had asked hers and turned to him, "I..I'm Darkness," she said nervously, "Darkness Eclipsed" she said and looked at him, "It's lunch," she said, "wa..want to go eat?"she managed to say Pinkie smiled and followed him happily
  24. Darkness looked out the window, "yeah, guess so, gonna be here for a week, little get away," he smiled back at her, "So Beats, if i can call you that, what else you do in your free time?" he asked as he slowly headed toward a table, hoping she would follow
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